Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jo Chataway

59 items in this list.
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Ayele, Seife; Chataway, Joanna and Wield, David (2006). Partnerships in African Crop Biotech. Nature Biotechnology, 24(6) 619 -621.

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Chataway, Joanna; Wield, David and Castle-Clarke, Sophie (2015). Disruption and experimentation in health research and innovation. In: Cassiolato, José E. and Soares, Maria Clara C. eds. Health Innovation Systems, Equity and Development. Rio de Janeiro: E-Papers Servicos Editoriais, pp. 107–130.

Chataway, Joanna; Fry, Caroline; Marjanovic, Sonja and Yaqub, Ohid (2012). Public-private collaborations and partnerships in stratified medicine: making sense of new interactions. New Biotechnology, 29(6) pp. 732–740.

Chataway, Joanna; Chaturvedi, Kalpana; Hanlin, Rebecca; Mugwagwa, Julius; Smith, James and Wield, David (2009). Building the case for systems of health innovation in Africa. In: Kalua, Fetson; Awotedu, Abolade; Kamwanja, Leonard and Saka, John eds. Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa: NEPAD Office of Science and Technology, pp. 7–52.

Clark, Norman and Chataway, Joanna (2009). Below the radar: a fresh approach to innovation and development policy. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 8(3) pp. 171–175.

Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca; Muraguri, Lois and Wamae, Watu (2009). PDPs as social technology innovators in global health: operating above and below the radar. In: Penea, Oana ed. Innovating for the Health of All. Global Forum Update on Research for Health (6). Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research, pp. 123–126.

Chataway, Joanna; Robbins, Peter and Smith, James (2009). Exploring participation in science, technology, and innovation: tissue culture bananas in Kenya. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 194–202.

Chataway, J.; Chaturvedi, K.; Hanlin, R.; Mugwagwa, J.; Wield, D. and Smith, J. (2009). Technological trends and opportunities to combat diseases of the poor in Africa. In: Kalua, Fetson; Awotedu, Abolade; Kamwanja, Leonard and Saka, John eds. Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.: NEPAD Office of Science and Technology, pp. 53–93.

Chataway, Joanna and Hanlin, Rebecca (2008). Sustainable (vaccine) development: the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and capacity building. In: Matlin, S.; de Francisco, A.; Sundaram, L.; Falch, H. and Gehner, M. eds. Health Partnerships Review. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research, pp. 43–46.

Chataway, Joanna; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2007). The Indian pharmaceutical industry before and after TRIPS. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(5) pp. 559–563.

Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Smith, James and Rosiello, Alessandro (2007). Rethinking vaccine R&D in developing countries: Introduction to this issue. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 6(1) pp. 3–7.

Chataway, Joanna; Brusoni, Stefano; Cacciatori, Eugenia; Hanlin, Rebecca and Orsenigo, Luigi (2007). The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) in a changing landscape of vaccine development: A public/private partnership as knowledge broker and integrator. European Journal of Development Research, 19(1) pp. 100–117.

Chataway, Jo; Smith, James and Wield, David (2007). Shaping scientific excellence in agricultural research. International Journal of Biotechnology, 9(2) pp. 172–187.

Chaturvedi, Kalpana and Chataway, Joanna (2006). Strategic integration of knowledge in Indian pharmaceutical firms: creating competencies for innovation. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 1(1-2) pp. 27–50.

Chataway, Jo; Smith, James and Wield, David (2006). Science and technology partnerships and poverty alleviation in Africa. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 5(2) pp. 103–123.

Chataway, Joanna (2005). Introduction: Is it possible to create pro-poor agriculture-related biotechnology? Journal of International Development, 17(5) pp. 597–610.

Chataway, Joanna; Quintas, Paul; Wield, David and Gault, Fred (2003). From digital divide to knowledge divide - a primer. In: Sciadas, George ed. Monitoring the digital divide and beyond. Montreal, Canada: Orbicom, pp. 89–144.

