Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Oates

48 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 11:59:17 2025 GMT.

Edited BookTo Top

Oates, John; Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark eds. (2012). Developing Brains. Early Childhood in Focus, 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Oates, John ed. (2010). Supporting Parenting. Early Childhood in Focus, 5. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Oates, John ed. (2007). Attachment Relationships: Quality of Care for Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Oates, John ed. (2007). Kötődési kapcsolatok. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Book SectionTo Top

Oates, John (2019). Ethical Considerations in Psychology Research. In: Iphofen, Ron ed. Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Oates, John (2019). Research Ethics, Children, and Young People. In: Iphofen, Ron ed. Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Oates, John (2006). Ethical frameworks for research with human participants. In: Potter, Stephen ed. Doing postgraduate research. London: Sage, pp. 200–227.

Oates, John; Sheehy, Kieron and Wood, Clare (2005). Theories of development. In: Oates, John; Wood, Clare and Grayson, Andrew eds. Psychological Development and Early Childhood. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 47–88.

Oates, John (2002). Researching young children. In: Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, R. eds. Exploring issues in early years education and care. London, UK: David Fulton.

Journal ItemTo Top

Gorbunova, Viktoriia; Klymchuk, Vitalii; Savychenko, Olha; Palii, Valeriia; Kondur, Zemfira; Popenko, Viola and Oates, John (2023). Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and social determinants of mental health of Romani in Ukraine. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(5) pp. 678–698.

Baldisserotto, Márcia Leonardi; Griep, Rosane Harter; Oates, John and Theme-Filha, Mariza Miranda (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ) to Brazil: assessment of the measurement properties of construct validity and reliability. Current Psychology, 42 pp. 26275–26285.

Gorbunova, Viktoriia; Gusak, Natalia; Klymchuk, Vitalii; Palii, Valeriia; Ustenko, Vitalina; Kondur, Zemfira; Popenko, Viola and Oates, John (2022). Social determinants of mental well-being: senses of powerlessness and empowerment among Romani in Ukraine. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 26(2) pp. 156–166.

Gorbunova, Viktoriia; Gusak, Natalia; Klymchuk, Vitalii; Kondur, Zemfira; Valeriia, Paliy; Popenko, Viola and Oates, John (2021). Social constructions of mental health among Romani in Ukraine. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 25(2) pp. 123–133.

Oates, John and Gervai, Judit (2019). Mothers' Perceptions of Their Infants. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, 33(4) pp. 282–300.

Oates, John; Gervai, Judit; Danis, Ildiko; Lakatos, Krisztina and Davies, John (2018). Validation of the Mothers’ Object Relations Scales Short-form (MORS-SF). Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 33(1) pp. 38–50.

Baldisserotto, Márcia Leonardi; Theme-Filha, Mariza Miranda; Griep, Rosane Harter; Oates, John; Renó Junior, Joel and Cavalsan, Juliana Pires (2018). Transcultural adaptation to the Brazilian Portuguese of the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire for assessing the postpartum bond between mother and baby. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 34(7), article no. e00170717.

Oates, John (2013). Beyond the ‘red book’: the Early Years Developmental Journal. Journal of Health Visiting, 1(5) pp. 2–4.

Simkiss, Douglas E.; MacCallum, Fiona; Fan, Emma E. Y.; Oates, John M.; Kimani, Peter K. and Stewart-Brown, Sarah (2013). Validation of the mothers object relations scales in 2–4 year old children and comparison with the child–parent relationship scale. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11(1), article no. 49.

Appleton, Jane V.; Harris, Margaret; Oates, John and Kelly, Cat (2012). Evaluating health visitor assessments of mother–infant interactions: a mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(1) pp. 5–15.

Milford, Rebecca and Oates, John (2009). Universal screening and early intervention for maternal mental health and attachment difficulties. Community Practitioner, 82(8) pp. 30–33.

Oates, J. and Isaacs, E. (2008). Nutrition and cognition: assessing cognitive abilities in children and young people. European Journal of Nutrition, 47(s3) pp. 4–24.

Moore, Derek G.; Oates, John M.; Goodwin, Julia and Hobson, R. Peter (2008). Behavior of mothers and infants with and without Down Syndrome during the still-face procedure. Infancy, 13(1) pp. 75–89.

Oates, John (2007). Attachment matters. Early Childhood Matters, 109 pp. 17–20.

Oates, John and Messer, David (2007). Growing up with TV. The Psychologist, 20(1) pp. 30–32.

Moore, D.G.; Oates, J.M.; Hobson, P. and Goodwin, J. (2002). Cognitive and social factors in the development of infants with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 8(2) pp. 43–52.

Brockington, I. F.; Oates, J.; George, S.; Turner, D.; Vostanis, P.; Sullivan, M.; Loh, C. and Murdoch, C. (2001). A screening questionnaire for mother-infant bonding disorders. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 3(4)

Oates, John (1998). Risk factors for infant attrition and low engagement in experiments and free-play. Infant Behaviour and Development, 21(4) pp. 555–569.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Jones, Katie; Folliard, Kelda; Di Malta, Gina; Oates, John; Gilbert, Leah and Harrison, Virginia (2024). Risk factors associated with Postpartum Anxiety in Australia, Europe, and North America: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis [Conference Poster]. In: ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership Annual Conference 2024, 4-5 Jun 2024, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Lewis, Janet; Dingwall, Robert; Iphofen, Ron; Oates, John and Emmerich, Nathan (2013). Generic Ethics Principles in Social Science Research. In: Generic Ethics Principles in Social Science Research symposia, 5 Mar 15 Apr & 23 May 2013, London, Academy of Social Sciences.

Arreckx, F.; Bates, S.; Canning, N. and Oates, J. (2009). Developing through play: A multi-media professional development package. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Developmental Psychology Section Conference, 9-11 Sep 2009, Nottingham Trent University.

Oates, J.; Canning, N.; Arreckx, F. and Bates, S. (2008). Reusable learning objects: a multimedia professional development package. In: CETL, PBPL Annual Conference: Assessment, Experience and Reflection, 15-16 Oct 2008, The Open Universtiy, Milton Keynes.

OtherTo Top

Oates, John and Szekeres, Csaba (2011). Vortex. Hunnia FilmStudio, Budapest.

Oates, John; Appleton, Jane; Ponsford, Ruth; Kynan, Sally and Huntington, Corinne (2010). Milton Keynes Family-Nurse Partnership: Wave 2A 'Collaborative Working with Children's Centres'; a service evaluation. The Open University and Oxford Brookes University, Milton Keynes.

Oates, John (2005). Observation Methods. Not Set, UK.


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