Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janette Rutterford

64 items in this list.
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2025To Top

Sotiropoulos, Dimitris P.; Tori, Daniele and Rutterford, Janette (2025). UK investment trusts and the Baring Crisis. Business History (in press).

2023To Top

2022To Top

Rutterford, Janette; Sotiropoulos, Dimitris and Kyparissis, Antonis (2022). British Investment Trusts 1868 to 1928: Portfolio Diversification and the Beginnings of Institutional Investment. In: Arie, A.; Marcuzzo, C. and Rosselli, A. eds. Financial Markets in Perspective. Lessons from Economic History and History of Economic Thought. Springer Studies in the History of Economic Thought. Springer, pp. 19–41.

2021To Top

2020To Top

2019To Top

2018To Top

2017To Top

2016To Top

Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette (2016). Investing in charities in the nineteenth century: The financialization of philanthropy. Accounting History, 21(2-3) pp. 263–280.

2014To Top

Rutterford, Janette (2014). Everard Hambro, between investment Banker & investor. In: Bonin, Hubert and Brambilla, Carlo eds. Investment Banking History: National and Comparative Issues (19th-21st centuries). Euroclio (78). Brussels: P.I.E. Pete Lang, S.A., pp. 51–82.

Rutterford, Janette (2014). Everard Hambros, between investment banker and inventor. In: Bonin, Hubert and Brambilla, Carolo eds. Investment Banking History, National and Comparative Issues (19th - 21st centuries). Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 51–81.

2012To Top

Rutterford, Janette (2012). Valuing equities in the UK and the US: fashions and trends. In: Poitras, Geoffrey ed. Handbook of Research on Stock Market Gloablization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 116–136.

Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette (2012). Gender and finance. In: Knorr Cetina, Karin and Preda, Alex eds. Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Managment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 510–528.

2011To Top

Lowe, J. and Rutterford, J. (2011). Savings and investments. In: Callaghan, George; Fribbance, Ian and Higginson, Martin eds. Personal Finance (2nd edition). Basingstoke/Milton Keynes, UK: Palgrave Macmillan/The Open University, pp. 174–228.

Maltby, Josephine; Rutterford, Janette; Green, David R.; Ainscough, Steven and Van Mourik, Carien (2011). The evidence for 'democratization' of share ownership in Great Britain in the early twentieth century. In: Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. Men, Women and Money: Perspectives on Gender, Wealth and Investment 1850-1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 184–206.

Rutterford, Janette; Green, David R.; Maltby, Josephine and Owens, Alastair (2011). Who comprised the nation of shareholders? Gender and investment in Great Britain, c. 1870–1935. The Economic History Review, 64(1) pp. 157–187.

Green, David R.; Maltby, Josephine; Owens, Alastair and Rutterford, Janette eds. (2011). Men, Women and Money: Perspectives on Gender, Wealth and Investment, 1850-1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette (2011). Men, women and money: an introduction. In: Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. Men, Women and Money: Perspectives on Gender, Wealth and Investment, 1850- 1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–30.

2010To Top

Rutterford, Janette (2010). The company prospectus: marketing shares on the London Stock Exchange, 1855 to 1940. In: Watters, Cheryl and Zimnovitch, Henri eds. Histoire des Entreprises du Transport: Evolutions Comptables et Managériales. Paris, France: L'Harmattan.

Rutterford, Janette (2010). Risk-return strategies. In: Mazzucato, Mariana; Shipman, Alan; Lowe, Jonquil and Trigg, Andrew eds. Personal Investments in an Uncertain World. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave McMillan.

Rutterford, Janette (2010). Finance and financial institutions. In: Edwards, John Richard and Walker, Stephen. P eds. Routledge Companion to Accounting History. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Rutterford, Janette (2010). The place to be seen? Annual general meetings in the UK 1890 to 1965. In: Journees de l'Histoire du Comptabilite et du Management, 24-26 Mar 2010, Paris, France.

Rutterford, Janette (2010). The role of women in ethical and philanthropic stock market investment. In: BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies) Tenth Anniversary Conference: Victorian Forms & Formations, 2-4 Sep 2010, Glasgow.

