Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janet Draper

60 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 22:08:53 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

Jones, Kerry; Draper, Janet and Bolton, Nerys (2023). Nursing students experiences of end-of-life care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 29(10) pp. 466–475.

2022To Top

2020To Top

Kubiak, Chris; Walker, Susan; Draper, Jan; Acton, Faye; Clark, Elisabeth; Rogers, Jill; Rogers, Melanie and Dearnley, Christine (2020). They come with their own ideas of what they want’: Healthcare educator, advanced practice student and manager perspectives on learning outcomes. Journal of Education and Work, 33(4) pp. 312–325.

2019To Top

Jones, Kerry and Draper, Jan (2019). Nurses engagement with the dying and dead body: the influence of early encounters in End of Life Care. In: The 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal. Engagement and Education, 04-07 Sep 2019, Bath University.

2018To Top

Clark, Elisabeth; Draper, Janet and Taylor, Ruth (2018). Editorial: Healthcare education research: The case for rethinking hierarchies of evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11) pp. 2480–2483.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Draper, Janet; Clark, Liz and Rogers, Jill (2016). Manager's role in maximizing investment in continuing professional education. Nursing Management, 22(9) pp. 30–36.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Draper, Jan (2014). Embodied practice: rediscovering the 'heart' of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(10) pp. 2235–2244.

Tetley, Josie and Draper, Janet (2014). Editorial: ‘Slaying the myth’ of the overqualified nurse: the graduate nurse and older people. International Journal of Older People, 9(1) pp. 1–2.

Draper, Janet; Kernohan, George; McNamara, Aine and Komaromy, Carol (2014). The role of the hospice volunteer in community settings. In: Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, 9 Feb 2014, Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast.

2013To Top

Draper, Jan and Clark, Liz (2013). Continuing professional education: optimising impact on healthcare practice. In: 16th Australasian Nurse Educators Conference, 9-11 Oct 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

2012To Top

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Jan (2012). Enhancing the impact of continuing professional education on practice: whose responsibility is it? In: ISSOTL12 (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning): Research on Teaching & Learning: Integrating Practices, 24-27 Oct 2012, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Draper, Janet (2012). Writing a conference abstract and paper. In: Watson, Roger and Holland, Lesley eds. Writing For Publication In Nursing And Healthcare: Getting It Right. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 23–41.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Sparrow, Shelagh and Draper, Janet (2010). The (silent) voice of nursing? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 pp. 603–604.

2009To Top

Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). The Impact on Practice project. In: Higher Education Academic Festival of LEarning, 11 Mar 2009, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Sparrow, Shelagh; Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice Conference First International Conference, 2 Apr 2009, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: New Types of Worker in Health and Social Care conference: First International Research Conference, 22-23 Jan 2009, London.

2008To Top

Norman, Ian; Normand, Charles; Watson, Roger; Draper, Janet; Borg-Longhurst, J; Jowett, Sandra and Coster, Samantha (2008). Calculating the costs of work-based learning: the case of NHS Cadet Schemes. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(9) pp. 1310–1318.

2007To Top

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: Approaches and challenges. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: the challenges and a way forward. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

2006To Top

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2006). The impact of continuing professional education on professional practice: A call for urgent action. In: 1st NETNEP International Nurse Education Conference, May 2006, Vancouver.

2005To Top

Watson, Roger; Norman, Ian J.; Draper, Janet; Jowett, Sandra; Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles and Halliday, Deborah (2005). NHS cadet schemes: do they widen access to professional healthcare education? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(3) pp. 276–282.

2004To Top

Draper, Janet; Halliday, Debbie; Jowett, Sandra; Norman, Ian; Watson, Roger; Wilson-Bennett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles and O'Brien, Kieran (2004). NHS cadet schemes: student experience, commitment, job satisfaction and job stress. Nurse Education Today, 24(3) pp. 219–228.

Draper, Janet (2004). The relationship between research question and research design. In: Crookes, Patrick A. and Davies, Sue eds. Research into Practice: Essential Skills for Reading and Applying Research in Nursing and Health Care, Volume 2nd Ed. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall, pp. 69–84.

2003To Top

Draper, Janet (2003). Blurring, moving and broken boundaries: Men's encounters with the pregnant body. Sociology of Health & Illness, 25(7) pp. 743–767.

2002To Top

Draper, Janet and Watson, Roger (2002). Cadets and nursing students: same destination - different route. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(4) pp. 449–456.

Draper, Janet (2002). Fatherhood as transition: The contemporary relevance of transition theory. In: Horrocks, C.; Milnes, K.; Roberts, B. and Robinson, D. eds. Narrative, memory and life transitions. Narrative and memory research group. Huddersfield, UK: University of Huddersfield Press, pp. 85–94.

1999To Top

Draper, Janet (1999). A longitudinal ethnographic study of men's experiences of pregnany, birth and early fatherhood. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 16(4) p. 226.

1997To Top

1996To Top

Draper, Janet (1996). Nursing development units: an opportunity for evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(2) pp. 267–271.


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