Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jean Hartley

109 items in this list.
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Rønning, Rolf; Hartley, Jean; Fuglsang, Lars and Geuijen, Karin (2022). Valuing Public Innovation : Contributions to Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2012). Leadership For Healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press.

Leach, Steve; Hartley, Jean; Lowndes, Vivien; Wilson, David and Downe, James (2005). Local Political Leadership in England and Wales. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Hartley, Jean; Jacobson, Dan; Klandermans, Bert and Van Vuuren, Tinka (1990). Job Insecurity: Coping with Jobs at Risk. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Hartley, Jean; Kelly, John E. and Nicholson, Nigel (1983). Steel Strike: A Case Study in Industrial Relations. Batsford Ltd.

Edited BookTo Top

Storey, John; Hartley, Jean; Denis, Jean-Louis; 't Hart, Paul and Ulrich, Dave eds. (2016). The Routledge Companion to Leadership. Routledge Companions. New York: Routledge.

Hartley, Jean; Donaldson, Cam; Skelcher, Chris and Wallace, Mike eds. (2008). Managing to Improve Public Services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hartley, Jean and Stephenson, Geoffrey M eds. (1991). Employment Relations: The Psychology of Influence and Control at Work. Wiley-Blackwell.

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Hartley, Jean; Parker, Steven and Beashel, Jim (2024). Leading and recognizing public value. In: Cook, B. J. ed. Challenges to Public Value Creation: Authority, Process, and Complexity. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 159–182.

Hartley, Jean (2023). Understanding public leadership. In: Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke eds. Public Management and Governance, Fourth Edition. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 271–283.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2019). Action research to develop the theory and practice of public value as a contested democratic practice. In: Lindgreen, Adam; Koenig-Lewis, Nicole; Kitchener, Martin; Brewer, John D.; Moore, Mark H. and Meynhardt, Timo eds. Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice of Creating Public Value. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 143–158.

Hartley, Jean (2014). Can political leadership be taught? In: Rhodes, R. A. W. and t'Hart, P. eds. Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hartley, Jean (2013). Public and private features of innovation. In: Osborne, Stephen P. and Brown, Louise eds. Handbook of Innovation in Public Services. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 44–59.

Hartley, Jean (2012). Public value through innovation and improvement. In: Benington, John and Moore, Mark H eds. Public value: Theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171–184.

Hartley, Jean (2012). Leadership across complex systems and boundaries. In: Spurgeon, Peter; Burke, Ronald J and Cooper, Carey L eds. The Innovation Imperative in Health Care Organisations: Critical Role of Human Resource Management in the Cost, Quality and Productivity Equation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 187–204.

Hartley, Jean (2012). Political leadership and its development. In: Weinberg, Ashley ed. The Psychology of Politicians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 97–120.

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2011). Political leadership. In: Bryman, Alan; Collinson, David; Grint, Keith; Jackson, Brad and Uhl-Bien, Mary eds. The SAGE Handbook of Leadership. Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 203–214.

Hartley, Jean and Rashman, Lyndsay (2010). The role of leadership in knowledge creation and transfer for organizational learning and improvement. In: Walshe, Keiran; Harvey, Gill and Jas, Pauline eds. Connecting Knowledge and Performance in Public Services: From Knowing to Doing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 145–172.

Hartley, Jean (2010). Political leadership. In: Brookes, Stephen and Grint, Keith eds. The New Public Leadership Challenge. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133–149.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2010). Knowledge and capabilities for leadership across the whole public service system. In: Brookes, Stephen and Grint, Keith eds. The New Public Leadership Challenge. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187–198.

Hartley, Jean and Pinder, Kate (2010). Coaching political leaders. In: Passmore, Jonathan ed. Leadership Coaching: Working with Leaders to Develop Elite Performance. London: Kogan Page, pp. 159–176.

Hartley, Jean (2010). Public sector leadership and management development. In: Gold, Jeff; Thorpe, Richard and Mumford, Alan eds. Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development. Farnham: Gower Publishing Limited, pp. 531–546.

Moore, Mark and Hartley, Jean (2009). Innovations in governance. In: Osborne, Stephen P. ed. The New Public Governance?: Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 52–71.

Hartley, Jean and Skelcher, Chris (2008). The agenda for public service improvement. In: Hartley, Jean; Donaldson, Cam; Skelcher, Chris and Wallace, Mike eds. Managing to Improve Public Services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–24.

Hartley, Jean (2008). The innovation landscape for public service organizations. In: Hartley, Jean; Donaldson, Cam; Skelcher, Chris and Wallace, Mike eds. Managing to improve public services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 197–216.

Donaldson, Cam; Hartley, Jean; Skelcher, Chris and Wallace, Mike (2008). Conclusions: Current themes and future directions for research. In: Hartley, Jean; Donaldson, Cam; Skelcher, Chris and Wallace, Mike eds. Managing to improve public services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 279–286.

