Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Bridges

47 items in this list.
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Bedford, Candice; Schwenzer, Susanne; Bridges, John; Banham, Steven; Wiens, Roger; Frydenvang, Jens; Gasnault, Olivier; Rampe, Elizabeth and Gasda, Patrick (2019). Using ChemCam derived geochemistry to identify the paleonet sediment transport direction and source region characteristics of the Stimson formation in Gale crater, Mars. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bedford, C. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J. (2018). Geochemical Endmembers preserved in Gale Crater: A tale of two mudstones and their compositional differences according to ChemCam. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bedford, C.C.; Bridges, J.C.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Wiens, R.C.; Rampe, E.B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P.J. (2017). Igneous compositions preserved in Gale crater's geological record. In: 1st British Planetary Science Congress, 3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow.

Bridges, J.C.; Hicks, L.J.; Bedford, C.; Schwenzer, S.P.; MacArthur, J. and Edwards, P.H. (2017). Igneous Differentiation of the Martian Crust. In: 1st British Planetary Science Congress, 3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow.

Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J. (2017). Assessing Source Region Characteristics from Gale crater Lacustrine mudstone. In: 7th Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference, 13-14 Sep 2017, Milton Keynes, UK.

Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J. (2017). Geochemical Endmembers preserved in the fluviolacustrine sediments of Gale crater. In: Fourth International Conference on Early Mars: Geologic, Hydrologic, and Climatic Evolution and the Implications for Life, 2-6 Oct 2017, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.

Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Schwenzer, Susanne and Wiens, Roger (2016). Compositional End Members in Gale Crater, Mars. In: Extraterrestrial Materials Research Meeting, 1 Nov 2016, Manchester, UK.

Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Schwenzer, Susanne and Wiens, Roger (2016). Compositional End Members in Gale Crater, Mars. In: Crustal Differentiation on Mars: A new View of the Red Planet Forty Years after Viking, 11 Nov 2016, London, UK.

Bridges, John and Schwenzer, Susanne (2012). The nakhlite hydrothermal brine on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360 pp. 117–123.

Borg, J.; Hörz, F.; Bridges, J. C.; Burchell, M. J.; Djouadi, Z.; Floss, C.; Graham, G. A.; Green, S. F.; Heck, P. R.; Hoppe, P.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; Leroux, H.; Marhas, K.; Stadermann, F. J. and Teslich, N. (2007). SEM-EDS analyses of small craters in stardust aluminium foils: implications for the Wild-2 dust distribution. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas, USA.

Brooks, V.; Greenwood, R. C.; Bridges, J.; Watson, J. and Pearson, V. K. (2007). The rocks from space initiative and the space safari. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas, USA.

Bridges, J. C.; Schmitz, B.; Hutchison, R.; Greenwood, R. C.; Tassinari, M. and Franchi, I. A. (2007). Petrographic classification of Middle Ordovician fossil meteorites from Sweden. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 42(10) pp. 1781–1789.

Bridges, J.C. and Warren, P.H (2006). The SNC meteorites: basaltic igneous processes on Mars. Journal of the Geological Society, 163(2) pp. 229–251.

Bridges, J. C. and Balme, M. R. (2006). MSL landing sites in ancient layered terrain: Becquerel crater. In: First MSL Landing Site Workshop, Pasadena Conference, 31 May - 2 Jun 2006, Pasadena, California.

Bridges, J.C.; Banks, D.A.; Smith, M. and Grady, M.M. (2004). Halite and stable chlorine isotopes in the Zag H3-6 breccia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39(5) pp. 657–666.

Bridges, J.; Jeffries, T.E. and Grady, M.M. (2003). Chemical fractionation and alteration trends between five nakhlites. In: 66th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 2003, Muster, Germany.

Bridges, J.; Seabrook, A. M.; Rothery, D. A.; Pillinger, C. T.; Sims, M. R. and Wright, I. P. (2003). Revised target co-ordinates for the Beagle 2 lander. In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bridges, John; Jeffries, T. E. and Grady, Monica (2002). Trace element signatures of trapped KREEP in Olivine-rich clasts within lunar meteorite NWA773. In: 65th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 21-26 Jul 2002, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Bridges, John; Schofield, P. F.; Smith, A. D.; Scholl, A. and Grady, Monica (2002). Chemistry and valency spectra of Chromite in SNC meteorites. In: 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 11-15 Mar 2002, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bridges, John and Grady, Monica (2001). Chromite chemistry in SNC meteorites. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Bridges, J.C.; Banks, D.A. and Grady, M.M. (2001). Stable Chlorine Isotope Reservoirs in Chondrites. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Bridges, J.C.; Catling, D.C.; Saxton, J.M.; Swindle, T.D.; Lyon, I.C. and Grady, M.M. (2001). Alteration assemblages in Martian meteorites: implications for near-surface processes. Space Science Reviews, 96(1-4) 365 -392.

