Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by James B. Phillips
ATo Top
Alovskaya, A; Alekseeva, T; Phillips, JB; King, V and Brown, R
Ashraff, S; Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
Ashraff, S; Brown, R.A. and Phillips, J.B.
BTo Top
Brown, Robert A. and Phillips, James B.
CTo Top
Chuo, C.B.; Wiseman, M.A.; Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
Caneva Soumetz, F.; Giacomini, M.; Phillips, J.B.; Brown, R.A. and Ruggiero, C.
DTo Top
Djerkovic, G.S.; Phillips, J.B. and Brown, R.A.
Djerkovic, G.S.; Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
ETo Top
Evans, O. R.; Phillips, J. B. and Shipley, R. J.
East, Emma; Johns, Noémie; Georgiou, Melanie; Golding, Jon P.; Loughlin, A. Jane; Kingham, Paul J. and Phillips, James B.
East, Emma; Golding, Jon P. and Phillips, James B.
East, E.; Murphy, K. and Phillips, J.
East, Emma; Blum de Oliveira, Daniela; Golding, Jon P. and Phillips, James B.
East, E.; Golding, J.P. and Phillips, J.B.
East, E.; Georgiou, M.; Loughlin, A.J.; Golding, J.P. and Phillips, J.B.
East, Emma; Golding, Jonathan P. and Phillips, James B.
East, E.; Blum de Oliveira, D.; Golding, J. P. and Phillips, J. B.
East, Emma; Blum de Oliveira, Daniela; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
East, E.; Golding, J. P. and Phillips, J. B.
East, Emma and Phillips, James B.
East, E.; Golding, J.P. and Phillips, J.B.
East, Emma; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
East, Emma; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
East, Emma; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
GTo Top
Georgiou, Melanie; Golding, Jon P.; Loughlin, Alison J.; Kingham, Paul J. and Phillips, James B.
Gromnicova, Radka; Davies, Heather A.; Sreekanthreddy, Pedagannganagari; Romero, Ignacio A.; Lund, Torben; Roitt, Ivan M.; Phillips, James B. and Male, David K.
Georgiou, Melanie; Bunting, Stephen C. J.; Davies, Heather A.; Loughlin, Alison J.; Golding, Jonathan P. and Phillips, James B.
Golding, J. P.; Wardhaugh, T.; Patrick, L.; Turner, M.; Phillips, J. B.; Bruce, J. I. and Kimani, S. G.
Georgiou, Melanie; Golding, Jon; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
Georgiou, Melanie; Bunting, Stephen; Golding, Jon; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
Georgiou, Melanie; Kingham, Paul; Bunting, Stephen; Golding, Jon; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
Georgiou, M.; Loughlin, J.; Golding, J. P.; Kingham, P. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Georgiou, Melanie; Kingham, Paul; Golding, Jon; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
Georgiou, M.; East, E.; Loughlin, J.; Golding, J. and Phillips, J.
Georgiou, Melanie; Loughlin, Jane; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
Georgiou, M.; East, E.; Loughlin, A. J.; Golding, J. P. and Phillips, J. B.
Georgiou, M.; East, E.; Loughlin, J.; Golding, J.P. and Phillips, J.B.
Georgeu, G. A.; Walbeehm, E. T.; Tillett, R.; Afoke, A.; Brown, R. A. and Phillips, J. B.
HTo Top
Haw, Randy Tatt; Tong, Chih Kong; Yew, Andrew; Lee, Han Chung; Phillips, James B. and Vidyadaran, Sharmili
JTo Top
Johns, N.; East, E.; Golding, J. P.; Loughlin, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
KTo Top
Kimani, Stanley; Shmigol, Tatiana; Hammond, Samantha; Phillips, James B.; Bruce, James I.; MacRobert, Alexander J.; Malakhov, Mikhail V. and Golding, Jon P.
Kimani, Stanley G.; Phillips, James B.; Bruce, James I.; MacRobert, Alexander J. and Golding, Jon P.
Karamsadkar, S.; Alekseeva, T.; Bunting, S.; Stomati, K.; Cheema, U.; Georgiou, M.; Phillips, J.; Brown, R. A. and Priestley, J. V
King, V. R.; Hewazy, D.; Alovskaya, A.; Phillips, J. B.; Brown, R. A. and Priestley, J. V.
Kayhanian, Hamzeh; Jones, Stephanie; Phillips, James; Lewis, Mark; Brown, Robert and Mudera, Vivek
Kimani, Stanley; Phillips, James; Bruce, James; MacRobert, A. J. and Golding, Jon
Kimani, Stanley; Phillips, James; Bruce, James; MacRobert, A. J and Golding, Jon
Kayhanian, H.; Jones, S.; Phillips, J.; Lewis, M. and Mudera, V.
