Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jeffrey Johnson

73 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Jan 25 11:27:02 2025 GMT.

2022To Top

Borghi, Josephine; Ismail, Sharif; Hollway, James; Kim, Rakhyun E.; Sturmberg, Joachim; Brown, Garrett; Mechler, Reinhard; Volmink, Heinrich; Spicer, Neil; Chalabi, Zaid; Cassidy, Rachel; Johnson, Jeffrey; Foss, Anna; Koduah, Augustina; Searle, Christa; Komendantova, Nadejda; Semwanga, Agnes and Moon, Suerie (2022). Viewing the global health system as a complex adaptive system – implications for research and practice. F1000Research, 11, article no. 1147.

2021To Top

Jones, Sean; Charlesworth, Richard David; Naik, Kevin; Charlesworth, Thomas; O’Dwyer, Edward; Ianakiev, Anton; Johnson, Jeffrey; Boukhanouf, Rabah; Gillott, Mark; Sellwood, Victor and Aloor, Joy (2021). A multi-energy system optimisation software for advanced process control using hypernetworks and a micro-service architecture. In: Energy Reports, 7(Sup. 4) pp. 167–175.

Davies, Philip Andrew and Johnson, Jeffrey (2021). Modelling Police Community Support Officer Management by Agent-Based Simulation. In: International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM 2021), 21-23 May 2021, Online.

Denning, Peter J. and Johnson, Jeffrey (2021). Science is not another opinion. Communications of the ACM, 64(3) pp. 36–38.

Johnson, Jeffrey and Rossi, Ruggero (2021). A Structural Language for Multilevel Dynamics in the Design of Robot Soccer Systems. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics, 25 pp. 270–276.

2020To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey; Denning, Peter; Delic, Kemal and Bromley, Jane (2020). COVID-19 and computation for policy. Ubiquity, 2020(October) pp. 1–14.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Harrison, Colin and Johnson, Jeffrey (2018). Autonomous decentralised systems and society. In: Mori, Kinji and Kunifuji, Takashi eds. Autonomous Decentralized Systems and their Applications in Transport and Infrastructure. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 215–234.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Tesei, Luca; Piangerelli, Marco; Merelli, Emanuela; Paci, Riccardo; Stojanovic, Nenad; Leitão, Paulo; Barbosa, José and Amador, Marco (2018). Big Data: Business, Technology, Education, and Science. Ubiquity, 2018(July) pp. 1–13.

Johnson, Jeffrey and Rossi, Ruggero (2018). Dynamic Structures for Evolving Tactics and Strategies in Team Robotics. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2018) (Jia, Yingmin; Ito, Takao and Lee, Ju-Jang eds.), ALife Robotics Corp. Ltd., Beppu, Oita, JAPAN, pp. 126–131.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane (2018). Multilevel systems and policy. In: Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Paraskevas, Alexandros and Day, Christopher eds. Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory and Applications. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 363–387.

2017To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey; Denning, Peter; Sousa-Rodrigues, David and Delic, Kemal A. (2017). Big Data, Digitization, and Social Change (Ubiquity Symposium). In: Ubiquity, ACM, 2017, article no. 1.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Nowak, Andrzej; Ormerod, Paul; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Yi-Cheng eds. (2017). Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking. Understanding Complex Systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Ormerod, Paul; Nowak, Andrzej; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Yi-Cheng (2017). Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy. In: Johnson, Jeffrey; Nowak, Andrzej; Ormerod, Paul; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Y-Cheng eds. Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking. Understanding Complexity. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1–17.

Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane M. (2017). Systems, Networks and Policy. In: Johnson, Jeffrey; Nowak, Andrzej; Ormerod, Paul; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Yi-Chang eds. Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking. Understanding Complex Systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 111–134.

Dum, Ralph and Johnson, Jeffrey (2017). Global Systems Science and Policy. In: Johnson, Jeffrey; Nowak, Andrzej; Ormerod, Paul; Rosewell, Bridget and Zhang, Yi-Cheng eds. Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking. Understanding Complex Systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 209–225.

2016To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey H. (2016). Embracing n-ary Relations in Network Science. In: Wierzbicki, Adam; Brandes, Ulrik; Schweitzer, Frank and Pedreschi, Dino eds. Advances in Network Science: 12th International Conference and School, NetSci-X 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, January 11-13, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9564). Switzerland: Springer, pp. 147–160.