Chataway, Jo; Webster, Andrew and Wield, David (1999). Technologies in Transition. Technovation, 19(6/7) pp. 339–344.

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Hanlin, Rebecca; Chataway, Joanna; Brusoni, Stefano; Cacciatori, Eugenia and Orsenigo, Luigi (2008). The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative in a Changing Landscape of Vaccine Development: in a Changing Landscape of Vaccine Development (Iavi). In: Mackintosh, Maureen; Chataway, Joanna and Wuyts, Marc eds. Promoting Innovation, Productivity and Industrial Growth and Reducing Poverty. London, UK: Routledge.

Hanlin, R.; Chataway, J. and Smith, J. (2007). Global health public-private partnerships: IAVI, partnerships and capacity building. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, 36(Suppl) pp. 69–75.

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Kale, Dinar; Wield, David and Chataway, Jo (2008). Diffusion of knowledge through migration of scientific labour in India. In: Kumar, Krishna ed. Reverse Brain Drain: A Reality in Millennium. Human Resources Management. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI publications.

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Marjanovic, Sonja; Hanlin, Rebecca; Diepeveen, Stephanie and Chataway, Joanna (2013). RESEARCH CAPACITY-BUILDING IN AFRICA: NETWORKS, INSTITUTIONS AND LOCAL OWNERSHIP. Journal of International Development, 25(7) pp. 936–946.

Mugwagwa, Julius; Hanlin, Rebecca; Chataway, Jo and Muraguri, Lois (2013). The Role of the Product Development Partnership as a Translational Mechanism for Delivering Health Solutions in Low-Resource Settings. In: Mittra, James and Milne, Christopher-Paul eds. Translational Medicine: The Future of Therapy. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd, pp. 233–256.

Mugwagwa, Julius; Hanlin, Rebecca; Iluyemi, Adesina; Chataway, Jo; Wield, David and Smith, James (2010). Systems of health innovation in Africa: policy lessons from home and abroad. In: Second Science with Africa Conference, 23-25 Jun 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Murphy, Joseph and Chataway, Joanna (2005). The challenges of policy integration from an international perspective: the case of GMOs. In: Lyall, Catherine and Tait, Joyce eds. New modes of governance: developing an integrated policy approach to science, technology, risk and the environment. UK: Ashgate, pp. 159–177.

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Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna (2007). Knowledge ecologies and ecosystems? An empirically grounded reflection on recent developments in innovation systems theory. In: The 6th International Triple Helix Conference on University-Government-Industry Relations, 16-18 May 2007, Singapore.

STo Top

Senker, Peter and Chataway, Joanna (2008). The Myths of Agricultural Biotechnology. In: Burnett, Judith; Senker, Peter and Walker, Kathy eds. The Myths of Technology: Innovation and Inequality. Digital Formations, 46. New York, USA: Peter Lang Publishing Group.

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Tait, Joyce; Wield, David; Bruce, Ann and Chataway, Joanna (2007). OECD International Futures Project on “The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda”. Health Biotechnology to 2030. OECD International Futures Project on "The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda; OECD, Paris, France.

Tait, Joyce; Chataway, Joanna; Catherine, Lyall and Wield, David (2006). Governance, policy and industry strategies: pharmaceuticals and agro-biotechnology. In: Mazzucato, Mariana and Dosi, Giovanni eds. Knowledge accumulation and industry evolution: the case of Pharma-Biotech. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 378–401.

Tait, J.; Chataway, J. and Wield, D. (2002). The life science sector: evolution of agro-biotechnology in Europe. Science and Public Policy, 29(4) pp. 253–258.

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Wield, David; Tait, Joyce; Chataway, Joanna; Mittra, James and Mastroeni, Michele (2017). Conceptualising and practising multiple knowledge interactions in the life sciences. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 116 pp. 308–315.

Wield, David and Chataway, Jo (2000). Unemployment and making a living. In: Allen, Timothy and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development into the Twenty first century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 99–124.


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