Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jill Mordaunt

23 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 21:15:35 2025 GMT.

Edited BookTo Top

Book SectionTo Top

Reedy, Gabriel and Mordaunt, Jill (2010). Assessing 'wicked competencies' at a distance. In: Kemp, Patsy; Atfield, Richard and Tong, Richard eds. Enhancing Learning Through Assessment. The HEA BMAF/HLST Networks 'Enhancing' Series. Newbury, Berks: Threshold Press, pp. 24–31.

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). The governance of the voluntary and community sector - the starting point. In: ed. Developing an Integrated Governance Strategy for the Vountary and Community Sector: volume of evidence. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: The Foundation for Good Governance, pp. 7–14.

Mordaunt, Jill (2004). What should happen when governance fails? In: ed. Developing an Integrated Strategy for the Voluntary and Community Sector: volume of evidence. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: The Foundation for Good Governance, pp. 40–44.

Journal ItemTo Top

Mordaunt, Jill and Cornforth, Chris (2004). The role of boards in the failure and turnaround of non-profit organizations. Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 227–234.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). What's different about public and non-profit "turnaround"? Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 209–216.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2001). Non-profit management education: international trends and issues. Public Performance and Management Review, 25(1) pp. 57–73.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Cornforth, Chris; Mordaunt, Jill and Aiken, Michael (2008). Building capacity: Understanding the dilemmas of intevening in small and medium size charities. In: NCVO/VSSN Annual Research Conference, 9-10 Sep 2008, Warwick University.

Mordaunt, Jill and Reid, Kristen (2008). Successful capacity building: is there a greater challenge in rural areas? In: Revealing ruralities: exploring issues for the VCS in rural areas, 12 Nov 2008, Manchester, UK.

Mordaunt, Jill and Reid, Kristen (2008). Successful capacity building: is there a greater challenge in rural areas? In: Wales Voluntary Research Council Conference, 27 Oct 2008, Cardiff, Wales.

Cornforth, Chris; Mordaunt, Jill; Aiken, Michael and Otto, Shirley (2007). The grant maker, the change-maker and the organisation: exploring the relationship of capacity building. In: VSSN/NCVO Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, 5-6 Sep 2007, University of Warwick, UK.

Mordaunt, Jill; Cornforth, Chris and Otto, Shirley (2004). Crisis, failure and recovery and the governance of public and nonprofit organizations: the effects of participation. In: 6th International Society for Third Sector Research Conference,, 11-14 Jul 2004, Toronto, Canada.

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). The role of boards in organizational failure and turnaround. In: 8th International Research Symposium on Public Management, Apr 2004, Budapest, Hungary.

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2003). What do boards do when things go wrong? In: 32nd Annual ARNOVA Conference, 20-22 Nov 2003, Denver.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2002). The 'turnaround' process in non-profit contexts: four cases and some theory. In: Annual ARNOVA Conference, 16 Nov 2002, Montreal, Canada.

Edwards, Charles and Mordaunt, Jill (2001). Using the Web to provide context: management development for 'sectors'. In: 8th Annual EDINEB International Conference: Technology, Pedagogy and Innovation, 20-22 Jun 2001, Nice, France.

OtherTo Top

Cattell, C.; Cornforth, C.; Deniston, H.; Howarth, R.; Mordaunt, J.; Morrison, C.; Otto, S. and Wilcox, D. (2004). Development of an Integrated Governance Strategy for the Voluntary and Community Sector. Home Office Active Communities Unit, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.


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