2015To Top

Rucco, Matteo; Sousa-Rodriges, David; Merelli, Emanuela; Johnson, Jeffrey H.; Falsetti, Lorenzo; Nitti, Cinzia and Salvi, Aldo (2015). Neural hypernetwork approach for pulmonary embolism diagnosis. BMC Research Notes, 8(617)

Johnson, Jeffrey (2015). Policy Design, Planning, and Management in Global Systems Science. In: Cardin, Michel-Alexandre; Krob, Daniel; Pao, Chuen Lui; Yang, How Tan and Wood, Kristin eds. Complex Systems Design & Management Asia. Designing Smart Cities: Proceedings of the First Asia - Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management, CSD&M Asia 2014. Springer, pp. 125–132.

2014To Top

Teixeira de Sampayo, Mafalda; Sousa-Rodrigues, David; Jimenez-Romero, Cristian and Johnson, Jeffrey (2014). Peer assessment in architecture education. In: 14th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, 9-12 Sep 2014, Brno, Czech Republic.

2013To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey (2013). Hypernetworks in the science of complex systems. Series on complexity science, 3. London: Imperial College Press.

Johnson, Jeffrey and Cook, Matthew (2013). Policy design: a new area of design research and practice. In: Aiguier, Marc; Boulanger, Frédéric; Krob, Daniel and Clotilde, Marchal eds. Complex Systems in Design and Management. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 51–62.

Jimenez-Romero, Cristian; Johnson, Jeffrey and De Castro, Ricardo (2013). Machine and social intelligent peer-assessment systems for assessing large student populations in massive open online education. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on e-Learning, SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France, 30-31 October 2013. Volume 1, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, pp. 598–607.

2012To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey (2012). Hypernetworks for policy design in systems of systems of systems. In: 2nd International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, 5-7 Dec 2012, Santa Fe, Springer-Verlag, pp. 179–189.

San Miguel, M.; Johnson, J. H.; Kertesz, J.; Kaski, K.; Diaz-Guilera, A.; MacKay, R. S.; Loreto, V.; Erdi, P. and Helbing, D. (2012). Challenges in complex systems science. European Physics Journal Special Topics, 214 pp. 245–271.

Johnson, J.; Buckingham Shum, S.; Willis, A.; Bishop, S.; Zamenopoulos, T.; Swithenby, S.; MacKay, R.; Merali, Y.; Lorincz, A.; Costea, C.; Bourgine, P.; Louçã, J.; Kapenieks, A.; Kelly, P.; Caird, S.; Bromley, J.; Deakin Crick, R.; Goldspink, C.; Collet, P.; Carbone, A. and Helbing, D. (2012). The FuturICT education accelerator. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 214 pp. 215–243.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2012). Cities: systems of systems of systems. In: Portugali, Juval; Meyer, Han; Stolk, Egbert and Tan, Ekim eds. Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age. Springer Complexity. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 153–172.

2010To Top

Dewberry, Emma and Johnson, Jeffrey (2010). Design interventions, prediction and science in the sustainable transition of large, complex systems,. In: The 2nd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES2010), 17-19 Nov, Tokyo.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2010). The future of the social sciences and humanities in the science of complex systems. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 23(2) pp. 115–134.

Alexiou, Katerina; Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2010). Embracing complexity in design: emerging perspectives and opportunities. In: Inns, Tom ed. Designing for the 21st century: research methods & findings, Volume 2. United Kingdom: Gower Ashgate, pp. 87–100.

2009To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey (2009). Embracing design in complexity. In: Alexiou, Aikaterini; Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore eds. Embracing complexity in design. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 193–203.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2009). Hypernetworks of complex systems. In: Complex Sciences. First International Conference, Complex 2009, Shanghai, China, February 2009. Revised Papers, Part 1, 23-25 Feb 2009, Shanghai, Springer, pp. 364–375.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2009). Policy, design and management: the in-vivo laboratory for the science of complex socio-technical systems. In: Complex Sciences: First International Conference, Complex 2009, Shanghai, China, February 23-25, 2009. Revised Papers, Part 1, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer, pp. 232–241.

