Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janet Parker

31 items in this list.
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2013To Top

Parker, Jan (2013). Speaking out in a digital world: humanities values, humanities processes. In: Belfiore, Eleonora and Upchurch, Anna eds. Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Utility and Markets. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 44–62.

Parker, Jan (2013). A new scholarship of classroom-based, open, communal inquiry? Teaching & Learning Inquiry:The ISSOTL Journal, 1(1) pp. 23–33.

2011To Top

Parker, Janet and Mathews, Timothy eds. (2011). Tradition, Translation, Trauma : The Classic and the Modern. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Parker, Janet (2011). Images of tradition, translation, trauma. In: Parker, Janet and Mathews, Timothy eds. Tradition, Translation, Trauma: The Classic and the Modern. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 11–28.

Parker, Janet (2011). What’s Hecuba to him . . . that he should weep for her? In: Parker, Janet and Mathews, Timothy eds. Tradition, Translation, Trauma The Classic and the Modern. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 245–262.

2010To Top

Parker, Janet (2010). Editorial: writing (in) the disciplines. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 9(2) pp. 131–132.

Parker, Janet (2010). Framing ideas from classical language teaching, past and future. In: Levine, G. and Phipps, A. eds. Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy. Oregon, USA: American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators, pp. 116–128.

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Parker, Janet (2010). Expanding the disciplines through SoTL. In: Fanghanel, Joëlle; Bernstein, Dan; Huber, Mary; Berthiaume, Denis; Warren, Digby; Roxa, Torgny and Colet, Nicole Rege eds. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the London Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. London SoTL International Conference (5). London: University of West London, pp. 113–119.

2009To Top

Parker, Jan (2009). Academics' virtual identities. Teaching in Higher Education, 14(3) pp. 221–224.

Russell, David R.; Lea, Mary; Parker, Jan; Street, Brian and Donahue, Tiane (2009). Exploring notions of genre in 'academic literacies' and 'writing across the curriculum': approaches across countries and contexts. In: Bazerman, Charles; Bonini, Adair and Figueiredo, Débora eds. Genre in a Changing World. Perspectives on Writing. Colorado: WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press, pp. 459–491.

Parker, Jan (2009). Collaborative academic work: writing in the disciplines. In: Walsh, Lorraine and Kahn, Peter eds. Collaborative Working in Higher Education: The Social Academy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 157–162.

Parker, Janet (2009). 'Translation reveals the other': Bacchae and a pedagogic model of reception. In: de Faria Coutinho, Eduardo ed. Discontinuities and displacements: studies in comparative literature. Beyond Binarism (I). Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano.

2008To Top

Parker, Jan (2008). Beyond disciplinarity: humanities and supercomplexity. London Review of Education, 6(3) pp. 255–266.

Parker, Janet (2008). 'What have the Humanities to offer 21st-century Europe?'. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 7(1) pp. 83–96.

Parker, Janet (2008). Can We Account for Classics' Complex Skills? CUCD Bulletin (Council of University Classics Departments), 37 pp. 9–14.

2007To Top

Parker, Jan (2007). Diversity and the academy. Teaching in Higher Education, 12(5-6) pp. 787–792.

Parker, Jan (2007). Future priorities of the humanities in Europe: what have the humanities to offer? Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 6(1) pp. 123–127.

Parker, Janet (2007). Classics and a pedagogy of confrontation. Classical and Modern Literature, 27(1) pp. 11–26.

2005To Top

Parker, Jan (2005). A Mise-en-Scene for the Theatrical University. In: Barnett, Ronald ed. Reshaping the university: new relationships between research, scholarship and teaching. Maidenhead, UK: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press, pp. 151–164.

Parker, Jan (2005). Voice and Academic Identity in 'Changing Places'. In: Tight, Malcolm ed. International Relations. International Perspectives in Higher Education Research, 3 (3). Oxford, UK: Elsevier, pp. 185–203.

Parker, Janet (2005). The academic journals role: Mutual transformation? In: Fanghanel, J. and Warren, D. eds. International Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Proceedings 2003 and 2004. London: Educational Development Centre, City University.

2003To Top

Parker, Jan (2003). Reconceptualising the curriculum: from commodification to transformation. Teaching in Higher Education, 8(4) pp. 529–543.

Parker, Jan (2003). The Patchwork Text in teaching Greek Tragedy. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 40(2) pp. 180–193.

Parker, Janet (2003). Aspirational higher education. In: Preston, David Seth ed. The idea of education. At the interface/probing the boundaries (5). Armsterdam, Nertherlands: Rodopi, pp. 167–184.

2002To Top

Parker, Janet (2002). A New Disciplinarity: Communities of Knowledge, Learning and Practice. Teaching in Higher Education, 7(4) pp. 373–386.

2001To Top

Parker, Jan (2001). Dialogic education and the problematics of translation in Homer and Greek tragedy. Studies in Classics Number, 17. Edwin Mellen Press.


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