Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Joseph Hanlon

86 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2024). Mozambique: Turning a poor country into a rentier state. In: Sanghera, Balihar ed. Global Rentier Capitalism: Theory and Development. London: Routledge, pp. 167–179.

2021To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2021). Turning Mozambique into a mafia, resource curse state. The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 110(3) pp. 405–406.

Hanlon, Joseph (2021). Collapsing Electoral Integrity in Mozambique. Journal of African Elections, 20(1) pp. 44–66.

Hanlon, Joseph and Jones, Tim (2021). Debt and Development. In: Haslam, Paul; Schafer, Jessica and Beaudet, Pierre eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice (4th ed.). Don Mills, Canada: Oxford University Press Canada, pp. 263–281.

2020To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2020). Bangladesh farmers push for temporary flooding to correct Dutch polder failure. Journal of International Development, 32(1) pp. 29–43.

2018To Top

Hanlon, Joseph and Nvunga, Adriano (2018). Local Media Observation of Mozambique's Elections. Journal of African Elections, 17(1) pp. 72–92.

2017To Top

Hanlon, Joseph and Jones, Tim (2017). Debt and development. In: Haslam, Paul; Schafer, Jessica and Beaudet, Paul eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues (3rd ed). Ontario: OUP Canada, pp. 262–280.

2016To Top

Roy, Manoj; Hanlon, Joseph and Hulme, David (2016). Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change: Keeping Our Heads Above Water. Anthem Climate Change and Policy Series. London: Anthem Press.

Hanlon, Joseph (2016). Mozambique. In: Abbink, Jon; Elischer, Sebastian; Mehler, Andreas and Melber, Henning eds. Africa Yearbook - Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2015, Volume 12. Leiden: Brill, pp. 461–469.

2015To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2015). Mozambique. In: Elischer, Sebastion; Hofmeier, Rolf; Mehler, Andreas and Melber, Henning eds. Africa Yearbook - Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014, Volume 11. Leiden: Brill, pp. 457–466.

2014To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2014). Mozambique 2013. In: Mehler, Andreas; Melber, Henning and van Walraven, Klaas eds. Africa Yearbook : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2013. Africa Yearbook (10). Leiden: Brill.

Smart, Teresa and Hanlon, Joseph (2014). Galinhas e cerveja: uma receita para o crescimento. Maputo, Mozambique: Kapicua.

Manjengwa, Jeanette; Hanlon, Joseph and Smart, Teresa (2014). Who will make the 'best' use of Africa's land? Lessons from Zimbabwe. Third World Quarterly, 35(6) pp. 980–995.

2012To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2012). Governance as 'Kicking Away the Ladder'. New Political Economy, 17(5) pp. 691–698.

Cunguara, Benedito and Hanlon, Joseph (2012). Whose wealth is it anyway? mozambique’s outstanding economic growth with worsening rural poverty. Development and Change, 43(3) pp. 623–647.

Hanlon, Joseph (2012). Debt and development. In: Haslam, Paul; Schafer, Jessica and Beaudet, Paul eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues (2nd ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hanlon, Joseph; Manjengwa, Jeanette and Smart, Teresa (2012). Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land. Sterling, Viirginia: Kumarian Press.

2011To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2011). Mozambique. In: Mehler, Andreas; Melber, Henning and van Walraven, Klaas eds. Africa Yearbook : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2010. Africa Yearbook (7). Leiden: Brill.

Hanlon, Joseph (2011). Välfärdssamhället Sverige som förebild – möjligheter och lärdomar. In: Nycander, Gunnel Axelsson ed. Pengar i Handen: Sociala Trygghetssystem som Metod för Att Bekämpa Fattigdom och Hunger. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, pp. 49–61.

Hanlon, Joseph (2011). Is Mozambique following a latecomer developer strategy? Transformation, 2011(76) pp. 137–143.