Hartley, Jean and Fletcher, Clive (2008). Leadership with political awareness: leadership across diverse interests inside and outside the organization. In: Turnbull James, Kim and Collins, James eds. Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163–176.

Hartley, Jean (2008). Does innovation lead to improvement in public services? Lessons from the Beacon Scheme in the UK. In: Borins, Sandford F. ed. Innovations in Government: Research, Recognition, and Replication. Brookings/ASH Institute Series, "Innovative Governance in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp. 159–187.

Hartley, Jean and Rashman, Lyndsay (2006). How is knowledge transferred between organizations involved in change? In: Wallace, Mike; Fertig, Michael and Schneller, Eugene eds. Managing Change in the Public Services. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 173–192.

Rashman, Lyndsay; Downe, James and Hartley, Jean (2006). Knowledge creation and transfer in the Beacon Scheme: improving services through sharing good practice. In: Martin, Steve ed. Public Service Improvement: Policies, Progress and Prospects. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 152–170.

Hartley, Jean (2004). Case study research. In: Cassell, Catherine and Symon, Gillian eds. Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 323–333.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2004). Co-research: insider/outsider teams for organizational research. In: Cassell, Catherine and Symon, Gillian eds. Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 361–371.

Journal ItemTo Top

Hartley, Jean; Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf and Geuijen, Karin (2024). Debate: Whether and how public innovations create value. Public Money & Management, 44(6) pp. 443–445.

Parker, Steven; Hartley, Jean; Beashel, Jim and Vo, Quoc (2023). Leading for public value in multi-agency collaboration. Public Policy and Administration, 38(1) pp. 83–106.

Hartley, Jean; Ongaro, Edoardo; Quick, Kathy and Schröter, Eckhard (2023). Public management and policing: a dialectical inquiry. Public Management Review, 25(9) pp. 1711–1729.

Schröter, Eckhard; Quick, Kathy; Ongaro, Edoardo and Hartley, Jean (2023). Insights into public management from policing: introduction to the special issue of Public Management Review. Public Management Review, 25(9) pp. 1633–1639.

Hartley, Jean and Knell, Laurence (2022). Innovation, exnovation and intelligent failure. Public Money and Management, 42(1) pp. 40–48.

Waring, Justin; Bishop, Simon; Clarke, Jenelle; Exworthy, Mark; Fulop, Naomi J; Hartley, Jean; Ramsay, Angus IG; Black, Georgia and Roe, Bridget (2022). Healthcare Leadership with Political Astuteness and its role in the implementation of major system change: the HeLPA qualitative study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10(11)

Waring, Justin; Bishop, Simon; Clarke, Jenelle; Exworthy, Mark; Fulop, Naomi J; Hartley, Jean; Ramsay, Angus I G; Black, Georgia and Roe, Bridget (2022). Acquiring and developing healthcare leaders’ political skills: an interview study with healthcare leaders. BMJ Leader, 7(1)

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2021). The Cloud of Unknowing: Time for Value-ing Gerunds. Administration & Society, 53(10) pp. 1610–1623.

Clarke, Jenelle M.; Waring, Justin; Bishop, Simon; Hartley, Jean; Exworthy, Mark; Fulop, Naomi J.; Ramsay, Angus and Roe, Bridget (2021). The contribution of political skill to the implementation of health services change: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), article no. 260.

Yates, Sophie and Hartley, Jean (2021). Learning to lead with political astuteness. International Public Management Journal, 24(4) pp. 562–583.

Hartley, Jean; Parker, Steven and Beashel, Jim (2019). Leading and recognizing public value. Public Administration, 97(2) pp. 264–278.

Hartley, Jean; Sancino, Alessandro; Bennister, Mark and Resodihardjo, Sandra L. (2019). Leadership for public value: Political astuteness as a conceptual link. Public Administration, 97(2) pp. 239–249.

Waring, Justin; Bishop, Simon; Clarke, Jenelle; Exworthy, Mark; Fulop, Naomi J.; Hartley, Jean and Ramsay, Angus I. G. (2018). Healthcare leadership with political astuteness (HeLPA): a qualitative study of how service leaders understand and mediate the informal ‘power and politics’ of major health system change. BMC Health Services Research, 18, article no. 918.

Hartley, Jean (2018). Ten propositions about public leadership. International Journal of Public Leadership, 14(4) pp. 202–217.

Hartley, Jean and Rashman, Lyndsay (2018). Innovation and inter-organizational learning in the context of public service reform. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 84(2) pp. 231–248.

Bandy, Gary and Hartley, Jean (2018). Debate: When spending less causes a problem. Public Money & Management, 38(1) pp. 52–54.