Rutterford, Janette (2010). Portfolio diversification in practice: evidence from 1870 to 1902 in England and Wales. In: 22nd Annual Conference on Accounting, Business and Financial History, 6-7 Sep 2010, Cardiff, Wales.

2009To Top

Rutterford, Janette (2009). The financial crisis and its impact on trusts and trustees. Trusts and Trustees, 15(2) pp. 104–108.

Green, David R.; Owens, Alastair; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette (2009). Lives in the balance? Gender, age and assets in late-nineteenth-century England and Wales. Continuity and Change, 24(2) pp. 307–335.

Rutterford, Janette; Maltby, Josephine; Green, David R. and Owens, Alastair (2009). Research shareholding and investment in England and Wales: approaches, sources and methods. Accounting History, 14(3) pp. 269–292.

Rutterford, Janette (2009). Women and wealth in fiction in the long nineteenth century 1800-1914. In: Laurence, Anne; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. Women and Their Money 1700-1950: Essays on Women and Finance. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Laurence, A.; Maltby, J. and Rutterford, J. (2009). Introduction. In: Laurence, A.; Maltby, J and Rutterford, J. eds. Women and Their Money 1700-1950: Essays on Women in Finance. Routledge.

Green, David and Rutterford, Janette (2009). Spreading the net: distance, shareholding and the geography of risk in England and Wales 1870-1935. In: Economic History Society Annual Conference, 3-5 Apr 2009, University of Warwick.

2008To Top

Rutterford, Janette and Maltby, Josephine (2008). 'That wide-eyed sceptical curiosity that makes women so formidable': Women's investment behaviour before and after the First World War'. In: 7th European Social Science History Conference, 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2008, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Rutterford, J.; Maltby, J. and Owens, A. (2008). The sleeping partners? Women shareholders in England and Wales, 1870-1935. In: Economic History Society Annual Conference, 28-30 Mar 2008, University of Nottingham, UK.

Rutterford, J.; Maltby, J. and Owens, A. (2008). Women investors in England and Wales: a class of their own? In: Business History Conference, 10-12 Apr 2008, Sacramento, USA.

Rutterford, Janette (2008). The rise of the small investors in the US and the UK, 1900 to 1960. In: Business History after Chandler, Association of Business Historians Annual Conference, 4-5 Jul 2008, University of Birmingham, UK.

Rutterford, Janette (2008). The rise of the small investors in the US and the UK, 1900 to 1960. In: Association of Business Historians Conference, 21-23 Aug 2008, Bergen, Norway.

2007To Top

Rutterford, Janette (2007). Savings and investments. In: Callaghan, George; Fribbance, Ian and Higginson, Martin eds. Personal Finance. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 169–222.

Rutterford, Janette (2007). The Merchant Banker, the Broker and the Company Chairman: the Thames Iron new issue. In: Owen, J. Roger ed. Shipbuilding and Ships on the Thames. London: Greenwich Industrial History Society.

2006To Top

Rutterford, Janette and Maltby, Josephine (2006). 'The Widow, the clergyman and the reckless': women investors in England, 1830- 1914. Feminist Economics, 12(1-2) pp. 111–138.

Rutterford, Janette (2006). The merchant banker, the broker and the company chairman: a new issue case study. Accounting, Business and Financial History, 16(1) pp. 45–68.

Rutterford, Janette (2006). The World was their oyster: international diversification pre-World War I. In: Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. Financial Strategy (2nd Edition). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. (2006). Financial Strategy (2nd Edition). Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Rutterford, Janette (2006). Trends in finance theory: section overview. In: Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. Financial Strategy: adding stakeholder value, 2nd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 1–3.

Rutterford, Janette (2006). Adding value through investment; section overview. In: Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. Financial Strategy: adding stakeholder value, 2nd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 59–61.

Rutterford, Janette (2006). Adding value through financing: section overview. In: Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. Financial Strategy: adding stakeholder value, 2nd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 121–124.

2004To Top

1996To Top

Rutterford, Janette (1996). Discussion of convertible debt financing: an empirical analysis. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 23(2) pp. 335–338.


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