Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janice Holmes

11 items in this list.
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Holmes, Janice (2017). Methodists and Holiness. In: Larsen, Timothy and Ledger-Lomas, Michael eds. The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions Volume III: The Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 124–149.

Holmes, Janice (2017). The "Absence" of Family in 19th-Century Irish Presbyterian Clerical Biographies. In: Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Biographies. Research, Results, and Reading (Jarlert, Anders ed.), Konferenser (Conferences), Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities), Stockholm, pp. 105–120.

Holmes, Janice (2017). John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress in Nineteenth-Century Ulster. In: Gudmundsson, David; Maurits, Alexander and Nykvist, Martin eds. Classics in Northern European Church History over 500 Years: essays in honour of Anders Jarlert. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 61–84.

Holmes, Janice (2013). The reform of piety in Ireland, 1780-1920. In: Jarlert, Anders ed. Piety and Modernity. The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 (3). Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 65–98.

Holmes, Janice (2006). Women preachers and the new Orders - A: Women preachers in the Protestant churches. In: Gilley, Sheridan and Stanley, Brian eds. World Christianities, c.1815-c.1914. The Cambridge History of Christianity, 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 84–93.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Gender, public disorder and the Salvation Army in Ireland, 1880-82. In: Raughter, Rosemary ed. Religious women and their history: breaking the silence. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Academic Press Ltd, pp. 63–81.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Transformation, aberration or consolidation? Explaining the Ulster revival of 1859. In: O Ciosain, Niall ed. Explaining Change in Cultural History. Historical Studies (XXIII - pa). Dublin, Ireland: University College Dublin Press, pp. 120–139.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Irish evangelicals and the British evangelical community, 1820s-1870s. In: Murphy, James H. ed. Evangelicals and Catholics in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 209–222.

Holmes, Janice (2002). The role of open-air preaching in the Belfast riots of 1857. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C, 102C(3) pp. 47–66.

Holmes, Janice (2001). Religious revivals in Britain and Ireland, 1859-1905. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Academic Press.


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