Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jo Barstow

45 items in this list.
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Fortney, Jonathan J.; Barstow, Joanna K. and Madhusudhan, Nikku (2021). Atmospheric Modeling and Retrieval. In: Madhusudhan, Nikku ed. ExoFrontiers: Big questions in exoplanetary science. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing, pp. 17–1.

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Boehm, V. A.; Lewis, N. K.; Fairman, C. E.; Moran, S. E.; Gascón, C.; Wakeford, H. R.; Alam, M. K.; Alderson, L.; Barstow, J.; Batalha, N. E.; Grant, D.; López-Morales, M.; MacDonald, R. J.; Marley, Mark S. and Ohno, K. (2024). The HUSTLE Program: The UV to Near-infrared HST WFC3/UVIS G280 Transmission Spectrum of WASP-127b. The Astronomical Journal, 169(1), article no. 23.

Fisher, Chloe; Taylor, Jake; Parmentier, Vivien; Kitzmann, Daniel; Birkby, Jayne L; Radica, Michael; Barstow, Joanna; Yang, Jingxuan and Morello, Giuseppe (2024). JWST/NIRISS and HST: Exploring the improved ability to characterise exoplanet atmospheres in the JWST era. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535(1) pp. 27–46.

Carter, A. L.; May, E. M.; Espinoza, N.; Welbanks, L.; Ahrer, E.; Alderson, L.; Brahm, R.; Feinstein, A. D.; Grant, D.; Line, M.; Morello, G.; O’Steen, R.; Radica, M.; Rustamkulov, Z.; Stevenson, K. B.; Turner, J. D.; Alam, M. K.; Anderson, D. R.; Batalha, N. M.; Battley, M. P.; Bayliss, D.; Bean, J. L.; Benneke, B.; Berta-Thompson, Z. K.; Brande, J.; Bryant, E. M.; Burleigh, M. R.; Coulombe, L.; Crossfield, I. J. M.; Damiano, M.; Désert, J.-M.; Flagg, L.; Gill, S.; Inglis, J.; Kirk, J.; Knutson, H.; Kreidberg, L.; López Morales, M.; Mansfield, M.; Moran, S. E.; Murray, C. A.; Nixon, M. C.; Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M.; Rackham, B. V.; Schlawin, E.; Sing, D. K.; Wakeford, H. R.; Wallack, N. L.; Wheatley, P. J.; Zieba, S.; Aggarwal, K.; Barstow, J. K.; Bell, T. J.; Blecic, J.; Caceres, C.; Crouzet, N.; Cubillos, P. E.; Daylan, T.; de Val-Borro, M.; Decin, L.; Fortney, J. J.; Gibson, N. P.; Heng, K.; Hu, R.; Kempton, E. M.-R.; Lagage, P.; Lothringer, J. D.; Lustig-Yaeger, J.; Mancini, L.; Mayne, N. J.; Mayorga, L. C.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Nasedkin, E.; Ohno, K.; Parmentier, V.; Powell, D.; Redfield, S.; Roy, P.; Taylor, J. and Zhang, X. (2024). A benchmark JWST near-infrared spectrum for the exoplanet WASP-39 b. Nature Astronomy, 8 pp. 1008–1019.

Yang, Jingxuan; Hammond, Mark; Piette, Anjali A A; Blecic, Jasmina; Bell, Taylor J; Irwin, Patrick G J; Parmentier, Vivien; Tsai, Shang-Min; Barstow, Joanna K; Crouzet, Nicolas; Kreidberg, Laura; Mendonça, João M; Taylor, Jake; Baeyens, Robin; Ohno, Kazumasa; Teinturier, Lucas and Nixon, Matthew C (2024). Simultaneous retrieval of orbital phase resolved JWST/MIRI emission spectra of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b: Evidence of water, ammonia and carbon monoxide. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(1) pp. 460–475.

