Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane Seale

48 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 5 20:54:21 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

2024To Top

Seale, Jane (2024). Addressing the main challenges of future assistive technology research by building a community of practice. In: Seale, Jane ed. A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 227–242.

Seale, Jane (2024). Scoping a future research agenda for disability and technology: issues to consider. In: Seale, Jane ed. A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 19–60.

Seale, Jane ed. (2024). A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Seale, Jane (2024). Constructions of disability and technology and the shaping of future research. In: Seale, Jane ed. A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1–18.

Seale, Jane (2024). Methods for achieving greater involvement of people with disabilities in the design of technologies. In: Seale, Jane ed. A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 195–226.

Sánchez-Díaz, Maria de las Nieves; Beatriz, Morgado and Seale, Jane (2024). Access and Participation: The use of Technologies as tools for Inclusion by Spanish University Lecturers. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1) pp. 94–109.

Seale, Jane (2024). The potential contribution of ethical frameworks in guiding the development of digitally inclusive support practices for adults with learning disabilities. In: Bianchi, Andria and Vogt, Janet A. eds. Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice. The International Library of Bioethics, 108. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 195–207.

2023To Top

Eshleman, Julie; Seale, Jane; Lunness, Kate; Blackburn, Ellie; Gaunt, Jane; Hammond, Alistair and Waldron, Sean (2023). [Book Review] Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology, frameworks and toolkits, By Jane Seale. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(2) pp. 279–282.

2022To Top

Seale, Jane; Burgstahler, Sheryl and Havel, Alice (2022). One model to rule them all, one model to bind them? A critique of the use of accessibility-related models in post-secondary education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 37(1) pp. 6–29.

Herodotou, Christothea; Twiner, Alison; Scanlon, Eileen; McLeod, Kevin and Seale, Jane (2022). From participants to creators: Considerations for community-led citizen science. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (Chinn, C.; Tan, E.; Chan, C. and Kali, Y. eds.), International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 11–18.

2021To Top

Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Hayhoe, Simon; Seale, Jane and Sheehy, Kieron (2021). Emergent analysis and dissemination within participatory research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(3) pp. 287–302.

2020To Top

Seale, Jane; King, Laura; Jorgensen, Mary; Havel, Alice; Asuncion, Jennison and Fichten, Catherine (2020). Engaging Ignored Stakeholders of Higher Education Accessibility Practice: Analysing the experiences of an international network of practitioners and researchers. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 14(1) pp. 15–29.

2019To Top

Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (2019). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity press, pp. 51–73.

Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (2019). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity press, pp. 75–91.

Seale, Jane (2019). In search of a decision-making framework for involving users who have learning disabilities or sensory impairments in the process of designing future technologies. In: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2019, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, pp. 844–861.

2018To Top

Ed-ICT International Network (2018). Symposium Four: New Practices. Proceedings from the Ed-ICT International Network. October 16 - 17, 2018, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Germany.

Ed-ICT International Network (2018). Proceedings of the Ed-ICT International Network. Israel Symposium: In Search of New Designs. March 13 - 15, 2018, The Metropolitan Hotel, Tel-Aviv & The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana.

2017To Top

Ed-ICT International Network (2017). Proceedings of the Ed-ICT International Network Montreal Symposium:
Stakeholder Perspectives.
May 30 - June 1 2017, Dawson College Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2016To Top

2015To Top

2014To Top

Seale, Jane; Nind, Melanie and Parsons, Sarah (2014). Inclusive research in education: contributions to method and debate. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37(4) pp. 347–356.

2013To Top


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