Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane M. Bromley

33 items in this list.
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Book SectionTo Top

Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane (2018). Multilevel systems and policy. In: Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Paraskevas, Alexandros and Day, Christopher eds. Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory and Applications. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 363–387.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane M. (2017). Systems, Networks and Policy. In: Johnson, Jeffrey; Nowak, Andrzej; Ormerod, Paul; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Yi-Chang eds. Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking. Understanding Complex Systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 111–134.

Guyon, I.; Bromley, J. M.; Matić, N.; Schenkel, M. and Weissman, H. (1996). Penacée: a neural net system for recognizing on-line handwriting. In: Domany, E.; Van Hemmen, J. L. and Schulten, K. eds. Models of Neural Networks III: Association, Generalization and Representation. Physics of Neural Networks, 3. New York: Springer, pp. 255–279.

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Jackel, L. D.; Battista, M. Y.; Ben, J.; Bromley, J.; Burges, C. J. C.; Baird, H. S.; Cosatto, E.; Denker, J. S.; Graf, H. P.; Katseff, H. P.; Le Cun, Y.; Nohl, C. R.; Sackinger, E.; Shamilian, J. H.; Shoemaker, T.; Stenard, C. E.; Strom, B. I.; Ting, R.; Wood, T. and Zuraw, C. R. (1994). Neural network applications in character recognition and document analysis. In: Yuhas, Ben and Ansari, Nirwan eds. Neural Networks in Telecommunications. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 271–285.

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Alkhateeb, W.; Bromley, J. M.; Ibbotsen, V.; Javadnia, A.; Ruddock, K. H. and Terry, A. (1989). Parallel and sequential processing in visual discrimination of simple geometrical patterns. In: Kulikowski, J. J.; Dickinson, C. M. and Murray, I. J. eds. Seeing Contour and Colour: Proceeedings of the Third Symposium of the Northern Eye Instiute, Manchester, UK, 9-13 August 1987. Vision and Visual Health Care (3). Oxford: Pergamon Press, p. 419.

Journal ItemTo Top

Rojas, Karina; Collett, Thomas E; Ballard, Daniel; Magee, Mark R; Birrer, Simon; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth; Chan, James H H; Clément, Benjamin; Diego, José M; Gentile, Fabrizio; González, Jimena; Joseph, Rémy; Mastache, Jorge; Schuldt, Stefan; Tortora, Crescenzo; Verdugo, Tomás; Verma, Aprajita; Daylan, Tansu; Millon, Martin; Jackson, Neal; Dye, Simon; Melo, Alejandra; Mahler, Guillaume; Ogando, Ricardo L C; Courbin, Frédéric; Fritz, Alexander; Herle, Aniruddh; Barroso, Javier A Acevedo; Cañameras, Raoul; Cornen, Claude; Dhanasingham, Birendra; Glazebrook, Karl; Martinez, Michael N; Ryczanowski, Dan; Savary, Elodie; Góis-Silva, Filipe; Ureña-López, L Arturo; Wiesner, Matthew P; Wilde, Joshua; Calçada, Gabriel Valim; Cabanac, Rémi; Pan, Yue; Sierra, Isaac; Despali, Giulia; Cavalcante-Gomes, Micaele V.; Macmillan, Christine; Maresca, Jacob; Grudskaia, Aleksandra; O’Donnell, Jackson H.; Paic, Eric; Niemiec, Anna; de la Bella, Lucia F.; Bromley, Jane M.; Williams, Devon M.; More, Anupreeta and Levine, Benjamin C. (2023). The impact of human expert visual inspection on the discovery of strong gravitational lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523 pp. 4413–4430.

Wilde, Joshua; Serjeant, Stephen; Bromley, Jane M; Dickinson, Hugh; Koopmans, Léon V E and Metcalf, R Benton (2022). Detecting gravitational lenses using machine learning: exploring interpretability and sensitivity to rare lensing configurations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(3) pp. 3464–3479.

Lauritsen, Lynge; Dickinson, Hugh; Bromley, Jane; Serjeant, Stephen; Lim, Chen-Fatt; Gao, Zhen-Kai and Wang, Wei-Hao (2021). Super-resolving Herschel imaging: a proof of concept using Deep Neural Networks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(1) pp. 1546–1556.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Denning, Peter; Delic, Kemal and Bromley, Jane (2020). COVID-19 and computation for policy. Ubiquity, 2020(October) pp. 1–14.

Johnson, J.; Buckingham Shum, S.; Willis, A.; Bishop, S.; Zamenopoulos, T.; Swithenby, S.; MacKay, R.; Merali, Y.; Lorincz, A.; Costea, C.; Bourgine, P.; Louçã, J.; Kapenieks, A.; Kelly, P.; Caird, S.; Bromley, J.; Deakin Crick, R.; Goldspink, C.; Collet, P.; Carbone, A. and Helbing, D. (2012). The FuturICT education accelerator. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 214 pp. 215–243.