Bell, Taylor J.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Cubillos, Patricio E.; Kreidberg, Laura; Piette, Anjali A. A.; Roman, Michael T.; Barstow, Joanna K.; Blecic, Jasmina; Carone, Ludmila; Coulombe, Louis-Philippe; Ducrot, Elsa; Hammond, Mark; Mendonça, João M.; Moses, Julianne I.; Parmentier, Vivien; Stevenson, Kevin B.; Teinturier, Lucas; Zhang, Michael; Batalha, Natalie M.; Bean, Jacob L.; Benneke, Björn; Charnay, Benjamin; Chubb, Katy L.; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Gao, Peter; Lee, Elspeth K. H.; López-Morales, Mercedes; Morello, Giuseppe; Rauscher, Emily; Sing, David K.; Tan, Xianyu; Venot, Olivia; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Aggarwal, Keshav; Ahrer, Eva-Maria; Alam, Munazza K.; Baeyens, Robin; Barrado, David; Caceres, Claudio; Carter, Aarynn L.; Casewell, Sarah L.; Challener, Ryan C.; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Decin, Leen; Désert, Jean-Michel; Dobbs-Dixon, Ian; Dyrek, Achrène; Espinoza, Néstor; Feinstein, Adina D.; Gibson, Neale P.; Harrington, Joseph; Helling, Christiane; Hu, Renyu; Iro, Nicolas; Kempton, Eliza M.-R.; Kendrew, Sarah; Komacek, Thaddeus D.; Krick, Jessica; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Leconte, Jérémy; Lendl, Monika; Lewis, Neil T.; Lothringer, Joshua D.; Malsky, Isaac; Mancini, Luigi; Mansfield, Megan; Mayne, Nathan J.; Evans-Soma, Thomas M.; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Nikolov, Nikolay K.; Nixon, Matthew C.; Palle, Enric; Petit dit de la Roche, Dominique J. M.; Piaulet, Caroline; Powell, Diana; Rackham, Benjamin V.; Schneider, Aaron D.; Steinrueck, Maria E.; Taylor, Jake; Welbanks, Luis; Yurchenko, Sergei N.; Zhang, Xi and Zieba, Sebastian (2024). Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b. Nature Astronomy, 8(7) pp. 879–898.

Chubb, Katy L; Robert, Séverine; Sousa-Silva, Clara; Yurchenko, Sergei N; Allard, Nicole F; Boudon, Vincent; Buldyreva, Jeanna; Bultel, Benjamin; Coustenis, Athena; Foltynowicz, Aleksandra; Gordon, Iouli E; Hargreaves, Robert J; Helling, Christiane; Hill, Christian; Hrodmarsson, Helgi Rafn; Karman, Tijs; Lecoq-Molinos, Helena; Migliorini, Alessandra; Rey, Michaël; Richard, Cyril; Sadiek, Ibrahim; Schmidt, Frédéric; Sokolov, Andrei; Stefani, Stefania; Tennyson, Jonathan; Venot, Olivia; Wright, Sam O M; Arenales-Lope, Rosa; Barstow, Joanna K; Bocchieri, Andrea; Carrasco, Nathalie; Dubey, Dwaipayan; Egorov, Oleg; Muñoz, Antonio García; Gharib-Nezhad, Ehsan (Sam); Gkouvelis, Leonardos; Grübel, Fabian; Irwin, Patrick Gerard Joseph; Knížek, Antonín; Lewis, David A; Lodge, Matt G; Ma, Sushuang; Martins, Zita; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Morello, Giuseppe; Nikitin, Andrei; Panek, Emilie; Rengel, Miriam; Rinaldi, Giovanna; Skinner, Jack W; Tinetti, Giovanna; van Kempen, Tim A; Yang, Jingxuan and Zingales, Tiziano (2024). Data availability and requirements relevant for the Ariel space mission and other exoplanet atmosphere applications. RAS Techniques and Instruments, 3(1) pp. 636–690.

