Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane Payler

41 items in this list.
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Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie (2019). Beyond talk: Learning from children and young people experiencing a family health crisis. In: Robb, Martin; Montgomery, Heather and Thompson, Rachel eds. Critical Practice with Children and Young People (2nd edition). Bristol: Policy press, pp. 143–160.

Cooper, Victoria and Payler, Jane (2018). Providing Hope: Supporting Children and Young People living with a loved one who is seriously ill. In Children and Young People Today Children and Young People Today, UK.

Canning, Natalie; Payler, Jane and Horsley, Karen (2016). Children’s imagination and curiosity: Facilitating and documenting through technology. In: 26th EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) Conference, 2016, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2016, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

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Davis, Geraldine and Payler, Jane (2016). Professional learning and development: trends, developments and impact in the UK since 2003. In: 26th EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) Conference, 2016, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2016, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

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Georgeson, Jan; Røn Larsen, Maja and Payler, Jane (2016). Using Early Years Practitioners’ Knowledge from ‘Being Alongside’ to Support the Development of Children with Special Educational Needs. In: Sorzio, Paulo ed. Becoming an Expert Practitioner in the Educational Services. Competences, Transitions and Trajectories. Lecce, Italy: Pensa MultiMedia, pp. 57–68.

Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane (2015). Work or play: how children learn to read the signals. In: Moyles, Janet ed. The Excellence of Play (4th edition). Maidenhead UK: Open University Press, pp. 159–172.

Georgeson, Jan; Payler, Jane and Campbell-Barr, Verity (2013). The importance of international perspectives. In: Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane eds. International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care. Maidenhead UK: Open University Press, pp. 3–8.

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Lees, Amanda; Payler, Jane; Ballinger, Claire; Lawrence, Penny; Faust, Saul N. and Meads, Geoffrey (2017). Positioning Children’s Voice in Clinical Trials Research: A New Model for Planning, Collaboration, and Reflection. Qualitative Health Research, 27(14) pp. 2162–2176.

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Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan (2017). Social class and culture: bridging divides through learner agency. In: Moyles, Janet; Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan eds. Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning (5th edition). Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 203–214.

Payler, Jane; Wood, Elizabeth; Georgeson, Jan; Davis, Geraldine; Jarvis, Pamela; Rose, Janet; Gilbert, Louise; Hood, Philip; Mitchell, Helena and Chesworth, Liz (2017). BERA-TACTYC Early Childhood Research Review 2003-2017. BERA, London.

Payler, Jane; Davis, Geraldine; Jarvis, Pam; Georgeson, Jan; Wood, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Eva (2017). BERA-TACTYC Early Childhood Education and Care Review 2004-2015. In: BERA Annual Conference 2016, 13-15 Sep 2016, University of Leeds.

Payler, Jane (2016). Positioning children in research: continuum of children’s engagement with research. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference 2016, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2016, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan (2014). Qualifications and quality in the Early Years Foundation Stage. In: Moyles, Jan; Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan eds. Early years foundations: Critical issues (second edition). Maidenhead UK: Open University Press, pp. 52–64.

Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan (2013). Multiagency working in the early years: confidence, competence and context. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 33(4) pp. 380–397.

Payler, Jane K. and Locke, Rachel (2013). Disrupting communities of practice? How ‘reluctant’ practitioners view early years workforce reform in England. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21(1) pp. 125–137.

Payler, Jane Katherine and Georgeson, Janet (2013). Personal action potency: early years practitioners participating in interprofessional practice in early years settings. International Journal of Early Years Education, 21(1) pp. 39–55.

Payler, Jane; Georgeson, Jan and Wickett, Karen (2013). Early childhood education and care in the UK: piecemeal development through philanthropy, propagation, pluralism and pragmatism. In: Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane eds. International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care. Maidenhead UK: Open University Press, pp. 257–274.

Payler, Jane (2009). Co-constructing meaning: ways of supporting learning. In: Moyles, Janet and Papatheodorou, Theodora eds. Learning Together in the Early Years: Exploring Relational Pedagogy. London UK: Routledge, pp. 120–138.

Payler, Jane; Meyer, Edgar and Humphris, Debra (2008). Pedagogy for interprofessional education – what do we know and how can we evaluate it? Learning in Health and Social Care, 7(2) pp. 64–78.

Payler, Jane (2007). Opening and closing interactive spaces: Shaping four-year-old children’s participation in two English settings. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 27(3) pp. 237–254.

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