Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jude Fransman

30 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 10:42:53 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Fransman, Jude (2024). Engaging local communities with the governance of social and cultural infrastructures. In: The British Academy ed. Social and cultural infrastructure for people and policy: Discussion Papers. Social and cultural infrastructure for people and policy. London: The British Academy, pp. 38–61.

Derrick, G.E.; Hettrick, S.; Baker, J.; Karoune, E.; Kerridge, S.; Fletcher, G.; Chue Hong, N.; Ballantyne, L.; Fransman, J. and Roche, T. (2024). Shaping the future of research evaluation: Insights from The Festival of Hidden REF. Emerald Publishing, Leeds, UK.

2022To Top

Fransman, Jude; Abbasalizadeh, Hassan; Atuhaire, Sheilla; Deterville, Aiyesha; Dunn, Eleanor; Erkmen, Filiz; Kambeja, Ronald; Onkal, Ayça; Rognaldsen, Anna; Sibanda, Sherilyn and Stephens, Shannae (2022). Campsbourne Community-Based Research: Pilot project report. In Campsbourne Community Research Collective Campsbourne Community Research Collective, Campsbourne Estate.

Fransman, Jude and Shutt, Cathy (2022). Learning for Consortia: UK Aid Connect Lessons. Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, London, UK.

2021To Top

Fransman, Jude; Hall, Budd; Hayman, Rachel; Narayanan, Pradeep; Newman, Kate and Tandon, Rajesh (2021). Beyond partnerships: embracing complexity to understand and improve research collaboration for global development. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 42(3) pp. 326–346.

Bennett, Laura; Findlay Brooks, Ruth; Fransman, Jude; Harrison, Tom; O'Donovan-Iland, Ben and Witham, Gerard (2021). Learning from Consortia: Programme story and reflections. The Partnering Initiative; Bond, Oxford; London.

2020To Top

Morrison, Emily; Fransman, Jude and Bulutoglu, Katriya (2020). The social implications of Covid-19 on Communities. Institute of Community Studies, London, UK.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Fransman, Jude; Hall, Budd; Hayman, Rachel; Narayanan, Pradeep; Newman, Kate and Tandon, Rajesh (2018). Promoting fair and equitable research partnerships to respond to global challenges. Rethinking Research Collaborative.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Haythornthwaite, Caroline; Andrews, Richard; Fransman, Jude and Meyers, Eric M. eds. (2016). The SAGE Handbook of E-learning Research (Second Edition). London: Sage.

2013To Top

Fransman, Jude (2013). Researching academic literacy practices around Twitter: Performative methods and their onto-ethical implications. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary R. eds. Literacy in the Digital University: Critical perspectives on learning, scholarship and technology. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) series. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 27–41.

2012To Top

Fransman, Jude (2012). Re-Imagining the Conditions of Possibility of a PhD Thesis. In: Andrews, Richard; Borg, Erik; Boyd Davis, Stephen; Domingo, Myrrh and England, Jude eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. SAGE, pp. 138–156.

Fransman, Jude and Andrews, Richard (2012). Rhetoric and the politics of representation and communication in the digital age. Learning, Media and Technology, 37(2) pp. 125–130.

Fransman, Jude (2012). Assembling Texts in the Digital University. International Journal of Learning and Media, 4(3-4) pp. 53–58.

2008To Top

2006To Top

Fransman, Jude (2006). Understanding Literacy: A concept paper. UNESCO, Paris, France.

2004To Top

Fransman, Jude; MacDonald, Alphonse; McDonnell, Ida and Pons-Vignon, Nicolas (2004). Public Opinion Polling and the Millennium Development Goals. In OECD Development Centre Working Papers: Social Institutions and Dialogue OECD Development Centre, Paris, France.

2003To Top


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