Powell, Diana; Feinstein, Adina D; Lee, Elspeth K H; Zhang, Michael; Tsai, Shang-Min; Taylor, Jake; Kirk, James; Bell, Taylor; Barstow, Joanna K; Gao, Peter; Bean, Jacob L; Blecic, Jasmina; Chubb, Katy L; Crossfield, Ian J M; Jordan, Sean; Kitzmann, Daniel; Moran, Sarah E; Morello, Giuseppe; Moses, Julianne I; Welbanks, Luis; Yang, Jeehyun; Zhang, Xi; Ahrer, Eva-Maria; Bello-Arufe, Aaron; Brande, Jonathan; Casewell, S L; Crouzet, Nicolas; Cubillos, Patricio E; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Dyrek, Achrène; Flagg, Laura; Hu, Renyu; Inglis, Julie; Jones, Kathryn D; Kreidberg, Laura; López-Morales, Mercedes; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Meier Valdés, Erik A; Miguel, Yamila; Parmentier, Vivien; Piette, Anjali A A; Rackham, Benjamin V; Radica, Michael; Redfield, Seth; Stevenson, Kevin B; Wakeford, Hannah R; Aggarwal, Keshav; Alam, Munazza K; Batalha, Natalie M; Batalha, Natasha E; Benneke, Björn; Berta-Thompson, Zach K; Brady, Ryan P; Caceres, Claudio; Carter, Aarynn L; Désert, Jean-Michel; Harrington, Joseph; Iro, Nicolas; Line, Michael R; Lothringer, Joshua D; MacDonald, Ryan J; Mancini, Luigi; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Mukherjee, Sagnick; Nixon, Matthew C; Oza, Apurva V; Palle, Enric; Rustamkulov, Zafar; Sing, David K; Steinrueck, Maria E; Venot, Olivia; Wheatley, Peter J and Yurchenko, Sergei N (2024). Sulphur dioxide in the mid-infrared transmission spectrum of WASP-39b. Nature, 626 pp. 979–983.

Sing, David K; Rustamkulov, Zafar; Thorngren, Daniel P; Barstow, Joanna K; Tremblin, Pascal; de Oliveira, Catarina Alves; Beck, Tracy L; Birkmann, Stephan M; Challener, Ryan C; Crouzet, Nicolas; Espinoza, Néstor; Ferruit, Pierre; Giardino, Giovanna; Gressier, Amélie; Lee, Elspeth K H; Lewis, Nikole K; Maiolino, Roberto; Manjavacas, Elena; Rauscher, Bernard J; Sirianni, Marco and Valenti, Jeff A (2024). A warm Neptune's methane reveals core mass and vigorous atmospheric mixing. Nature, 630(8018) pp. 831–835.

Banerjee, Agnibha; Barstow, Joanna K.; Gressier, Amélie; Espinoza, Néstor; Sing, David K.; Allen, Natalie H.; Birkmann, Stephan M.; Challener, Ryan C.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Haswell, Carole A.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Yang, Jingxuan (2024). Atmospheric Retrievals Suggest the Presence of a Secondary Atmosphere and Possible Sulfur Species on L98-59 d from JWST Nirspec G395H Transmission Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 975(1), article no. L11.

Gressier, Amélie; Espinoza, Néstor; Allen, Natalie H.; Sing, David K.; Banerjee, Agnibha; Barstow, Joanna K.; Valenti, Jeff A.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Birkmann, Stephan M.; Challener, Ryan C.; Manjavacas, Elena; de Oliveira,, Catarina Alves; Crouzet, Nicolas and Beck, Tracy. L (2024). Hints of a Sulfur-rich Atmosphere around the 1.6 R ⊕ Super-Earth L98-59 d from JWST NIRspec G395H Transmission Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 975(1), article no. L10.

Yang, Jingxuan; Irwin, Patrick G. J. and Barstow, Joanna K. (2023). Testing 2D temperature models in bayesian retrievals of atmospheric properties from hot jupiter phase curves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(4) pp. 5146–5167.