Alford, John; Hartley, Jean; Yates, Sophie and Hughes, Owen (2017). Into the Purple Zone: Deconstructing the Politics/Administration Distinction. The American Review of Public Administration, 47(7) pp. 752–763.

Hartley, Jean; Alford, John; Knies, Eva and Douglas, Scott (2017). Towards an empirical research agenda for public value theory. Public Management Review, 19(5) pp. 670–685.

Hartley, Jean and Hesketh, Ian (2016). Public Value: a new means to peel an apple? European Police Science and Research Bulletin, 13 pp. 64–69.

Kiefer, Tina; Hartley, Jean; Conway, Neil and Briner, Rob B. (2015). Feeling the squeeze: public employees’ experiences of cutback -and innovation-related organizational changes following a national announcement of budget reductions. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 25(4) pp. 1279–1305.

Hartley, Jean; Alford, John; Hughes, Owen and Yates, Sophie (2015). Public value and political astuteness in the work of public managers: the art of the possible. Public Administration, 93(1) pp. 195–211.

Hartley, Jean (2011). Learning in the whirlwind: politicians and leadership development. Public Money and Management, 31(5) pp. 331–338.

Nicolini, D; Hartley, Jean; Stansfield, A and Hurcombe, J (2011). Through the eyes of others: Using developmental peer review to promote reflection and change in organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24(2) pp. 211–228.

Rashman, L.yndsay; Withers, Erin and Hartley, Jean (2009). Organizational learning and knowledge in public service organizations: a systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(4) pp. 463–494.

Moore, Mark and Hartley, Jean (2008). Innovations in governance. Public Management Review, 10(1) pp. 3–20.

Pedersen, Dorthe and Hartley, Jean (2008). The changing context of public leadership and management: implications for roles and dynamics. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(4) pp. 327–339.

Benington, John; Hartley, Jean; Neilsen, J. C. Ry and Notten, Ton (2008). Innovation, design and delivery of MPA programmes for public leaders and managers in Europe. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(4) pp. 383–399.

Hartley, Jean and Downe, James (2007). The shining lights? Public service awards as an approach to service improvement. Public Administration, 85(2) pp. 329–353.

Morrell, K and Hartley, Jean (2006). A model of political leadership. Human Relations, 59(4) pp. 483–504.

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2006). Copy and paste, or graft and transplant? Knowledge sharing through inter-organizational networks. Public Money and Management, 26(2) pp. 101–108.

Morrell, Kevin and Hartley, Jean (2006). Ethics in leadership: the case of local politicians. Local Government Studies, 32(1) pp. 55–70.

Rashman, Lyndsay; Downe, James and Hartley, Jean (2005). Knowledge creation and transfer in the Beacon Scheme: improving services through sharing good practice. Local Government Studies, 31(5) pp. 683–700.

Hartley, Jean (2005). Innovation in governance and public services: past and present. Public Money and Management, 25(1) pp. 27–34.

Downe, James; Hartley, Jean and Rashman, Lyndsay (2004). Evaluating the extent of inter-organizational learning and change through the Beacon Council Scheme. Public Management Review, 6(4) pp. 531–554.

Ferlie, Ewan; Hartley, Jean and Martin, Steve (2003). Changing public service organizations: current perspectives and future prospects. British Journal of Management, 14(s1) S1-S14.

Hartley, Jean and Allison, Maria (2002). Good, better, best? Inter-organizational learning in a network of local authorities. Public Management Review, 4(1) pp. 101–118.

Rashman, Lyndsay and Hartley, Jean (2002). Leading and learning? Knowledge transfer in the Beacon Council Scheme. Public Administration, 80(3) pp. 523–542.

Hartley, Jean; Butler, Michael J. R. and Benington, John (2002). Local government modernization: UK and comparative analysis from an organizational perspective. Public Management Review, 4(3) pp. 387–404.

Hartley, Jean (2002). Leading communities: capabilities and cultures. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 23(8) pp. 419–429.

Lewis, Michael and Hartley, Jean (2001). Evolving forms of quality management in local government: lessons from the Best Value pilot programme. Policy & Politics, 29(4) pp. 477–496.

Hartley, Jean (2001). Employee surveys - Strategic aid or hand-grenade for organisational and cultural change? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 14(3) pp. 184–204.

Hartley, Jean and Allison, Maria (2000). The role of leadership in the modernisation and improvement of public services. Public Money and Management, 20(2) pp. 35–40.

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2000). Co-research: a new methodology for new times. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(4) pp. 463–476.

Hartley, Jean F. (1980). The impact of unemployment upon the self-esteem of managers. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53(2) pp. 147–155.

Hartley, Jean F. (1980). The personality of unemployed managers: myths and measurement. Personnel Review, 9(3) pp. 12–18.

Smith, Mike; Hartley, Jean and Stewart, Bernie (1978). A case study of repertory grids used in vocational guidance. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 51(1) pp. 97–104.

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