Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by James Aczel

39 items in this list.
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Aczel, James and San Diego, Jonathan (2011). The role of strategic theories in learning using computer-based representations. In: EARLI Conference 2011: Education for a Global Networked Society, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2011, Exeter, UK.

Aczel, James; Cross, Simon; Meiszner, Andreas; Hardy, Pascale; McAndrew, Patrick and Clow, Doug (2011). Some issues affecting the sustainability of open learning courses. In: EDEN 2011 Annual Conference: Learning and Sustainability: The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge, 19-22 Jun 2011, Dublin, Ireland.

Aczel, James (2007). Learning interactions with artificial intelligences: a fallibilist perspective. In: 12th biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

Aczel, James and Hardy, Pascale (2007). Modelling the impact of university ICT strategies on learning. In: Computer Assisted Learning (CAL '07), 26-28 Mar 2007, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Aczel, James; Peake, Stephen and Hardy, Pascale (2007). What are the Capacity Gaps in e-Learning Expertise? In: Computer Assisted Learning (CAL '07), 26-28 Mar 2007, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Aczel, James; Hardy, Pascale; Meiszner, Andreas; Staniland, Karen; Maillet, Katherine; Medina, Sara and Iggulden, Helen (2007). Identifying Innovation and Success Factors in Higher Education eLearning Strategies. In: Bernath, Ulrich and Sangrà, Albert eds. Research on competence development in online distance education and e-learning - Selected papers from the 4th EDEN Research Workshop in Castelldefels/Spain, October 25 - 28, 2006. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, pp. 141–156.

Aczel, James; Continat, Olivier; Hardy, Pascale; Iggulden, Helen; Komáromi, Laszlo; Maillet, Katherine; Medina, Sara; Meiszner, Andreas; Obermueller, Eva; Spinoglio, Mark and Staniland, Karen (2006). Identifying innovation in higher education elearning strategies. In: Fourth EDEN Research Workshop: Research into Online Distance Education and Learning - Making the Difference, 25-28 Oct 2006, Castelldefels, Spain.

Aczel, James; Cotinat, Olivier; Franco, Adelaide; Hardy, Pascale; Iggulden, Helen; Komáromi, Laszlo; Maillet, Katherine; Medina, Sara; Meiszner, Andreas; Obermueller, Eva; Reichl, Franz; Spinoglio, Mark and Staniland, Karen (2006). The fostering of innovative eLearning strategies in European higher education. In: EDEN 2006 Annual Conference, 14-17 Jun 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Aczel, James (2006). Learning from interactions with software: a Popperian analysis. International Journal of Learning Technology, 2(2/3) pp. 159–184.

Aczel, James; Fung, Pat; Bornat, Richard; Oliver, Martin; O'Shea, Tim and Sufrin, Bernard (2003). Software that assists learning within a complex abstract domain: the use of constraint and consequentiality as learning mechanisms. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(5) pp. 625–638.

Aczel, James (2002). Does epistemology matter for educational practice? In: Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, 5-7 Apr 2002, Oxford, UK.

Aczel, James (2001). Towards a theoretical synthesis of research in the early learning of symbolic algebra. In: Twelfth ICMI study conference, on The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra, 10-14 Dec 2001, Melbourne, Australia.

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Hardy, Pascale and Aczel, James (2008). Key Factors in Innovative eLearning Strategies: A Study of Innovation in European Higher Education. In: World Universities Forum, 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2008, Davos, Switzerland.

Hosein, Anesa; Aczel, James; Clow, Doug and Richardson, John T. E. (2008). Comparison of black-box, glass-box and open-box software for aiding conceptual understanding. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 32), 17-21 Jul 2008, Morelia, Mexico.

Hosein, Anesa; Aczel, James; Clow, Doug and Richardson, John T. E. (2007). An Illustration of Students’ Engagement with Mathematical Software using Remote Observation. In: 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 8-13 Jul 2007, Seoul.

Hosein, Anesa; Aczel, James and Clow, Doug (2006). The teaching of linear programming in different disciplines and in different countries. In: 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at Undergraduate Level, 30 Jun - 5 Jul 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Iacovides, Ioanna; Aczel, James; Scanlon, Eileen and Woods, Will (2011). What do players have to say about informal learning through games? In: EARLI Conference 2011: Education for a Global Networked Society, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2011, Exeter, UK.

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Mann, Phebe; Aczel, James; Scanlon, Eileen and Cooper, Martyn (2008). Supporting computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) in conceptual design. In: 24th Annual Conference of Association of Researchers in Construction Management ARCOM, 1-3 Sep 2008, Cardiff.

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Oliver, Martin and Aczel, James (2002). Theoretical models of the role of visualisation in learning formal reasoning. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2002(2), article no. 3.

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San Diego, Jonathan P.; Aczel, James; Hodgson, Barbara and Scanlon, Eileen (2006). Learners' strategies with multiple representations. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 2 Bi-annual meeting 'Text and graphics comprehension', 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2006, Nottingham, UK.

San Diego, Jonathan; Aczel, James; Hodgson, Barbara and Scanlon, Eileen (2006). 'There's more than meets the eye': analysing verbal protocols, gazes and sketches on external mathematical representations. In: 30th annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 30), 16-21 Jul 2006, Prague, Czech Republic.

San Diego, Jonathan; Aczel, James and Hodgson, Barbara (2004). The effects of technology on making conjectures: linking multiple representations in learning iterations. In: 28th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 28), 14-18 Jul 2004, Bergen, Norway.


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