Bridges, J.B.; Seabrook, A.M.; Kim, J.R.; Muller, J-P.; Rothery, D.A.; Pillinger, C.T.; Sims, M.R.; Wright, I.P.; Grady, M.M.; Mitchell, K.L. and Morley, J.G. (2001). The Beagle landing site in Isidis Planitia. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.

CTo Top

Cockell, Charles; Bridges, John; Dannatt, Lindsay; Burchell, Mark; Patel, Manish and Danson, Michael (2009). Where to land on Mars. Astronomy & Geophysics, 50(6) 6.18-6.26.

FTo Top

Fraeman, Abigail; Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Edgar, Lauren; Hardgrove, Craig; Horgan, Briony; Gabriel, Travis; Grotzinger, John; Gupta, Sanjeev; Johnson, Jeffrey; Rampe, Elizabeth; Morris, Richard; Salvatore, Mark; Schwenzer, Susanne; Stack, Kathryn; Pinet, Patrick; Rubin, David; Weltz, Catherine; Wellington, Danika; Wiens, Roger; Williams, Amy and Vasavada, Ashwin (2017). Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability. In: AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA.

Fernandes, Catarina; Bridges, John and Grady, Monica (2007). UV and Visible Wavelength Reflectance Spectroscopy of Aerogel and of Stardust Grains. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), 12-16 Mar 2007, Houston, Texas, USA.

Friedrich, Jon M.; Bridges, John C.; Wang, Ming-Sheng and Lipschutz, Michael E. (2004). Chemical studies of L chondrites. VI: variations with petrographic type and shock-loading among equilibrated falls. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(13) pp. 2889–2904.

Franchi, I.A.; Baker, L.; Bridges, J.C.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T. (2001). Oxygen isotopes and the early solar system. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 359(1787) pp. 2019–2035.

GTo Top

Gasda, P. J.; Bridges, J. C.; Sautter, V.; Thompson, L.; Cousin, A.; Mangold, N.; Maurice, S.; Wiens, R. C.; Bedford, C. and Schwenzer, S. P. (2017). Evolved Igneous Materials in Gale crater, Mars. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017, 23-28 Jul 2017, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

HTo Top

Hagermann, Axel and Bridges, John (2011). Mars research and priorities in the Aurora programme. Astronomy & Geophysics, 52(2) 2.34-2.36.

Hörz, F.; Borg, J.; Bradley, J.P.; Bridges, John; Brownlee, D.E.; Burchell, M.J.; Cole, M.J.; Dai, Z.R.; Djouadi, Z.; Floss, C.; Franchi, I.A.; Graham, G.A.; Green, S.F.; Heck, P.; Hoppe, P.; Kearsley, A.T.; Leitner, J.; Leroux, H.; Teslich, N.; Marhas, K.K.; Schwandt, C.S.; See, T.H.; Stadermann, F.J.; Stephan, T.; Troadec, D.; Tsou, P.; Zolensky, M.E. and Stardust Cratering Team, The (2006). Microcraters in aluminum foils exposed by Stardust. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

Hutchison, R.; Bridges, J.C. and Gilmour, J.D. (2005). Chondrules: chemical, petrographic and chronologic clues to their origin by impact. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 341 pp. 933–950.

Holland, G.; Bridges, J.C.; Busfield, A.; Jeffries, T.; Turner, G. and Gilmour, J.D. (2005). Iodine-xenon analysis of Chainpur (LL3.4) chondrules. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(1) pp. 189–200.

JTo Top

Jain, M.; Andersen, C. E.; Bøtter-Jensen, L.; Murray, A. S.; Haack, H. and Bridges, J. C. (2006). Luminescence dating on Mars: OSL characteristics of Martian analogue materials and GCR dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 41(7-8) pp. 755–761.