2010To Top

Hanlon, Joseph; Barrientos, Armando and Hulme, David (2010). Just Give Money to the Poor: The Development Revolution from the Global South. Sterling, VA, USA: Kumarian.

Hanlon, Joseph (2010). Mozambique: 'the war ended 17 years ago, but we are still poor'. Conflict, Security and Development, 10(1) pp. 77–102.

Hanlon, Joseph (2010). Frelimo landslide in tainted election in Mozambique. Review of African Political Economy, 37(123) pp. 92–95.

2009To Top

Hanlon, Joseph and Mosse, Marcelo (2009). Is Mozambique's elite moving from corruption to development? In: UNU-WIDER Conference on the Role of Elites in Economic Development, 12-13 Jun 2009, Helsinki, Finland.

Hanlon, Joseph (2009). Just give money to the poor. In: II Conferencia do IESE “Dinamicas da Pobreza e Padrões de Acumulação em Moçambique”, 22-23 Apr 2009, Maputo, Mozambique.

Hanlon, Joseph (2009). Mozambique: The panic and rage of the poor. Review of African Political Economy, 36(119) pp. 125–130.

Hanlon, Joseph (2009). Debt and Development. In: Haslam, Paul; Schafer, Jessica and Beaudet, Paul eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues. Oxford University Press, pp. 254–270.

Hanlon, Joseph (2009). Mozambique. In: Mehler, A.; Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. eds. Africa Yearbook 2008. Brill, pp. 455–464.

de Renzio, Paolo and Hanlon, Joseph (2009). Mozambique: Contested Sovereignty? The Dilemmas of Aid Dependence. In: Whitfield, Lindsay ed. The Politics of Aid: African Strategies for Dealing with Donors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 246–270.

2008To Top

Hanlon, Joseph and Smart, Teresa (2008). Do Bicycles Equal Development in Mozambique? Oxford, UK: James Currey.

2007To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2007). Wolfowitz, the World Bank, and illegtimate lending. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 13(2) pp. 41–54.

2006To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2006). 'Illegitimate' loans: lenders, not borrowers, are responsible. Third World Quarterly, 27(2) pp. 211–226.

Hanlon, Joseph (2006). Defining 'illegitimate debt': when creditors should be liable for improper loans. In: Jochnick, Chris and Preston, Fraser A. eds. Sovereign debt at the crossroads: challenges and proposals for resolving the third world debt crisis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 109–130.

2005To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). 200 wars and the humanitarian response. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. Civil War, Civil Peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 18–48.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). Is the international community helping to recreate the preconditions for war in Sierra Leone? The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 94(381) pp. 459–472.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). Intervention. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. Civil War, Civil Peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 49–71.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). Roots of civil war: tick 'all of the above. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. Civil War, Civil Peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 72–94.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). Ethnicity and identity. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. Civil War, Civil Peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 95–112.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). External roots of internal war. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. Civil War, Civil Peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 113–134.

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). A flawed election process in Mozambique and a landslide victory for Frelimo. In: Minnie, Jeanete ed. Outside the Ballot Box: Preconditions for elections in Southern Africa 2004/5. Windhoek, Namibia: Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA).

Hanlon, Joseph (2005). Mozambique. In: Mehler, Andreas ed. Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara. Leiden & Boston: Brill.

2004To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2004). Bringing it all together: a case study of Mozambique. In: Junne, Gerd and Verkoren, Willemijn eds. Postconflict development: meeting new challenges. Boulder, Colorado, USA: Lynn Rienner, pp. 273–287.

Hanlon, Joseph (2004). Renewed land debate and the 'cargo cult' in Mozambique. Journal of Southern African Studies, 30(3) pp. 603–626.

Hanlon, Joseph (2004). It is possible to just give money to the poor. In: Pronk, Jan ed. Catalysing Development? A Debate on Aid. Blackwell, pp. 181–200.

