Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Law

72 items in this list.
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Callon, Michel and Law, John (2005). On qualculation, agency, and otherness. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23(5) pp. 717–733.

Callon, Michel and Law, John (2004). Introduction: absence - presence, circulation, and encountering in complex space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22(1) pp. 3–11.

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Fressoli, Mariano; Lalouf, Alberto; González Korzeniewski, Manuel and Law, John (2006). Mapas o Pinboards. Re-construyendo la realidad en un espacio sin coordenadas preestablecidas. Una entrevista con John Law. Redes, 12(24) pp. 91–113.

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Joks, Solveig; Østmo, Liv and Law, John (2020). Verbing meahcci: Living Sámi lands. The Sociological Review, 68(2) pp. 305–321.

Joks, Solveig and Law, John (2017). Sámi salmon, state salmon: TEK, technoscience and care. The Sociological Review, 65(2_suppl) pp. 150–171.

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Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2020). Words to think with: An introduction. The Sociological Review, 68(2) pp. 263–282.

Law, John and Joks, Solveig (2019). Indigeneity, Science, and Difference. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(3) pp. 424–447.

Lin, Wen-yuan and Law, John (2019). Where Is East Asia in STS? East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 13(1) pp. 115–136.

Law, John (2015). What's wrong with a one-world world? Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 16(1) pp. 126–139.

Law, John and Lien, Marianne (2013). Slippery: field notes on empirical ontology. Social Studies of Science, 43(3) pp. 363–378.

Law, John and Moser, Ingunn (2012). Contexts and Culling. Science, Technology & Human Values, 37(4) pp. 332–354.

Law, John (2012). Reality failures. In: Passoth, Jan-Hendrik; Peuker, Birgit and Schillmeier, Michael eds. Agency without Actors? New Approaches to Collective Action. Routledge Advances in Sociology (58). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 146–160.

Law, John (2012). Piaceri macchinici e interpellanze. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 3(1) pp. 95–118.

Law, John (2011). Pinnwänder und Bücher. In: Balke, Friedrich; Muhle, Maria and von Schoning, Antonia eds. Die Wiederkehr der Dinge. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, pp. 21–45.

Law, John (2011). Collateral realities. In: Dominguez Rubio, Fernando and Baert, Patrick eds. The Politics of Knowledge. London: Routledge, pp. 156–178.

Lien, Marianne Elisabeth and Law, John (2011). 'Emergent aliens': on salmon, nature and their enactment. Ethnos, 76(1) pp. 65–87.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2011). Veterinary realities: what is foot and mouth disease? Sociologia Ruralis, 51(1) pp. 1–16.

Law, John (2011). The explanatory burden: an essay on Hugh Raffles’ Insectopedia. Cultural Anthropology, 26(3) pp. 485–510.

Law, John (2011). Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie und materiale Semiotik. In: Conradi, Tobias; Derwanz, Heike and Muhle, Florian eds. Strukturentstehung durch Verflechtung: Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie(n) und Automatismen. Paderborn: Fink Verlag, pp. 21–49.

Law, John (2010). The Greer-Bush test: on politics in STS. In: Akrich, Madeleine; Barthe, Yannick; Muniesa, Fabian and Mustar, Phillippe eds. Débordements: Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon. Paris: Ecole des Mines, pp. 296–281.

Law, John and Lin, Wen-yuan (2010). Cultivating disconcertment. Sociological Review, 58(s2) pp. 135–153.

Law, John (2010). The materials of STS. In: Hicks, Dan and Beaudry, Mary eds. The Oxford Handbook of Material Cultural Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 171–186.

Law, John (2010). Care and killing: tensions in veterinary practice. In: Mol, Annemarie; Moser, Ingunn and Pols, Jeannette eds. Care in Practice: On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 57–69.

Law, John (2009). Seeing like a survey. Cultural Sociology, 3(2) pp. 239–256.

Law, John and Singleton, Vicky (2009). Disaster: a further species of trouble? Disaster and narrative. In: Döring, Martin and Nerlich, Brigitte eds. The Social and Cultural Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease in the UK in 2001: Experiences and Analyses. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 229–242.

Law, John (2008). On sociology and STS. The Sociological Review, 56(4) pp. 623–649.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2008). Globalisation in practice: on the politics of boiling pigswill. Geoforum, 39(1) pp. 133–143.

Law, John (2008). Actor-network theory and material semiotics. In: Turner, Bryan S. ed. The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, 3rd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 141–158.

Law, John (2008). Practising nature and culture: An essay for Ted Benton. In: Moog, Sandra and Shields, Rob eds. Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs: Essays in Honour of Ted Benton. London: Palgrave, pp. 65–82.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2008). The actor-enacted: Cumbrian sheep in 2001. In: Knappett, Carl and Malafouris, Lambros eds. Material Agency: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Approach. Dusseldorf: Springer, pp. 57–78.

Law, John (2008). Culling, catastrophe and collectivity. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 16 pp. 61–76.

Law, J. (2008). And if the global were small and non-coherent? Method, complexity and the baroque. In: Hillier, Jean and Healey, Patsy eds. Contemporary Movements in Planning Theory: Critical Essays in Planning Theory: Volume 3, Volume 3. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 487–500.

Law, John (2007). Making a mess with method. In: Outhwaite, William and Turner, Stephen P. eds. The Sage Handbook of Social Science Methodology. London: Sage, pp. 595–606.

Law, John (2007). Pinboards and books: Learning, materiality and juxtaposition. In: Kritt, David and Winegar, Lucien T. eds. Education and Technology: Critical Perspectives, Possible Futures. Lanham, Maryland. Lexington Books, pp. 125–150.

