Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane Dorrian
2024To Top
Dorrian, Jane (2024). What is a tutorial? Exposing the hidden curriculum of higher education. British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Musgrave, Jackie; Dorrian, Jane; Josephidou, Jo; Langdown, Ben and Rodriguez Leon, Lucy eds. (2024). Promoting Physical Development and Activity in Early Childhood: Practical Ideas for Early Years Settings. Little Minds Matter, 1. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Dorrian, Jane
Hendry, Helen; Teszenyi, Eleonora; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy; Maynes, Mary-Louise; Dorrian, Jane and Edwards, Tracey
2023To Top
Dorrian, Jane (2023). Why getting children active is good for parents too. Centre for Research in Early Childhood [Blog post], Birmingham, UK.
Glover, Alison and Dorrian, Jane (2023). Mind Your Policy Language. In PolicyWISE The Open University.
2022To Top
Dorrian, Jane
Dorrian, Jane (2022). Evaluation of the HAF/Welsh Active Early Years Programme. Early Years Wales (In Press).
Dorrian, Jane
2021To Top