Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by James Robson

34 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Robson, James (2023). Aristophanes: Lysistrata. Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Robson, James (2013). Sex and Sexuality in Classical Athens. Debates and Documents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd and Robson, James (2009). Ctesias' History of Persia: Tales of the Orient. Routledge Classical Translations. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Robson, James (2009). Aristophanes: An Introduction. London: Duckworth.

Robson, James (2006). Humour, obscenity and Aristophanes. Drama - studien zum antiken drama und seiner rezeption, 1. Tuebingen, Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag.

Edited BookTo Top

Masterson, Mark; Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Robson, James eds. (2015). Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Rewriting Antiquity. Abingdon, New York: Routledge.

Book SectionTo Top

Robson, James (2025). An Enviable Life or Worse than Death? Reconstructing Women's Experience of Marriage and Sex in Classical Athens. In: Clark, Anna and Williams, Elizabeth W. eds. Sources and Methods in the History of Sexuality. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 102–118.

Robson, James (2024). Sex in Athens in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE. In: Wiesner-Hanks, M. E. and Kuefler, M. eds. Sites of Knowledge and Practice. The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–26.

Robson, James and Lloyd, Mair (2019). Making IT Count: Measuring Student Engagement with Online Resources at the Open University. In: Natoli, Bartolo and Hunt, Steven eds. Teaching Classics with Technology. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 39–52.

Robson, James and Graham, Emma-Jayne (2018). Classics online at the Open University: teaching and learning with interactive resources. In: Holmes-Henderson, Arlene; Hunt, Steven and Musié, Mai eds. Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 217–299.

Robson, James (2017). Humouring the masses: The Theatre Audience and the Highs and Lows of Aristophanic Comedy. In: Grig, Lucy ed. Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 66–87.

Robson, James (2017). Aristophanes. In: Burgess, J.; Kneebone, E.; Liapis, V. and Swift, L. eds. The Literary Encyclopedia, Volume 1.1.1: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Writing and Culture, 800-100 B.C.E., Volume 1.1.1. The Literary Encyclopedia.

Masterson, Mark and Robson, James (2016). Foreword: The Book and its Influence. In: Dover, K. J. ed. Greek Homosexuality (3rd edition). London: Bloomsbury, xv-xxvii.

Robson, James (2016). The Frogs and Thesmophoriazusae. In: Singh, Alexandre ed. Causeries. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, pp. 154–166.

Robson, James (2016). Aristophanes, Gender and Sexuality. In: Walsh, Philip ed. Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristophanes. Brill's Companions to Classical Reception. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 44–66.

Robson, James (2015). Fantastic sex: fantasies of sexual assault in Aristophanes. In: Masterson, Mark; Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Robson, James eds. Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Rewriting Antiquity. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 315–331.

Robson, James (2014). Slipping one in: the introduction of obscene lexical items in Aristophanes. In: Olson, S. Douglas ed. Ancient Comedy and Reception: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 29–50.

Robson, James (2013). The language(s) of love in Aristophanes. In: Sanders, Ed.; Thumiger, Chiara; Carey, Christopher and Lowe, Nick eds. Eros in Ancient Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 251–266.

Robson, James (2010). Friends and foes: the people of Lysistrata. In: Stuttard, David ed. Looking at Lysistrata. London: Duckworth, pp. 49–60.

Robson, James (2007). Lost in Translation? The problem of (Aristophanic) humour. In: Hardwick, Lorna and Stray, Christopher eds. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 168–182.

Robson, James (2005). Aristophanes on how to write tragedy: what you wear is what you are. In: McHardy, Fiona; Robson, James and Harvey, David eds. Lost dramas of classical Athens: Greek tragic fragments. Exeter, UK: Exeter University Press, pp. 171–186.

Robson, James (2005). New clothes, a new you: clothing and character in Aristophanes. In: Cleland, Liza; Harlow, Mary and Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd eds. The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, pp. 65–74.

Robson, James (2004). 'Night was departing ...': using translations in post-beginners' language teaching. In: Fitzpatrick, David ed. Different lights, different hands: working with translations in classics and ancient history at university. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University, pp. 85–100.

Robson, James (2002). Commentaries and post-beginners' language teaching. In: Fitzpatrick, David; Hardwick, Lorna; Ireland, Stanley and Montserrat, Dominic eds. Old wine, new bottles: texts for classics in a changed learning environment at university. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University, pp. 51–60.

Robson, James (1997). Bestiality and Bestial Rape in Greek Myth. In: Deacy, S and Pearce, K eds. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. London: Duckworth, pp. 65–96.

Journal ItemTo Top

Robson, James (2013). Beauty and sex appeal in Aristophanes. EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, 3 pp. 43–66.

Robson, James (2007). Catullus 22: Suffenus iste – A Catullan Riddle? Classica et Mediaevalia, 58 pp. 209–214.


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