Law, John and Moser, Ingunn (2007). Good passages, bad passages. In: Asdal, Kristin; Brenna, Brita and Moser, Ingunn eds. Technoscientific cultures: The Politics of Interventions. Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag, pp. 157–178.

Law, John (2006). Networks, relations, cyborgs: on the social study of technology. In: Read, Stephen and Pinilla, Camilo eds. Visualizing the Invisible: Towards an Urban Space. Spacelab, 1. Amsterdam: Techne Press, pp. 84–97.

Law, John (2006). Ob’ekty i Prostranstva. Sociologicheskoe Obozrenie, 5(1) pp. 31–43.

Law, John (2006). Disaster in agriculture: or foot and mouth mobilities. In: Červinková, Alice and Šaldová, Kateřina eds. Science Studies Opens the Black Box: Spring School of Science Studies Proceedings. Prague: Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, pp. 65–83.

Law, John (2006). Disaster in agriculture: Or foot and mouth mobilities. Environment and Planning A, 38(2) pp. 227–239.

Law, John (2006). Technik und heterogenes Engineering: der Fall der portugiesischen Expansion. In: Belliger, Andréa and Krieger, David J. eds. ANThology: ein einfürendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Berlin: transcript Verlag, pp. 213–236.

Law, John (2006). Monster, Maschinen und soziotechnische Beziehungen. In: Belliger, Andréa and Krieger, David J. eds. ANThology: ein einfürendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Berlin: transcript Verlag, pp. 343–368.

Law, John (2006). Notizen zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie: Ordnung, Strategie und Heterogenität. In: Belliger, Andréa and Krieger, David J. eds. ANThology: Ein einfürendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Berlin: transcript Verlag, pp. 429–446.

Law, John and Callon, Michel (2006). Leben und Sterben eines Flugzeugs: ein Netzwerkanalyse technischen Wandels. In: Belliger, Andréa and Krieger, David J. eds. ANThology: ein einführendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Berlin: transcript Verlag, pp. 447–482.

Law, John and Singleton, Vicky (2005). Object lessons. Organization, 12(3) pp. 331–355.

Law, John and Urry, John (2004). Enacting the social. Economy and Society, 33(3) pp. 390–410.

Law, John (2004). And if the global were small and noncoherent? Method, complexity, and the baroque. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22(1) pp. 13–26.

Law, John and Singleton, Vicky (2003). Allegory and its others. In: Nicolini, D.; Gherardi, S. and Yanow, D. eds. Knowing in Organizations: A Practice Based Approach. New York: M. E. Sharp, pp. 225–254.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2002). Local entanglements or utopian moves: an inquiry into train accidents. In: Parker, Martin ed. Utopia and Organization. Sociological Review Monograph Series. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 82–105.

Law, John (2002). On hidden heterogeneities: complexity, formalism and aircraft design. In: Law, John and Mol, Annemarie eds. Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 116–141.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie eds. (2002). Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 116–141.

Law, John (2002). Objects and spaces. Theory, Culture & Society, 19(5-6) pp. 91–105.

Law, John (2002). Economics as interference. In: Du Gay, Paul and Pryke, Michael eds. Cultural Economy: Cultural Analysis and Commercial Life. London and Beverly Hills: Sage, pp. 23–40.

Law, John (2002). Aircraft Stories: Decentering the Object in Technoscience. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie (2001). Situating technoscience: An inquiry into spatialities. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 19(5) pp. 609–621.

Law, John (2001). Maskinelle Lyster og Interpellasjoner. In: Asdal, Kristin; Brenna, Brita and Moser, Ingunn eds. Teknovitenskapelige Kulturer. Oslo: Spartacus, pp. 225–249.

Law, John and Hetherington, Kevin (2000). Materialities, spatialities, globalities. In: Bryson, John; Daniels, Peter; Henry, Nick and Pollard, Jane eds. Knowledge, Space, Economy. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 34–49.

Law, John (2000). Manažer a jeho moci. Biograf, 22

Law, John and Singleton, Vicky (2000). Performing technology's stories: On social constructivism, performance, and performativity. Technology and Culture, 41(4) pp. 765–775.

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Mol, Annemarie and Law, John (2007). Embodied action, enacted bodies. The example of hypoglycaemia. In: Burri, Regula Valérie and Dumit, Joseph eds. Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. London: Routledge, pp. 87–107.

Moser, Ingunn and Law, John (2006). Fluids or flows? Information and qualculation in medical practice. Information Technology & People, 19(1) pp. 55–73.

Mol, Annemarie and Law, John (2005). Boundary Variations: An introduction. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23(5) pp. 637–642.

Mol, Annemarie and Law, John (2004). Embodied action, enacted bodies: the example of hypoglycaemia. Body & Society, 10(2-3) pp. 43–62.

Moser, Ingunn and Law, John (2003). ‘Making voices’: new media technologies, disabilities, and articulation. In: Liestøl, Gunnar; Rasmussen, Terje and Morrison, Andrew eds. Innovation: Media, Methods and Theories. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 491–520.

Mol, Annemarie and Law, John (2002). Complexities: an introduction. In: Law, John and Mol, Annemarie eds. Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Science & Cultural Theory. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 1–22.

Moser, Ingunn and Law, John (2001). Cyborgs. In: Smelser, Neil J. and Baltes, Paul B. eds. International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 3202–3204.

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Smith, Andrew; Wild, Catherine and Law, John (2003). Severe acute respiratory syndrome: lessons may be learnt from the outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Barrow in Furness. British Medical Journal, 326(21 June) p. 1396.

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