Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Joyce Cavaye

30 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 17:59:57 2025 GMT.

2018To Top

Seddon, Diane; Cavaye, Joyce; Miller, Emma and Williamson, Don (2018). Opportunities to co-create and deliver short breaks: integrating research and practice. In: Opportuntities and Co-Creation: International short Breaks Association 2018, 8-11 Oct 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Watts, Jacqueline H. and Cavaye, Joyce (2018). New horizons: the final transition in the career of former carers. In: 17th biennal congress of the ESHMS: Old tensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust, 6-8 Jun 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cavaye, Joyce and Watts, Jacqueline H. (2018). Going it alone: family carers' non-use of services. In: 17th biennal congress of the ESHMS: Old tensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust, 6-8 Jun 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cavaye, Joyce (2018). Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment. In The Conversation The Conversation, London, UK.

2017To Top

Watts, Jacqueline H. and Cavaye, Joyce (2017). Caregiving as penalty and promise: reflections of former carers. In: Global Carework Summit, 1-3 Jun 2017, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA.

2016To Top

Watts, Jacqueline H. and Cavaye, Joyce (2016). Work and informal caregiving: challenges and opportunities. In: Ageing in Europe: Beyond the work-centred life course, 14-16 Sep 2016, Frankfurt, Germany.

Cavaye, Joyce (2016). Surviving the transition from active to post-caregiving: the experiences of former carers. In: Healthy lives: technologies, policies and experiences; European Society for Health and Medical Sociology, 16th Biennal Congress, 27-29 Jun 2016, Geneva.

Cavaye, Joyce (2016). Caregiving as a rewarding experience: the perceptions of carers of older people. In: Healthy lives: technologies, policies and experiences; European Society for Health and Medical Sociology, 16th Biennal Congress, 27-29 Jun 2016, Geneva.

2015To Top

Cavaye, Joyce (2015). Health and wellbeing in the post-caregiving period. In: 6th International Carers Conference - Care and caring: future proofing the new demographics, 03-06 Sep 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cavaye, Joyce (2015). The health and wellbeing of former carers of older people. In: 44th BSG Conference, Ageing in Changing Times; Challenges and Future Prospects, 01-03 Jul 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne.

2014To Top

2012To Top

2010To Top

Cavaye, Joyce E. and Watts, Jacqueline H. (2010). Developing understandings of communication in end of life care. In: BSA Medical Sociology Group 2010 Annual Conference, 1-3 Sep 2010, Durham.

Cavaye, Joyce (2010). Dirt, disgust and embarrassment: caregivers’ responses to ageing bodies. In: 5th International Carers Conference: New frontiers in caring: 2010 and beyond, 8-11 Jul 2010, Leeds.

Cavaye, Joyce (2010). Choice: the missing dimension in becoming a carer. In: 39th Annual British Society of Gerontology Conference: Identities, Care and Everyday Life, 6-8 Jul 2010, Brunel University, London.

Cavaye, Joyce and Hannay, Sheila (2010). Adding value to NHS services: patient views of a voluntary organisation’s service. In: Delivering Better Health Services, NHS Confederation Health Services Research Network Conference, 2-3 Jun 2010, Manchester.

2009To Top

Cavaye, Joyce (2009). Promoting wellbeing? Evaluation of a therapeutic care service. In: ISA Sociology of Health Conference, Health for All: Opportunities and Challenges Conference, 21-23 Sep 2009, Jaipur, India.

Cavaye, Joyce and Watts, Jacqueline (2009). End-of-life education in pre-registration nursing curricula: issues from the literature. In: Networking for Education in Healthcare Conference, 8-10 Sep 2009, University of Cambridge, UK.

Cavaye, Joyce (2009). The first death: A student's experience. In: Earle, Sarah; Bartholomew, Caroline and Komaromy, Carol eds. Making Sense of Death, Dying and Bereavement: An Anthology. London: Sage, pp. 145–147.

2008To Top

Cavaye, Joyce E. (2008). From dawn to dusk: a temporal model of caregiving: adult carers of frail parents. In: CRFR Conference, Understanding Families and Relationships Over Time, 28 Oct 2008, University of Edinburgh.

Cavaye, Joyce E. (2008). Carers responses to the ageing body. In: ISA Sociology of Ageing Conference, 05-08 Sep 2008, University of Barcelona, Spain.

2006To Top

Cavaye, Joyce (2006). Hidden Carers. Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care, 3. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.

Cavaye, Joyce (2006). Care of older people in Scotland. In: Mooney, Gerry; Sweeney, Tony and Law, Alex eds. Social Care, Health and Welfare in Contemporary Scotland. Kynoch and Blaney, pp. 239–270.


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