Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janice Wearmouth

25 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 01:41:55 2025 GMT.

2021To Top

Wearmouth, Janice and Fensham-Smith, Amber (2021). Introduction. In: Wearmouth, Janice and Lindley, Karen eds. Bringing the Curriculum to Life: Engaging Learners in the English Education System. London: Open University Press McGraw Hill, pp. 1–9.

2009To Top

2006To Top

2004To Top

Wearmouth, Janice; Richmond, Robin and Connors, Bushra (2004). Multi-level responses to behavioural issues in schools. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Glynn, Ted; Richmond, Robin and Berryman, Mere eds. Addressing pupils' behaviour: responses at district, school and individual levels. London: David Fulton.

Wearmouth, Janice and Glynn, Ted (2004). Issues in inclusion and the management of student behaviour in schools. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Glynn, Ted; Richmond, Robin and Berryman, Mere eds. Inclusion and behaviour management in schools: issues and challenges. London: David Fulton.

Wearmouth, Janice (2004). Engaging with the views of disaffected students through 'Talking Stones'. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Glynn, Ted; Richmond, Robin C. and Berryman, Mere eds. Understanding pupil behaviour in school: a diversity of approaches. David Fulton Publishing Ltd, pp. 37–48.

Wearmouth, Janice and Connors, Bushra (2004). Understanding student behaviour in schools. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Glynn, Ted; Richmond, Robin C. and Berryman, Mere eds. Understanding pupil behaviour in school: A Diversity of approaches. David Fulton Publishing Ltd, pp. 1–15.

2003To Top

2002To Top

Wearmouth, Janice (2002). Dilemmas in the choice of responses to pupils’ difficulties in literacy development at multiple levels. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Soler, Janet and Reid, Gavin eds. Addressing difficulties in literacy development : responses at family, school, pupil, and teacher levels. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 3–19.

Wearmouth, Janice and Soler, Janet (2002). How inclusive is the literacy hour? In: Wearmouth, James; Soler, Janet and Reid, Gavin eds. Contextualising difficulties in literacy development: exploring politics, culture, ethnicity and ethics. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 152–165.

Wearmouth, Janice and Soler, Janet (2002). Reading recovery and pause, prompt, praise: professional visions and current practices. In: Wearmouth, Janice; Soler, Janet and Reid, Gavin eds. Contextualising difficulties in literacy development : exploring politics, culture, ethnicity and ethics. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 133–151.

Wearmouth, Janice (2002). Role of the Learning Support Co-ordinator: addressing the challenges. In: Reid, Gavin and Wearmouth, Janice eds. Dyslexia and Literacy: theory and practice. Chichester: Wiley.

Wearmouth, Janice and Reid, Gavin (2002). Issues for assessment and planning of teaching and learning. In: Reid, Gavin and Wearmouth, Janice eds. Dyslexia and literacy : theory and practice. Chichester: Wiley.

2001To Top

Soler, Janet and Wearmouth, Janice (2001). How inclusive is the Literacy Hour? British Journal of Special Education, 28(3) pp. 113–119.

Wearmouth, Janice (2001). Inclusion: changing the variables. In: Peer, Lindsay; Reed, Gavin and Reid, Gavin eds. Dyslexia: successful inclusion in the secondary school. London: David Fulton, pp. 44–53.

Wearmouth, Janice (2001). Investigating inclusion: an evaluation of a teachers’ professional development course. In: Wearmouth, Janice ed. Special educational provision in the context of inclusion: policy and practice in schools. London: David Fulton Publishers, pp. 72–94.

Wearmouth, Janice (2001). Pygmalion lives on. In: Wearmouth, Janice ed. Special educational provision in the context of inclusion: policy and practice in schools. London: David Fulton Publishers, pp. 283–290.


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