Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jenny Douglas

40 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 10:42:25 2025 GMT.

2022To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2022). Challenging Oppression in Health Promotion and Developing an Intersectional Framework for Health Promotion in Teaching Health Promotion Through a Distance Learning Module at the Open University. In: Akerman, Marco and Germani, Ana Claudia Camargo Gonçalves eds. International Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Health Promotion : Practices and Reflections from Around the World. Springer Cham, pp. 633–648.

Douglas, Jenny (2022). Black Women and Public Health in the UK. In: Evans, Stephanie Y.; Davis, Sarita K.; Hinkson, Leslie R. and Wathington, Deanna J. eds. Black Women and Public Health: Strategies to Name, Locate, and Change Systems of Power. Black Women's Wellness. New York: SUNY Press, pp. 181–194.

Knight, Marian; Bunch, Kathryn; Vousden, Nicola; Banerjee, Anita; Cox, Philippa; Cross-Sudworth, Fiona; Dhanjal, Mandish K.; Douglas, Jenny; Girling, Joanna; Kenyon, Sara; Kotnis, Rohit; Patel, Roshni; Shakespeare, Judy; Tuffnell, Derek; Wilkinson, Meg and Kurinczuk, Jennifer J. (2022). A national cohort study and confidential enquiry to investigate ethnic disparities in maternal mortality. EClinicalMedicine, 43, article no. 101237.

2021To Top

Douglas, Jenny and Butcher, John (2021). Editorial: Special edition ‘Race and Ethnicity’. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23(3) pp. 1–8.

Douglas, Jenny (2021). Black Women’s Health Still Matters. In: Raymond-Williams, Rianna and El Khamy, Lama eds. More than Talk: Perspectives of Black and People of Colour (BPOC) working in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in the United Kingdom (UK). London: Kindle Direct Publishing, pp. 32–45.

2020To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2020). Developing intersectionality- informed research methodologies. In Research Matters Social Research Association.

2019To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2019). Working effectively with African Caribbean young women: an intersectional approach. In: Robb, Martin; Montgomery, Heather and Thomson, Rachel eds. Critical Practice with Children and Young People (2nd ed). Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 91–108.

Douglas, Jenny (2019). An Intersectionality based framework for tobacco control. In: Hankivsky, Olena and Jordon-Zachery, Julia S. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Intersectionality in Public Policy. The Politics of Intersectionality. London: Palgrave, pp. 309–328.

Douglas, Jenny (2019). Conducting intersectionality-informed mixed-methods research to explore cigarette smoking among young African-Caribbean women in the UK. In: Third Regional Mixed Methods Research Conference, 26-28 Mar 2019, The University of the West Indies,Trinidad & Tobago.

2018To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2018). The Politics of Black Women’s Health in the UK: Intersections of “Race,” Class, and Gender in Policy, Practice, and Research. In: Jordan-Zachery, Julia S. and Alexander-Floyd, Nikol G. eds. Black Women in Politics: Demanding Citizenship, Challenging Power, and Seeking Justice. SUNY series in African American Studies/SUNY series in New Political Science. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 49–68.

Douglas, Jenny (2018). Black women and public health in the UK: organisation and activism. In: Caribbean women (post) diaspora: African Caribbean interconnections, 12-13 Jul 2018, London South Bank University.

Douglas, Jenny (2018). The role of family and community in preventing cigarette smoking. In: Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference, 4-8 Jun 2018, Havana,Cuba.

Douglas, Jenny (2018). Documenting Black Women’s Health Activism. In: Black and Caribbean Diasporic Feminisms Research Workshop, 6-7 Apr 2018, Toronto, Canada.

2017To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2017). The struggle to find a voice on Black women's health: from the personal to the political. In: Gabriel, Deborah and Tate, Shirley Anne eds. Inside the Ivory Tower - Narratives of women of colour surviving and thriving in British academia. London: Trentham Books, pp. 91–107.