Gressier, A.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Sing, D. K.; López-Morales, M.; Alam, M. K.; Barstow, J. K.; Bourrier, V.; Dos Santos, L. A.; García Muñoz, A.; Lothringer, J. D.; Nikolov, N. K.; Sotzen, K. S.; Henry, G. W. and Mikal-Evans, T. (2023). The Hubble PanCET program: The near-ultraviolet transmission spectrum of WASP-79b. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 672, article no. A34.

Ahrer, Eva-Maria; Alderson, Lili; Batalha, Natalie M.; Batalha, Natasha E.; Bean, Jacob L.; Beatty, Thomas G.; Bell, Taylor J.; Benneke, Björn; Berta-Thompson, Zachory K.; Carter, Aarynn L.; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Espinoza, Néstor; Feinstein, Adina D.; Fortney, Jonathan J.; Gibson, Neale P.; Goyal, Jayesh M.; Kempton, Eliza M.-R.; Kirk, James; Kreidberg, Laura; López-Morales, Mercedes; Line, Michael R.; Lothringer, Joshua D.; Moran, Sarah E.; Mukherjee, Sagnick; Ohno, Kazumasa; Parmentier, Vivien; Piaulet, Caroline; Rustamkulov, Zafar; Schlawin, Everett; Sing, David K.; Stevenson, Kevin B.; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Allen, Natalie H.; Birkmann, Stephan M.; Brande, Jonathan; Crouzet, Nicolas; Cubillos, Patricio E.; Damiano, Mario; Désert, Jean-Michel; Gao, Peter; Harrington, Joseph; Hu, Renyu; Kendrew, Sarah; Knutson, Heather A.; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Leconte, Jérémy; Lendl, Monika; MacDonald, Ryan J.; May, E. M.; Miguel, Yamila; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Moses, Julianne I.; Murray, Catriona Anne; Nehring, Molly; Nikolov, Nikolay K.; Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M.; Radica, Michael; Roy, Pierre-Alexis; Stassun, Keivan G.; Taylor, Jake; Waalkes, William C.; Wachiraphan, Patcharapol; Welbanks, Luis; Wheatley, Peter J.; Aggarwal, Keshav; Alam, Munazza K.; Banerjee, Agnibha; Barstow, Joanna K.; Blecic, Jasmina; Casewell, S. L.; Changeat, Quentin; Chubb, K. L.; Colón, Knicole D.; Coulombe, Louis-Philippe; Daylan, Tansu; de Val-Borro, Miguel; Decin, Leen; Dos Santos, Leonardo A.; Flagg, Laura; France, Kevin; Fu, Guangwei; García Muñoz, A.; Gizis, John E.; Glidden, Ana; Grant, David; Heng, Kevin; Henning, Thomas; Hong, Yu-Cian; Inglis, Julie; Iro, Nicolas; Kataria, Tiffany; Komacek, Thaddeus D.; Krick, Jessica E.; Lee, Elspeth K. H.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Lillo-Box, Jorge; Lustig-Yaeger, Jacob; Mancini, Luigi; Mandell, Avi M.; Mansfield, Megan; Marley, Mark S.; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Morello, Giuseppe; Nixon, Matthew C.; Ortiz Ceballos, Kevin; Piette, Anjali A. A.; Powell, Diana; Rackham, Benjamin V.; Ramos-Rosado, Lakeisha; Rauscher, Emily; Redfield, Seth; Rogers, Laura K.; Roman, Michael T.; Roudier, Gael M.; Scarsdale, Nicholas; Shkolnik, Evgenya L.; Southworth, John; Spake, Jessica J.; Steinrueck, Maria E.; Tan, Xianyu; Teske, Johanna K.; Tremblin, Pascal; Tsai, Shang-Min; Tucker, Gregory S.; Turner, Jake D.; Valenti, Jeff A.; Venot, Olivia; Waldmann, Ingo P.; Wallack, Nicole L.; Zhang, Xi and Zieba, Sebastian (2023). Identification of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet atmosphere. Nature, 614 pp. 649–652.

Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Sing, David K.; Dong, Jiayin; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel; Kataria, Tiffany; Barstow, Joanna K.; Goyal, Jayesh M.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Lothringer, Joshua D.; Mayne, Nathan J.; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Christie, Duncan A. and Rustamkulov, Zafar (2023). A JWST NIRSpec Phase Curve for WASP-121b: Dayside Emission Strongest Eastward of the Substellar Point and Nightside Conditions Conducive to Cloud Formation. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 943(2), article no. L17.

Ahrer, Eva-Maria; Stevenson, Kevin B; Mansfield, Megan; Moran, Sarah E; Brande, Jonathan; Morello, Giuseppe; Murray, Catriona A; Nikolov, Nikolay K; Petit Dit de la Roche, Dominique J M; Schlawin, Everett; Wheatley, Peter J; Zieba, Sebastian; Batalha, Natasha E; Damiano, Mario; Goyal, Jayesh M; Lendl, Monika; Lothringer, Joshua D; Mukherjee, Sagnick; Ohno, Kazumasa; Batalha, Natalie M; Battley, Matthew P; Bean, Jacob L; Beatty, Thomas G; Benneke, Björn; Berta-Thompson, Zachory K; Carter, Aarynn L; Cubillos, Patricio E; Daylan, Tansu; Espinoza, Néstor; Gao, Peter; Gibson, Neale P; Gill, Samuel; Harrington, Joseph; Hu, Renyu; Kreidberg, Laura; Lewis, Nikole K; Line, Michael R; López-Morales, Mercedes; Parmentier, Vivien; Powell, Diana K; Sing, David K; Tsai, Shang-Min; Wakeford, Hannah R; Welbanks, Luis; Alam, Munazza K; Alderson, Lili; Allen, Natalie H; Anderson, David R; Barstow, Joanna K.; Bayliss, Daniel; Bell, Taylor J; Blecic, Jasmina; Bryant, Edward M; Burleigh, Matthew R; Carone, Ludmila; Casewell, S L; Changeat, Quentin; Chubb, Katy L; Crossfield, Ian J M; Crouzet, Nicolas; Decin, Leen; Désert, Jean-Michel; Feinstein, Adina D; Flagg, Laura; Fortney, Jonathan J; Gizis, John E; Heng, Kevin; Iro, Nicolas; Kempton, Eliza M-R; Kendrew, Sarah; Kirk, James; Knutson, Heather A; Komacek, Thaddeus D; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Leconte, Jérémy; Lustig-Yaeger, Jacob; MacDonald, Ryan J; Mancini, Luigi and May, E M (2023). Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRCam. Nature, 614(7949) pp. 653–658.

Feinstein, Adina D; Radica, Michael; Welbanks, Luis and (2023). Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRISS. Nature, 614(7949) pp. 670–675.

Alderson, Lili; Wakeford, Hannah R; Alam, Munazza K; Batalha, Natasha E; Lothringer, Joshua D; Redai, Jea Adams; Barat, Saugata; Brande, Jonathan; Damiano, Mario; Daylan, Tansu; Espinoza, Néstor; Flagg, Laura; Goyal, Jayesh M; Grant, David; Hu, Renyu; Inglis, Julie; Lee, Elspeth K H; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Ramos-Rosado, Lakeisha; Roy, Pierre-Alexis; Wallack, Nicole L; Batalha, Natalie M; Bean, Jacob L; Benneke, Björn; Berta-Thompson, Zachory K; Carter, Aarynn L; Changeat, Quentin; Colón, Knicole D; Crossfield, Ian J M; Désert, Jean-Michel; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel; Gibson, Neale P; Kreidberg, Laura; Line, Michael R; López-Morales, Mercedes; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Moran, Sarah E; Morello, Giuseppe; Moses, Julianne I; Mukherjee, Sagnick; Schlawin, Everett; Sing, David K; Stevenson, Kevin B; Taylor, Jake; Aggarwal, Keshav; Ahrer, Eva-Maria; Allen, Natalie H; Barstow, Joanna K.; Bell, Taylor J; Blecic, Jasmina; Casewell, Sarah L; Chubb, Katy L; Crouzet, Nicolas; Cubillos, Patricio E; Decin, Leen; Feinstein, Adina D; Fortney, Joanthan J; Harrington, Joseph; Heng, Kevin; Iro, Nicolas; Kempton, Eliza M-R; Kirk, James; Knutson, Heather A; Krick, Jessica; Leconte, Jérémy; Lendl, Monika; MacDonald, Ryan J; Mancini, Luigi; Mansfield, Megan; May, Erin M; Mayne, Nathan J; Miguel, Yamila; Nikolov, Nikolay K; Ohno, Kazumasa; Palle, Enric; Parmentier, Vivien; Petit Dit de la Roche, Dominique J M; Piaulet, Caroline; Powell, Diana; Rackham, Benjamin V; Redfield, Seth; Rogers, Laura K; Rustamkulov, Zafar; Tan, Xianyu; Tremblin, P; Tsai, Shang-Min; Turner, Jake D; de Val-Borro, Miguel; Venot, Olivia; Welbanks, Luis; Wheatley, Peter J and Zhang, Xi (2023). Early Release Science of the Exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec G395H. Nature, 614 pp. 664–669.