2008To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey and Serras, Joan (2008). The multilevel dynamics of very large complex road systems. In: Euproean Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS' 08), 14-19 Sep 2008, Jerusalem.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2008). Science and policy in designing complex futures. Futures, 40(6) pp. 520–536.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2008). Complex beyond words. In: IET Seminar on Complexity in Business, 3 Jun 2008, London, UK, IET.

2007To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey; Alexiou, Katerina; Creigh-Tyte, Anne; Chase, Scott; Duffy, Alex; Eckert, Claudia; Gascoigne, Damian; Kumar, Bimal; Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Petry, Michael; Qin, Sheng Fen; Robertson, Alec; Rzevski, George; Teymour, Necdet; Thompson, Avril; Young, Robert; Willis, Mateo and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2007). Embracing complexity in design. In: Inns, Tom ed. Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Questions and Insights. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Limited, pp. 129–149.

Johnson, Jeffrey and Iravani, Pejman (2007). The multilevel hypernetwork dynamics of complex systems of robot soccer agents. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2(2)

Robertson, A.; Lycouris, S. and Johnson, J.H. (2007). An approach to the design of interactive environments with reference to choreography, architecture, the complex systems of 4D design. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 3(2-3) pp. 281–294.

Scott, N. A.; Frizelle, G. and Johnson, J. H. (2007). Insights into lean manufacturing from complex systems measures. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, 10(2) pp. 125–128.

2006To Top

Johnson, J. H. (2006). Can complexity help us better understand risk? Risk Management, 8(4) pp. 227–267.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2006). Hypernetworks for reconstructing the dynamics of multilevel systems. In: European Conference on Complex Systems 2006, 25-29 Sep 2006, Oxford.

2005To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey (2005). Complexity science in collaborative design. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 1(4) pp. 223–242.

Johnson, Jeff and Hirst, Tony (2005). Robots, art and complexity science. In: Complexity Symposium: Art, Complexity and Technology: Their Interaction in Emergence, 5-6 May 2005, Torino, Italy.

Earl, Chris; Johnson, Jeffrey and Eckert, Claudia (2005). Complexity. In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement: A Review Of Current Practice. London, U.K.: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 174–197.

Earl, Christopher; Eckert, Claudia and Johnson, Jeffrey (2005). Complexity of planning in design. In: Tumer, Irem Y.; Hayes, Caroline and Gupta, S. K. eds. Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Iravani, Pejman; Johnson, Jeff H. and Rapanotti, Lucia (2005). Robotics and the Q-analysis of behaviour. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), 4-6 Feb 2005, Beneppu, Japan.

2004To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey and Price, Blaine A. (2004). Complexity science and representation in robot soccer. In: Polani, Daniel; Browning, Brett; Bonarini, Andrea and Yoshida, Kazuo eds. RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3020. Berlin: Springer, pp. 67–76.

2003To Top

Price, Blaine A.; Richards, Mike; Petre, Marian; Hirst, Anthony and Johnson, Jeffrey (2003). Developing Robotics e-teaching for teamwork. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, 13(1-2) pp. 190–205.

Sklar, Elizabeth; Eguchi, Amy and Johnson, Jeffrey (2003). RoboCupJunior: learning with educational robots. AI Magazine, 24(2; Summer) pp. 43–46.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2003). Children, robotics, and education. Artificial Life and Robotics, 7(1-2) pp. 16–21.

2001To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey and Simon, Jean-Claude (2001). Fundamental structures in the design of machine vision systems. Mathematical Geology, 33(3) pp. 331–352.

Johnson, Jeffrey (2001). Visual communication in swarms of intelligent robot agents. Artificial Life and Robotics, 5(1) pp. 1–9.

Earl, C. F.; Eckert, C. M. and Johnson, J. (2001). Complexity in planning design processes. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Research – Theories, Methodologies and Product Modelling (ICED'01), 21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK, pp. 149–156.

2000To Top

1985To Top

Brown, F. E. and Johnson, J. H. (1985). An interactive computer model of urban development: the rules governing the morphology of mediaeval London. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 12(4) pp. 377–400.

1981To Top

Johnson, J. H. (1981). The Q-analysis of road traffic systems. Environment and Planning B. Planning and Design, 8(2) pp. 141–189.


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