Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Juliet Fall

8 items in this list.
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Fall, Juliet J. (2007). Catalysts and converts: sparking interest for Foucault among Francophone geographers. In: Crampton, Jeremy W. and Elden, Stuart eds. Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and geography. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 107–128.

Fall, Juliet (2007). Designing framework conventions to promote and support transboundary protected areas: Theory and practice from the Carpathian convention. In: Tamburelli, Gianfranco ed. Biodiversity conservation and protected areas: The Italian and Ukrainian legislation. Series Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali - Cnr, 7 (7). Milan, Italy: Giuffré Editore, pp. 101–117.

Fall, Juliet (2006). Embodied geographies, naturalised boundaries, and uncritical geopolitics in La Frontière Invisible. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(5) pp. 653–669.

Fall, Juliet (2006). Frontiéres dans la nature et nature des frontiéres la recomposition des identités dans les espaces naturels transfrontaliers. In: Amilhat-Szary, Anne-Laure and Fourny, Marie-Christine eds. Aprés les frontiéres avec la frontiére nouvelles dynamiques transfrontaliéres en Europe. Bibliothéque des territoires. France: Editions de l'Aube, pp. 85–100.

Fall, Juliet (2005). Drawing the Line: Nature, Hybridity and Politics in Transboundary Spaces. Border Regions Series. Abington, UK: Ashgate.


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