Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janet Newman

91 items in this list.
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2025To Top

Nicholls, Jack; Jupp, Eleanor; McDermont, Morag and Newman, Janet (2025). Beyond resilience? State failure, mutual aid and local action. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (Early access).

2020To Top

McDermont, Morag; Cole, Tim; Newman, Janet and Piccini, Angela eds. (2020). Imagining Regulation Differently; co-creating for engagement. Bristol: Policy Press.

Newman, Janet (2020). Postscript: Engaging the University? In: McDermont, Morag; Cole, Tim; Newman, Janet and Piccini, Angela eds. Imagining Regulation Differently; co-creating for engagement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 207–216.

2019To Top

Cooper, Davina; Dhawan, Nikita and Newman, Janet eds. (2019). Reimagining the State: Theoretical Challenges and Transformative possibilities. Social Justice Series. London: Routledge.

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2019). What's the subject? Brexit and politics as articulation. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(1) pp. 67–77.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Newman, Janet (2017). The politics of Expertise: Neoliberalism, Governance and the Practice of Politics. In: Higgins, Vaughan and Larner, Wendy eds. Assembling Neoliberalism: Expertise, Practices, Subjects. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87–105.

Newman, Janet (2017). Regendering governance in times of austerity: dilemmas of research, theory and politics. In: Hudson, Christine; Rönnblom, Malin and Techtsoonian, Kathy eds. Gender, governance and feminist analysis: missing in action? Series: Routledge Studies in Gender and Global Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 21–38.

Newman, Janet (2017). Rationality, responsibility and rage: the contested politics of emotion governance. In: Jupp, Eleanor; Pykett, Jessica and Smith, Fiona eds. Emotional States: Sites and Spaces of Affective Governance. London: Routledge, pp. 21–36.

Newman, Janet (2017). Re-gendering governance in times of austerity: Dilemmas of feminist research, theory and politics. In: Hudson, Christine; Rönnblom, Malin and Teghtsoonian, Katherine eds. Gender, Governance and Feminist Analysis: Missing in Action? Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21–38.

2016To Top

Newman, Janet (2016). Border Work: Negotiating Shifting Regimes of Power. In: Gubrium, Jaber F.; Andreassen, Tone Alm and Solvang, Per Koren eds. Reimagining the Human Service Relationship. Columbia University Press, pp. 318–336.

Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2016). The politics of deploying community. In: Meade, Rosie R.; Shaw, Mae and Banks, Sarah eds. Politics, power and community development. Rethinking Community Development. Policy Press, pp. 31–46.

2015To Top

Ward, Kevin; Newman, Janet; John, Peter; Theodore, Nik; Macleavy, Julie and Cochrane, Allan (2015). Whatever happened to local government? A review symposium. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2(1) pp. 434–456.

Newman, Janet (2015). Social Welfare. In: Bevir, Mark and Rhodes, R.A.W. eds. Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Routledge, pp. 440–451.

2014To Top

Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2014). States of imagination. Soundings, 57 pp. 153–169.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2012). The alchemy of austerity. Critical Social Policy, 32(3) pp. 299–319.

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2012). Gerencialismo. Educação & Realidade, 37(2) pp. 353–381.

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2012). Brave new world? Anglo-American challenges to universalism. In: Anttonen, Anneli; Häikiö, Liisa and Stefánsson, Kolbeinn eds. Welfare, Universalism and Diversity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 90–105.

2011To Top

Newman, Janet (2011). Boundary troubles: working the academic–policy interface. Policy and Politics, 39(4) pp. 473–484.

Newman, Janet and Tonkens, Evelien eds. (2011). Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Care and Welfare. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Newman, Janet (2011). Public leadership as public-making. Public Money and Management, 31(5) pp. 315–322.

Noordegraaf, Mirko and Newman, Janet (2011). Managing in disorderly times: how cities deal with disaster and restore social order. Public Management Review, 13(4) pp. 513–538.