King, V. R.; Phillips, J. B.; Hunt-Grubbe, H; Brown, R. and Priestley, J. V.
King, V.R.; Phillips, J.B.; Brown, R.A. and Priestley, J.V.
LTo Top
Loughlin, Jane; East, Emma; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
Lazenby, K.L. and Phillips, J.B.
MTo Top
Martens, Wendy; Sanen, Kathleen; Georgiou, Melanie; Struys, Tom; Bronckaers, Annelies; Ameloot, Marcel; Phillips, James and Lambrichts, Ivo
Mason, Sarah and Phillips, James
Mason, S. and Phillips, J.
Mason, Sarah and Phillips, James
Mason, S.; Harle, J. and Phillips, J. B.
Mason, S.; Harle, J. and Phillips, J. B.
OTo Top
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Drake, Rosemary A. L.; Cameron, Grant W. W.; Loughlin, A. Jane and Phillips, James B.
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Drake, Rosemary; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Loughlin, Jane; Drake, Rosemary and Phillips, James
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Drake, Rosemary; Loughlin, Jane and Phillips, James
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Loughlin, A. J.; Drake, Rosemary and Phillips, J. B.
O'Rourke, C.; Loughlin, J.; Drake, R. and Phillips, J. B.
O'Rourke, Caitriona; Loughlin, Jane; Drake, Rosemary and Phillips, James
Osei, E. T.; Evans, L.; Phillips, J. B. and Loughlin, A. J.
O'Rourke, C. M.; Loughlin, A. J.; Drake, R. and Phillips, J. B.
PTo Top
Phillips, James B.
Phillips, James B.
Phillips, James
Phillips, James and Drake, Rosemary
Phillips, J. and Loughlin, J.
Phillips, J. B.
Phillips, J. B. and Mason, S.
Phillips, James and Brown, Robert
Phillips, James; Wright, Kathleen and MacRobert, Alexander
Phillips, J.
Phillips, James
Phillips, James
Phillips, James; East, Emma and Golding, Jon
Phillips, James B.; Bunting, Stephen C.J.; Hall, Susan M. and Brown, Robert A.
Phillips, James and Pearce, Brian
Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, James B.; King, Von R.; Ward, Zoë; Porter, Rebecca A.; Priestley, John V. and Brown, Robert A.
Phillips, J.B.; Smit, X.; De Zoysa, N.; Afoke, A. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, James
Phillips, J.B.; Tillett, R.L.; Georgeu, G.A.; Bunting, S.C.J.; Afoke, A.; Hall, S.M. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, J.B.; Bunting, S.C.J.; Ward, Z.; Hall, S.M. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, J.B.; King, V.R.; Ward, Z.; Porter, R.A.; Priestley, J.V. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, J.B.; Tillett, R.L.; Georgeu, G.A.; Brown, R.A. and Afoke, A.
RTo Top
Reddy, P; Gromnicova, Radka; Davies, Heather; Phillips, James; Romero, Ignacio A and Male, David
STo Top
Sanen, K.; Paesen, R.; Martens, W.; Lambrichts, I.; Phillips, J. B. and Ameloot, M.
Sanen, Kathleen; Martens, Wendy; Georgiou, Melanie; Phillips, James; Lambrichts, Ivo and Ameloot, Marcel
TTo Top
Tillett, Rachel L.; Afoke, Andrew; Hall, Susan M.; Brown, Robert A. and Phillips, James B.
Tillett, R.L.; Afoke, A.; Phillips, J.B. and Brown, R.A.
Tillett, R.L.; Afoke, A; Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
WTo Top
Wright, Kathleen E.; MacRobert, Alexander J. and Phillips, James B.
Wright, K. E.; Liniker, E.; Loizidou, M.; Moore, C.; MacRobert, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Wright, K. E. and Phillips, J. B.
Wright, K. E.; MacRobert, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Wright, K. E.; MacRobert, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Wright, K. E.; MacRobert, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Wright, Thomas C.; Green, Elizabeth; Phillips, James B.; Kostyuk, Oksana and Brown, Robert A.
Wright, K.E.; Liniker, E; MacRobert, A.J.; Brown, R.A.; Saffrey, M.J. and Phillips, J.B.
Wright, T.; Phillips, J.B.; Kostyuk, O. and Brown, R.A.
Ward, Zoe; Phillips, James B.; Porter, Rebecca A. and Brown, Robert A.