Bromley, Jane; Bentz, James W.; Bottou, Léon; Guyon, Isabelle; LeCun, Yann; Moore, Cliff; Säckinger, Eduard and Shah, Roopak (1993). Signature verification using a"Siamese" time delay neural network. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 7(4) pp. 669–688.

Bromley, Jane and Denker, John S. (1993). Improving rejection performance on handwritten digits by training with “rubbish”. Neural computation, 5(3) pp. 367–370.

Säckinger, Eduard; Boser, Bernhard E.; Bromley, Jane M.; LeCun, Yann and Jackel, Larry D. (1992). Application of the ANNA neural network chip to high-speed character recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 3(3) pp. 498–505.

Boser, Bernhard E.; Sackinger, Eduard; Bromley, Jane; leCun, Yann and Jackel, Lawrence D. (1992). Hardware requirements for neural network pattern classifiers: a case study and implementation. IEEE Micro, 12(1) pp. 32–40.

Matan, Ofer; Baird, Henry S.; Bromley, Jane M.; Burges, Christopher J. C.; Denker, John S.; Jackel, Lawrence D.; Le Cun, Yann; Pednault, Edwin P. D.; Satterfield, William D.; Stenard, Charles E. and Thompson, Timothy J. (1992). Reading handwritten digits: a ZIP code recognition system. Computer, 25(7) pp. 59–63.

Alkhateeb, W.; Bromley, J. M.; Humphreys, G. W.; Javadnia, A.; Riddoch, M. J. and Ruddock, K. H. (1992). Abnormal responses to multielement spatial stimuli in a subject with visual form agnosia. Clinical Vision Sciences, 7(3) pp. 163–173.

Boser, Bernhard E.; Säckinger, Eduard; Bromley, Jane M.; Le Cun, Yann and Jackel, Lawrence D. (1991). An analog neural network processor with programmable topology. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 26(12) pp. 2017–2025.

Bromley, J. M.; Javadnia, A. and Ruddock, K. H. (1987). Visual spatial filtering and pattern discrimination are abnormal in strabismic amblyopia. Clinical Vision Sciences, 1(3) pp. 209–218.

Blythe, Isobel M.; Bromley, Jane M.; Kennard, C. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). Visual discrimination of target displacement remains after damage to the striate cortex in humans. Nature, 320(6063) pp. 619–621.

Blythe, I. M.; Bromley, J. M.; Ruddock, K. H.; Kennard, C. and Traub, M. (1986). A study of systematic visual perseveration involving central mechanisms. Brain, 109(4) pp. 661–675.

Blythe, Isobel M.; Bromley, Jane M.; Holliday, I. E. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). The contribution of blue-sensitive cones to spatial responses of post-receptoral visual channels in man. Spatial Vision, 1(4) pp. 277–289.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Bromley, Jane M.; King, David and Morse, David R. (2014). Finding agriculture among biodiversity: metadata in practice. In: Metadata and Semantics Research, Springer International Publishing, pp. 185–192.

Bromley, Jane M.; Guyon, Isabelle; LeCun, Yann; Sackinger, Eduard and Shah, Roopak (1994). Signature verification using a Siamese time delay neural network. In: 7th Annual Neural Information Processing Systems Conference, 29 Nov - 02 Dec 1993, Denver, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 737–744.

Boser, Bernhard E.; Säckinger, Eduard; Bromley, Jane; LeCun, Yann; Howard, Richard E. and Jackel, Lawrence D. (1991). An analog neural network processor and its application to high-speed character recognition. In: IJCNN-91- International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 8-14 Jul 1991, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 415–420.

Jackel, L. D.; Stenard, C. E.; Baird, H. S.; Boser, B.; Bromley, J.; Burges, C. J. C.; Denker, J. S.; Graf, H. P.; Henderson, D.; Howard, R. E.; Hubbard, W.; leCun, Y.; Matan, O.; Pednault, E.; Satterfield, W.; Säckinger, E. and Thompson, T. (1991). A neural network approach to handprint character recognition. In: Compcon Spring'91: Digest of Papers, IEEE, pp. 472–475.

Alkhateeb, Wafa; Bromley, Jane; Javadia, Atafeh and Ruddock, K. H. (1987). Functional mapping of stimulus colour in human subjects suffering a central visual defect. In: Journal of Physiology, The Physiological Society, 388(suppl) p. 44.

Bromley, J. M.; Humphreys, G. W.; Javadnia, A.; Riddoch, M. J. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). Pattern discrimination in a human subject suffering visual agnosia. In: Journal of Physiology, 377(suppl) 67P.

Blythe, I. M.; Bromley, J. M.; Kennard, C. and Ruddock, K. H. (1985). Abnormal prolongation of visual sensations in a human subject. In: Physiological Society, St. Andrews Meeting, 14-15 Jun 1985, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, p. 20.

OtherTo Top

Bromley, J. and Sackinger, E. (1991). Neural-Network and k-Nearest-neighbor Classifiers. In Rapport technique AT&T Bell Laboratories.


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