Rackham, Benjamin V; Espinoza, Néstor; Berdyugina, Svetlana V; Korhonen, Heidi; MacDonald, Ryan J; Montet, Benjamin T; Morris, Brett M; Oshagh, Mahmoudreza; Shapiro, Alexander I; Unruh, Yvonne C; Quintana, Elisa V; Zellem, Robert T; Apai, Dániel; Barclay, Thomas; Barstow, Joanna K; Bruno, Giovanni; Carone, Ludmila; Casewell, Sarah L; Cegla, Heather M; Criscuoli, Serena; Fischer, Catherine; Fournier, Damien; Giampapa, Mark S; Giles, Helen; Iyer, Aishwarya; Kopp, Greg; Kostogryz, Nadiia M; Krivova, Natalie; Mallonn, Matthias; McGruder, Chima; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Newton, Elisabeth R; Panja, Mayukh; Peacock, Sarah; Reardon, Kevin; Roettenbacher, Rachael M; Scandariato, Gaetano; Solanki, Sami; Stassun, Keivan G; Steiner, Oskar; Stevenson, Kevin B; Tregloan-Reed, Jeremy; Valio, Adriana; Wedemeyer, Sven; Welbanks, Luis; Yu, Jie; Alam, Munazza K; Davenport, James R A; Deming, Drake; Dong, Chuanfei; Ducrot, Elsa; Fisher, Chloe; Gilbert, Emily; Kostov, Veselin; López-Morales, Mercedes; Line, Mike; Močnik, Teo; Mullally, Susan; Paudel, Rishi R; Ribas, Ignasi and Valenti, Jeff A (2023). The effect of stellar contamination on low-resolution transmission spectroscopy: needs identified by NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Study Analysis Group 21. RAS Techniques and Instruments, 2(1) pp. 148–206.

Wong, Ian; Chachan, Yayaati; Knutson, Heather A.; Henry, Gregory W.; Adams, Danica; Kataria, Tiffany; Benneke, Björn; Gao, Peter; Deming, Drake; López-Morales, Mercedes; Sing, David K.; Alam, Munazza K.; Ballester, Gilda E.; Barstow, Joanna K.; Buchhave, Lars A.; dos Santos, Leonardo A.; Fu, Guangwei; Muñoz, Antonio García; MacDonald, Ryan J.; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Sanz-Forcada, Jorge and Wakeford, Hannah R. (2022). The Hubble PanCET Program: A Featureless Transmission Spectrum for WASP-29b and Evidence of Enhanced Atmospheric Metallicity on WASP-80b. The Astronomical Journal, 164(1), article no. 30.

Barstow, Joanna K.; Changeat, Quentin; Chubb, Katy L.; Cubillos, Patricio E.; Edwards, Billy; MacDonald, Ryan J.; Min, Michiel and Waldmann, Ingo P. (2022). A retrieval challenge exercise for the Ariel mission. Experimental Astronomy, 53 pp. 447–471.

Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Sing, David K.; Barstow, Joanna K.; Kataria, Tiffany; Goyal, Jayesh; Lewis, Nikole; Taylor, Jake; Mayne, Nathan J.; Daylan, Tansu; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Marley, Mark S. and Spake, Jessica J. (2022). Diurnal variations in the stratosphere of the ultrahot giant exoplanet WASP-121b. Nature Astronomy, 6 pp. 471–479.

Rathcke, Alexander D.; MacDonald, Ryan J.; Barstow, Joanna K.; Goyal, Jayesh M.; Lopez-Morales, Mercedes; Mendonça, João M.; Sanz-Forcada, Jorge; Henry, Gregory W.; Sing, David K.; Alam, Munazza K.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Chubb, Katy L.; Taylor, Jake; Nikolov, Nikolay and Buchhave, Lars A. (2021). HST PanCET Program: A Complete Near-UV to Infrared Transmission Spectrum for the Hot Jupiter WASP-79b. The Astronomical Journal, 162(4), article no. 138.

Fu, Guangwei; Deming, Drake; Lothringer, Joshua; Nikolov, Nikolay; Sing, David K.; Kempton, Eliza M.-R.; Ih, Jegug; Evans, Thomas M.; Stevenson, Kevin; Wakeford, H. R.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Eastman, Jason D.; Stassun, Keivan; Henry, Gregory W.; López-Morales, Mercedes; Lendl, Monika; Conti, Dennis M.; Stockdale, Chris; Collins, Karen; Kielkopf, John; Barstow, Joanna K.; Sanz-Forcada, Jorge; Ehrenreich, David; Bourrier, Vincent and dos Santos, Leonardo A. (2021). The Hubble PanCET Program: Transit and Eclipse Spectroscopy of the Strongly Irradiated Giant Exoplanet WASP-76b. The Astronomical Journal, 162(3), article no. 108.

McGouldrick, Kevin; Peralta, Javier; Barstow, Joanna K. and Tsang, Constantine C. C. (2021). Using VIRTIS on Venus Express to Constrain the Properties of the Giant Dark Cloud Observed in Images of Venus by IR2 on Akatsuki. The Planetary Science Journal, 2(4), article no. 153.

Barstow, Joanna K. (2021). The curse of clouds. Astronomy & Geophysics, 62(1) 1.36-1.42.

Spake, Jessica J.; Sing, David K.; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Nikolov, Nikolay; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Deming, Drake; Barstow, Joanna K.; Anderson, David R.; Carter, Aarynn L.; Gillon, Michael; Goyal, Jayesh M.; Hebrard, Guillaume; Hellier, Coel; Kataria, Tiffany; Lam, Kristine W. F.; Triaud, A .H. M. J. and Wheatley, Peter J. (2021). Abundance measurements of H2O and carbon-bearing species in the atmosphere of WASP-127b confirm its super-solar metallicity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(3) pp. 4042–4064.

Barstow, M. A.; Aigrain, S.; Barstow, J. K.; Barthelemy, M.; Biller, B.; Bonanos, A.; Buchhave, L.; Casewell, S. L.; Charbonnel, C.; Charlot, S.; Davies, R.; Devaney, N.; Evans, C.; Ferrari, M.; Fossati, L.; Gänsicke, B.; Garcia, M.; Gomez de Castro, A. I.; Henning, T.; Lintott, C.; Knigge, C.; Neiner, C.; Rossi, L.; Snodgrass, C.; Stam, D.; Tolstoy, E. and Tosi, M. (2021). The search for living worlds and the connection to our cosmic origins. Experimental Astronomy, 54(2-3) pp. 1275–1306.

Wilson, Jamie; Gibson, Neale P; Nikolov, Nikolay; Constantinou, Savvas; Madhusudhan, Nikku; Goyal, Jayesh; Barstow, Joanna K; Carter, Aarynn L; de Mooij, Ernst J W; Drummond, Benjamin; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Helling, Christiane; Mayne, Nathan J and Sing, David K (2020). Ground-Based Transmission Spectroscopy with FORS2: A featureless optical transmission spectrum and detection of H2O for the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-103b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(4) pp. 5155–5170.