STo Top

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Changela, H. G. and Hicks, L. J. (2011). Oxygen isotope analysis of a chondrule-like Wild 2 Terminal Particle using NanoSIMS. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Smith, A. D.; Schofield, P. F.; Scholl, A.; Pattrick, R.A.D. and Bridges, J.C. (2003). XPEEM valence state imaging of mineral micro-intergrowths with a spatial resolution of 100 nm. Journal de Physique IV - Proceedings, 104 pp. 373–376.

Seidel, R. G. W.; Sherlock, S. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C. and Kirnbauer, T. Hydrothermal alteration in the Frankenstein gabbro Martian analogue: first models. In: 2nd British Planetary Science Conference, 13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford, UK.

TTo Top

VTo Top

Verchovsky, Alexander B.; Fisenko, Anatolii V.; Semjonova, Lubov F.; Bridges, John; Lee, Martin R. and Wright, Ian P. (2006). Nanodiamonds from AGB stars: a new type of presolar grain in meteorites. Astrophysical Journal, 651(1, Part 1) pp. 481–490.

WTo Top

Wiens, Roger; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Lanza, Nina; Frydenvang, Jens; Mangold, Nicolas; Johnson, Jeffrey; Fraeman, Abigail; Horgan, Briony; Bedford, Candice; Blaney, Diana; Bridges, John; Cousin, Agnes; Ehlmann, Bethany; Forni, Olivier; Gasda, Patrick; Gasnault, Olivier; Gellert, Ralf; Johnstone, Steve; Lamm, Sarah; Lasue, Jeremie; Le Mouelic, Stephane; Maurice, Sylvestre; Newsome, Horton; Ollila, Ann; Payre, Valerie; Rapin, William; Salvatore, Mark; Schwenzer, Susanne; Thomas, Nancy and Vasavada, Ashwin (2017). Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front. In: AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA.

Westphal, A.J.; Bastien, R.K.; Borg, J.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D.E.; Burchell, M.J.; Cheng, A.F.; Clark, B.C.; Djouadi, Z.; Floss, C.; Franchi, I.A; Gainsforth, Z.; Graham, G.; Green, S.F; Heck, P.R.; Horányi, M.; Hoppe, P.; Hörz, F.P.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; Leroux, H.; Marhas, K.; Nakamura-Messenger, K.; Sandford, S.A.; See, T.H.; Stadermann, F.J.; Teslich, N.E.; Tsitrin, S.; Warren, J.L.; Wozniakiewicz, P.J. and Zolensky, M.E. (2007). Non-random spatial distribution of impacts in the Stardust Cometary Collector. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas, USA.

ZTo Top

Zolensky, M. E.; Zega, T. J.; Yano, H.; Wirick, S.; Westphal, A. J.; Weisberg, M. K.; Weber, I.; Warren, J. L.; Velbel, M. A.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tsou, P.; Toppani, A.; Tomioka, N.; Tomeoka, K.; Teslich, N.; Taheri, M.; Susini, J.; Stroud, R.; Stephan, T.; Stadermann, F. J.; Snead, C. J.; Simon, S. B.; Simionovici, A.; See, T. H.; Robert, F.; Rietmeijer, F. J. M.; Rao, W.; Perronnet, M. C.; Papanastassiou, D. A.; Okudaira, K.; Ohsumi, K.; Ohnishi, I.; Nakamura-Messenger, K.; Nakamura, T.; Mostefaoui, S.; Mikouchi, T.; Meibom, A.; Matrajt, G.; Marcus, M. A.; Leroux, H.; Lemelle, L.; Le, L.; Lanzirotti, A.; Langenhorst, F.; Krot, A. N.; Keller, L. P.; Kearsley, A. T.; Joswiak, D.; Jacob, D.; Ishii, H.; Harvey, R.; Hagiya, K.; Grossman, L.; Grossman, J. N.; Graham, G. A.; Gounelle, M.; Gillet, P.; Genge, M. J.; Flynn, G.; Ferroir, T.; Fallon, S.; Ebel, D. S.; Dai, Z. R.; Cordier, P.; Clark, B.; Chi, M. F.; Butterworth, A. L.; Brownlee, D. E.; Bridges, J. C.; Brennan, S.; Brearley, A.; Bradley, J. P.; Bleuet, P.; Bland, P. A. and Bastien, R. (2006). Report - Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/Wild 2 nucleus samples. Science, 314(5806) pp. 1735–1739.


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