Newman, Janet and Tonkens, Evelien (2011). Introduction. In: Newman, Janet and Tonkens, Evelien eds. Participation, Responsibility and Choice. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 9–28.

2010To Top

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2010). Summoning spectres: crises and their construction. Journal of Education Policy, 25(6) pp. 709–715.

Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and McDermont, Morag (2010). Delivering Choice and Administering Justice: Contested Logics of Public Service. In: Adler, Michael ed. Administrative Justice in Context. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 25–46.

2009To Top

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2009). Elusive Publics: knowledge, power and public service reform. In: Gewirtz, Sharon; Mahony, Pat; Hextall, Ian and Cribb, Alan eds. Changing teacher professionalism: International trends, challenges, and ways forward. UK: Routledge, pp. 43–53.

Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2009). Narrating subversion, assembling citizenship. In: Barnes, Marian and Prior, David eds. Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 67–82.

2008To Top

Newman, Janet and Yeates, Nicola eds. (2008). Social Justice: Welfare, Crime and Society. UK: Open University Press.

Newman, Janet; Glendinning, Caroline and Hughes, Michael (2008). Beyond modernisation? Social care and the transformation of welfare governance. Journal of Social Policy, 37(4) pp. 531–557.

Clarke, John and Newman, Janet (2008). The new citizen in public services: directions and tensions fields. Politica - Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 40(3) pp. 334–348.

2007To Top

Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2007). What's in a name? New labour's citizen-consumers and the remaking of public services. In: Hansen, Hans Krause and Salskov-Iversen, Dorte eds. Critical perspectives on private authority in global politics. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Newman, Janet and Mahony, Nick (2007). Democracy and the public realm: towards a progressive agenda? Soundings, 36, pp. 56–66.

Barnes, Marion; Newman, Janet and Sullivan, Helen (2007). Power, participation and political renewal: Case studies in public participation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Newman, Janet (2007). Rethinking 'the public' in troubled times: unsettling nation, state and the liberal public sphere. Public Policy and Administration, 22(1) pp. 27–47.

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Newman, Janet (2007). Remapping the public: Pubic libraries and the public sphere. Cultural Studies, 21(6) pp. 887–909.

Newman, Janet (2007). The 'double dynamics' of activation: Institutions, citizens and the remaking of welfare governance. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 27(9/10) pp. 364–375.

Newman, Janet (2007). Accountability for welfare. In: Alcock, Pete; Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret eds. The Students Companion to Social Policy (2nd ed). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 276–284.

Newman, Janet (2007). Governance as cultural practice: texts, talk and the struggle for meaning. In: Bevir, Mark and Trentmann, Frank eds. Governance, citizens and consumers: Agency and resistance in contemporary politics. Consumption and Public Life. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49–68.

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Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers? Public service reform and (un)willing selves. In: Maasen, Sabine and Sutter, Barbara eds. On Willing Selves: Neoliberal Politics and the Challenge of Neuroscience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125–145.

2006To Top

Barnes, Marian; Newman, Janet and Sullivan, Helen (2006). Discursive arenas: deliberation and the constitution of identity in public participation at local level. Social Movement Studies, 5(3) pp. 193–207.

Newman, Janet and Vidler, Elizabeth (2006). More than a matter of choice? Consumerism and modernisation of health care. In: Bauld, Linda; Clarke, Karen and Maltby, Tony eds. Social Policy Review 18: Analysis and debate in social policy 2006, Volume 2006 (18). Bristol: Policy Press/Social Policy Association, pp. 101–120.

2005To Top

Newman, Janet and McKee, Bob (2005). Beyond the new public management? Public services and the social investment state. Policy and Politics, 33(4) pp. 657–673.

Newman, Janet (2005). Bending bureaucracy: leadership and multi-level governance. In: Du Gay, Paul ed. The Values of Bureacracy. UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 191–210.

Davies, Celia; Anand, Paul; Artigas, Lidia; Holloway, Jacky; McConway, Kevin; Newman, Janet; Storey, John and Thompson, Grahame (2005). Links between Governance, Incentives and Outcomes: a Review of the Literature. National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO), London, UK.