Spake, Jessica J.; Barstow, Joanna K.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Mayne, Nathan J.; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Kataria, Tiffany; Sing, David K. and Mikal-Evans, Thomas (2020). Confirmation of water emission in the dayside spectrum of the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-121b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(2) pp. 1638–1644.

Alam, Munazza K.; López-Morales, Mercedes; Nikolov, Nikolay; Sing, David K.; Henry, Gregory W.; Baxter, Claire; Désert, Jean-Michel; Barstow, Joanna K.; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Bourrier, Vincent; Lavvas, Panayotis; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Williamson, Michael H.; Sanz-Forcada, Jorge; Buchhave, Lars A.; Cohen, Ofer and Muñoz, Antonio García (2020). The Hubble Space Telescope PanCET Program: An Optical to Infrared Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-32Ab. The Astronomical Journal, 160(1), article no. 51.

Wilson, Paul A.; Gibson, Neale P.; García Muñoz, Antonio; Barstow, Joanna K.; Lavvas, Panayotis; Smalley, Barry; López-Morales, Mercedes; Morrell, Sam; Henry, Gregory W.; Wakeford, Hannah R.; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Goyal, Jayesh M.; Alam, Munazza K.; Sing, David K.; Nikolov, Nikolay and Carter, Aarynn L. (2020). Detection of Na, K, and H2O in the hazy atmosphere of WASP-6b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4) pp. 5449–5472.

Waldmann, Ingo P; Rocchetto, Marco; Line, Michael R; Garland, Ryan; Changeat, Quentin and Barstow, Joanna K (2020). A comparison of exoplanet spectroscopic retrieval tools. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493(4) pp. 4884–4909.

Irwin, Patrick G. J.; Parmentier, Vivien; Taylor, Jake; Barstow, Jo; Aigrain, Suzanne; Lee, Graham K. H. and Garland, Ryan (2020). 2.5D retrieval of atmospheric properties from exoplanet phase curves: application to WASP-43b observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493(1) pp. 106–125.

Lewis, N. K.; Wakeford, H. R.; MacDonald, R. J.; Goyal, J. M.; Sing, D. K.; Barstow, J.; Powell, D.; Kataria, T.; Mishra, I.; Marley, M. S.; Batalha, N. E.; Moses, J. I.; Gao, P.; Wilson, T. J.; Chubb, K. L.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Nikolov, N.; Pirzkal, N.; Spake, J. J.; Stevenson, K. B.; Valenti, J. and Zhang, X. (2020). Into the UV: The Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b Revealed. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 902(1), article no. L19.

Barstow, J. K.; Aigrain, S.; Irwin, P. G. J. and Sing, D. K. (2016). A consistent retrieval analysis of 10 hot Jupiters observed in transmission. The Astrophysical Journal, 834(1) p. 50.

Barstow, J. K. and Irwin, P. G. J. (2016). Habitable worlds with JWST: transit spectroscopy of the TRAPPIST-1 system? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 461(1) L92-L96.

Armstrong, D. J.; de Mooij, E.; Barstow, J.; Osborn, H. P.; Blake, J. and Saniee, N. Fereshteh (2016). Variability in the atmosphere of the hot giant planet HAT-P-7 b. Nature Astronomy, 1, article no. 0004.

Barstow, J. K.; Aigrain, S.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Kendrew, S. and Fletcher, L. N. (2015). Transit spectroscopy with James Webb Space Telescope: systematics, starspots and stitching. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448(3) pp. 2546–2561.

Barstow, J. K.; Aigrain, S.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Hackler, T.; Fletcher, L. N.; Lee, J. M. and Gibson, N. P. (2014). Clouds on the hot Jupiter HD189733b: constraints from the reflection spectrum. The Astrophysical Journal, 786(2) p. 154.


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