Hanlon, Joseph (2004). Do donors promote corruption?: the case of Mozambique. Third World Quarterly, 25(4) pp. 747–763.

Hanlon, Joseph (2004). It is possible to just give money to the poor. Development and Change, 35(2) pp. 375–383.

2003To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2003). Mozambique: Round up all the Usual Suspects. Review of African Political Economy, 30(98) pp. 653–654.

Hanlon, Joseph (2003). Preface-Prefácio to Carlos Serra 'Cólera e catarse'. In: Serra, Carlos ed. Cólera e Catarse. Maputo, Moçambique: Imprensa Universitária, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.

2002To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2002). Bank corruption becomes site of struggle in Mozambique. Review of African Political Economy, 29(91) pp. 53–72.

Hanlon, Joseph (2002). Debate Intensifies over Adjustment and Press Freedom in Mozambique. Review of African Political Economy, 29(91) pp. 113–116.

Hanlon, Joseph and Christie, Frances (2002). Preparedness pays off in Mozambique. In: ed. World Disasters Report 2002. Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

2001To Top

Christie, Frances and Hanlon, Joseph (2001). Mozambique & the great flood of 2000. African Issues. Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press.

2000To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (2000). An 'Ambitious and Extensive Political Agenda': The role of NGOs and the AID industry. In: Kendall, Stiles ed. Global Institutions and Local Empowerment: Competing Theoretical Perspectives. International Political Economy Series. Hampshire, UK: Macmillan Press.

Hanlon, Joseph (2000). Two decades of competition over health in Mozambique. In: Robinson, Dorcas; Hewitt, Tom and Harriss, John eds. Managing Development: Understanding Inter-Organizational Relationships. London, UK: Sage.

Hanlon, Joseph (2000). How much debt must be cancelled? Journal of International Development, 12(6) pp. 877–901.

Hanlon, Joseph (2000). Power without Responsibility: The World Bank and Mozambican Cashew Nuts. Review of African Political Economy, 27(83) pp. 29–45.

Hanlon, Joseph (2000). Historia de la deuda y porqué su cancelación. Revista Bimestre Cubana, 12 pp. 40–68.

1998To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1998). Grabbing attention. In: Thomas, Alan; Chataway, Jo and Wuyts, Marc eds. Finding Out Fast: Investigative Skills for Policy and Development. UK: Sage.

1997To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1997). Mozambique: Under New Management. Soundings, 7 pp. 184–194.

Hanlon, Joseph (1997). Guia Básico Sobre as Autárquias Locais. Maputo: Ministério de Administração Estatal e Associação de Parlamentares Europeus para Africa.

Hanlon, Joseph (1997). It’s the IMF that runs Mozambique. In: Sogge, David ed. Mozambique: Perspectives on aid and the civil sector. Amsterdam: Gemeenschappelijk Overleg Medefinacierig.

1994To Top

Hanlon, Joseph and Mayekiso, M. (1994). Making People - Driven Development Work. In: Hanlon, Joseph and Mayekiso, M. eds. Not Set

1991To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1991). Mozambique: Who Calls the Shots? London, UK: James Currey.

1990To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1990). Impact of Sanctions on SADCC. In: Hanlon, Joseph ed. South Africa: The Sanctions Report - Documents and Statistics. UK: James Currey.

1989To Top

Hanlon, Joseph ed. (1989). South Africa: The Sanctions Report. UK: Penguin Books Ltd.

Hanlon, Joseph (1989). SADCC: in the 1990s: development on the front line. London, UK: Economist Intelligence Unit.

1987To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1987). Post-apartheid South Africa and its neighbours. Third World Quarterly, 9(2) pp. 437–449.

Hanlon, Joseph and Omond, Roger (1987). The Sanctions Handbook. Middlesex, UK: Penguin.

1986To Top

1984To Top

Hanlon, Joseph (1984). Mozambique: The Revolution under fire. Third World Books. London, UK: Zed Books Ltd.


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