Douglas, Jenny (2017). Black Women’s Health in Europe. In: 2nd Annual Black Feminism, Womanism and the Politics of Women of Colour in Europe, 7 Oct 2017, Amsterdam.

2016To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2016). Developing an intersectionality based framework for health promotion. In: 22nd International Union of Health Promotion and Education World Conference, 22-26 May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil.

2015To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2015). An Intersectionality based framework for tobacco control. In: International Conference on Public Policy, 1-4 Jul 2015, Milan.

Douglas, Jenny (2015). Resisting the tobacco economy: cigarette smoking and African-Caribbean young women in the UK: intersections of 'race', ethnicity, gender, class and tobacco. In: Caribbean Studies Association 40th Annual Conference: The Caribbean in an Age of Global Apartheid: Fences, Boundaries, and Borders - Literal and Imagined, 25-29 May 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Douglas, Jenny (2015). Conducting focus group research with African-Caribbean young women on cigarette smoking. In: The Qualitative Report 6th Annual Conference (TQR2015), 8-10 Jan 2015, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

2014To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2014). Cigarette smoking and African Caribbean young women in the UK: intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, class and tobacco. In: International Intersectionality Conference, 24-26 Apr 2014, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.

2013To Top

Douglas, Jenny (2013). Cigarette smoking and African Caribbean young women in the UK: intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, class and tobacco. In: ASH Scotland Conference: Towards a Generation Free From Tobacco, 20-21 Jun 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Douglas, Jenny (2013). Young women, smoking and Caribbean identities. In: Caribbean Studies Association 38th Annual Conference: Caribbean Spaces and Institutions: Contesting Paradigms of “Development” in the 21st Century, 3-7 Jun 2013, Grand Anse, Grenada.

2012To Top

Jones, Linda and Douglas, Jenny eds. (2012). Public Health: Building Innovative Practice. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications.

Sidell, Moyra and Douglas, Jenny (2012). Using evidence to plan and evaluate public health interventions. In: Jones, Linda and Douglas, Jenny eds. Public Health: Building Innovative Practice. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 246–276.

2009To Top

Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah; Handsley, Stephen; Jones, Linda; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Spurr, Sue eds. (2009). A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy (2nd Edition). Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications Ltd..

Douglas, Jenny (2009). The rise of modern multidisciplinary public health. In: Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah; Handsley, Stephen; Jones, Linda; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Spurr, Sue eds. A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy (2nd edition). Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., pp. 9–14.

2008To Top

Wills, Jane and Douglas, Jenny (2008). Health promotion: still going strong? Critical Public Health, 18(4) pp. 431–434.

2007To Top

Beaumont, Kythe; Douglas, Jenny; Heller, Tom and Jones, Linda (2007). Making and changing healthy public policy. In: Lloyd, Cathy E.; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. Policy and Practice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage/OU, pp. 65–93.

Heller, Tom; Beaumont, Kythé; Earle, Sarah; Douglas, Jenny and Jones, Linda (2007). Addressing poverty and health. In: Lloyd, Cathy E.; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. Policy and Pactice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage Publications, in association with The Open University, pp. 155–185.

Douglas, Jenny (2007). Promoting the public health: continuity and change over two centuries. In: Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah; Handsley, Stephen; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Spurr, Sue eds. A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., pp. 12–18.

1998To Top

Douglas, Jenny (1998). Meeting the health needs of women from black and minority ethnic communities. In: Doyal, Lesley ed. Women and Health Services: An Agenda for Change. Buckingham: Open University Press.

1991To Top

Douglas, Jenny (1991). Black Women’s Health Matters. In: Roberts, Helen ed. Women’s Health Matters. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 33–46.

1987To Top

Douglas, Jenny (1987). Food and diet in a multiracial society: Training in Health and Race, Project. Caribbean food and diet. Cambridge: National Extension College for Training in Health and Race.


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