Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane Ribbens McCarthy

52 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Golding, Berenice; Hamilton,, Sukhbinder and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2024). Complex worlds, complex people: Auto-ethnographic conversations on decolonising the aftermath of death. In: Mallon, Sharon and Towers, Laura eds. Death, Dying and Bereavement: New Sociological Perspectives,. Sociological Futures. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 159–171.

2023To Top

2022To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2022). Family sociology as a theoretical enterprise? A personal reflection. Families, Relationships and Societies, 11(2) pp. 303–319.

Bowlby, Sophie; Evans, Ruth; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Wouango, Joséphine (2022). Time-space practices of care after a family death in urban Senegal. Social and Cultural Geography, 23(8) pp. 1174–1192.

Hamilton, Sukhbinder; Golding, Berenice and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2022). Do we need to decolonise bereavement studies? Bereavement: Journal of Grief and Responses to Death, 1(1)

2020To Top

McCarthy, Jane Ribbens; Evans, Ruth; Bowlby, Sophie and Wouango, Joséphine (2020). Making Sense of Family Deaths in Urban Senegal: Diversities, Contexts, and Comparisons. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 82(2) pp. 230–260.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Evans, Ruth (2020). The (cross-cultural) problem of categories: who is ‘child’, what is ‘family’? In: Frankel, Sam and NcNamee, Sally eds. Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality, Connectedness and Home. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 27. Bingley UK: Emerald Publishing, pp. 23–40.

2019To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Gillies, Val and Hooper, Carol-Ann (2019). “Family Troubles” and “Troubling Families”: Opening Up Fertile Ground. Journal of Family Issues, 40(16) pp. 2207–2224.

Evans, Ruth; Bowlby, Sophie; Gottzén, Lucas and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2019). Unpacking ‘family troubles’, care and relationality across time and space. Children's Geographies, 17(5) pp. 501–513.

2018To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Gillies, Val and Hooper, Carol-Ann (2018). Troubling families: introduction. Sociological Research Online, 23(1) pp. 153–159.

2017To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Phoenix, Ann; Yu, Guo and Xu, Xiaoli (2017). Childhood, children and family lives in China. In: Zang, Xiaowei and Zhao, Lucy Xia eds. Handbook on the Family and Marriage in China. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 286–304.

Evans, Ruth; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Kébé, Fatou; Bowlby, Sophie and Wouango, Joséphine (2017). Interpreting ‘grief’ in Senegal: language, emotions and cross-cultural translation in a francophone African context. Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, 22(2) pp. 118–135.

Evans, Ruth; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Bowlby, Sophie; Wouango, Joséphine and Kébé, Fatou (2017). Producing emotionally sensed knowledge? Reflexivity and emotions in researching responses to death. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(6) pp. 585–598.

2016To Top

2014To Top

2013To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Hooper, Carol-Ann and Gillies, Val (2013). Troubling normalities and normal family troubles: diversities, experiences and tensions. In: Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Hooper, Carol-Ann and Gillies, Val eds. Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Family Lives of Children and Young People. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2013). What is at stake in family troubles? Existential issues and value frameworks. In: Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Hooper, Carol-Ann and Gillies, Val eds. Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Family Lives of Children and Young People. Bristol: The Policy Press.

2012To Top

Edwards, Rosalind; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Gillies, Val (2012). The politics of concepts: family and its (putative) replacements. British Journal of Sociology, 63(4) pp. 730–746.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2012). Caring after death: issues of embodiment and relationality. In: Rogers, Chrissie and Weller, Susie eds. Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Cultures. Relationships and resources. London: Routledge, pp. 183–194.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2010). Bereavement, young people, and social context. In: Monroe, Barbara and Kraus, Frances eds. Brief Interventions with Bereaved Children. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 29–36.

2009To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2009). Young people making meaning in response to death and bereavement. In: Balk, David and Corr, Charles eds. Adolescent Encounters with Death, Bereavement and Coping. New York, USA: Springer Publications, pp. 21–38.

2008To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2008). Security, insecurity and family lives. In: Cochrane, Alan and Talbot, Deborah eds. Security: Welfare, Crime and Society. Berkshire, UK: Open University / Open University Press, pp. 61–92.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Doolittle, Megan and Day Sclater, Shelley (2008). Family Meanings. Milton Keynes: Open University.

2007To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2007). Representing academic knowledge: the micro politics of a literature review. In: Gillies, Val and Lucey, Helen eds. Power, knowledge and the academy: the institutional is political. Basingstoke, Hants, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 122–146.

2006To Top

2005To Top

2004To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Kirkpatrick, Sue (2004). Negotiating public and private: maternal mediations of home-school boundaries. In: Grozier, Gill and Reay, Diane eds. Activating participation: parents and teachers working towards partnership. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books.

2003To Top

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Edwards, Rosalind and Gillies, Val (2003). Making families: moral tales of parenting and step-parenting. London, UK: Sociology Press.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Holland, Janet and Gillies, Val (2003). Multiple perspectives on the 'family' lives of young people: methodological and theoretical issues in case study research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6(1) pp. 1–23.

Gillies, Val; Holland, Janet and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2003). Past/present/future: time and the meaning of change in the "family". In: Allan, Graham and Jones, Gill eds. Social relations and the life course. Explorations in Sociology (63). Basingstoke, Hants, UK: Macmillan, pp. 31–48.

Edwards, Rosalind; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Gillies, Val (2003). Biological parents and social families: legal discourses and everyday understandings of the position of step-parents. In: Cheal, David ed. Family. Critical Concepts in Sociology, III Family. Routledge.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2003). Mothers' images of children and their implications for maternal response. In: Woodhead, Martin and Montgomery, Heather eds. Understanding Childhood: An Inter-Disciplinary Approach. Milton Keynes: Wiley/Open University, pp. 75–79.

2002To Top

Edwards, Rosalind; Back-Wiklund, Margareta; Bak, Maren and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2002). Step-fathering: comparing policy and everyday experience in Britain and Sweden. Sociological Research Online, 7(1)

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Edwards, Rosalind (2002). The individual in public and private: the significance of mothers and children. In: Carling, Alan; Duncan, Simon and Edwards, Rosalind eds. Analysing Families: Morality and Rationality in Policy and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 199–217.

2001To Top

Gillies, Val; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Holland, Janet (2001). Pulling together, pulling apart: the family lives of young people aged 16-18. London, UK: Family Policy Studies Centre / Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

2000To Top

1998To Top

Edwards, Rosalind and Ribbens, Jane (1998). Living on the edges: public knowledge, private lives, personal experience. In: Ribbens, Jane and Edward, Rosalind eds. Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research: Public Knowledge and Private Lives. Social Research Methods Online. London: Sage, pp. 2–20.

Ribbens, Jane (1998). Hearing my feeling voice?: An autobiographical discussion of motherhood. In: Ribbens, Jane and Edwards, Rosalind eds. Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research: Public Knowledge and Private Lives. Social Research Methods Online. London: Sage, pp. 25–37.

1994To Top


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