Newman, Janet (2005). Re-gendering governance: perspectives on the "social" in social policy. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 51(2) pp. 221–240.

Newman, Janet (2005). Constructing accountability: network governance and managerial agency. Public Policy and Administration, 19(4) pp. 17–33.

2004To Top

Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2004). Governing in the Modern World. In: Steinberg, Deborah Lynn and Johnson, Richard eds. Blairism and the War of Persuasion: Labour’s Passive Revolution. London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 53–65.

Sullivan, Helen; Knops, Andrew; Barnes, Marian and Newman, Janet (2004). Central-local relations in an era of multi-level governance: the case of public participation policy in England, 1997-2001. Local Government Studies, 30(2) pp. 245–265.

Barnes, Marian; Newman, Janet; Knops, Andrew and Sullivan, Helen (2004). The micro-politics of deliberation: case studies in public participation. Contemporary Politics, 10(2) pp. 93–110.

Newman, Janet; Barnes, Marian; Sullivan, Helen and Knops, Andrew (2004). Public participation and collaborative governance. Journal of Social Policy, 33(2) pp. 203–223.

Newman, Janet (2004). Modernising the state: A new style of governance? In: Lewis, Jane and Surrender, Rebecca eds. Welfare State Change: Towards a Third Way? UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 69–88.

Newman, Janet and Mooney, Gerry (2004). Managing personal lives: doing 'welfare work'. In: Mooney, Gerry ed. Work: Personal lives and social policy. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, pp. 39–72.

Newman, Janet (2004). Equality, fairness and social justice. In: Loffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony eds. Public Management and Governance. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 203–212.

2003To Top

Barnes, Marian; Newman, Janet; Knops, Andrew and Sullivan, Helen (2003). Constituting 'the public' in public participation. Public Administration, 81(2) pp. 379–399.

Newman, Janet (2003). New Labour, governance and the politics of diversity. In: Barry, Jim; Dent, Mike and O'Neill, Maggie eds. Gender and the public sector : Professionals and managerial change. Routledge advances in management and business studies (24). London: Routledge, pp. 15–26.

Newman, Janet (2003). New Labour and the politics of governance. In: Salminen, A. ed. Governing Networks: Yearbook of the European Group on Public Administration. International Institute of Administative Science Monographs (22). Amsterdam, Netherlands,: IOS Press, pp. 83–100.

2002To Top

Newman, Janet (2002). Putting the ‘Policy’ back into Social Policy. Social Policy and Society, 1(4) pp. 347–354.

Newman, Janet (2002). Cutting edges and blunt instruments: practitioner narratives of modernisation. In: Grant, David; Keenoy, Tom; Hardy, Cynthia; Oswick, Cliff; Phillips, Nelson and Combes, Cherry eds. Organisational Discourse: From micro utterances to macro inferences. London, UK: KPMC, Kings College, pp. 52–54.

2001To Top

Newman, Janet (2001). The new public management, modernisation and instituitional change: Disruptions, disjunctures and dilemmas. In: McLaughlin, Kathleen and Osborne, Stephen P. eds. New Public Management: Current trends and future prospects. London: Routledge, pp. 77–92.

Newman, Janet (2001). Managerialism, modernization and marginalization: Equal opportunities and institutional change. In: Breitenbach, Esther; Brown, Alice; Mackay, Fiona and Webb, Janette eds. The changing politics of gender equality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 102–123.

Newman, Janet; Raine, John and Skelcher, Chris (2001). Transforming local government: innovation and modernisation. Public Money and Management, 21(2) pp. 61–68.

Newman, Janet (2001). The dynamics of partnership. In: Taillieu, T ed. Collaborative strategies and multi-organisational partnerships. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Garant Uitgevers nv, pp. 89–100.

1997To Top

1996To Top

Newman, Janet (1996). Shaping organizational cultures in local government. Managing Local Government. UK: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

1995To Top


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