Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jessica Barnes

33 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 11:55:53 2025 GMT.

2020To Top

Barnes, Jessica J.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Santos, Alison R.; Day, James M. D.; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Ott, Ulrich; Franchi, Ian A.; Messenger, Scott; Anand, Mahesh and Agee, Carl B. (2020). Multiple early-formed water reservoirs in the interior of Mars. Nature Geoscience, 13(4) pp. 260–264.

2019To Top

2018To Top

2017To Top

Barnes, J. J.; Anand, M. and Franchi, I. A. (2017). Chlorine in Lunar Basalts. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Robinson, K. L.; Barnes, J. J.; Villeneuve, J.; Johnson, D.; Deloule, E.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2017). Ion Microprobe Analyses of Trace Elements in Lunar Apatites. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

2016To Top

Snape, Joshua F.; Nemchin, Alexander A.; Bellucci, Jeremy J.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Tartèse, Romain; Barnes, Jessica J.; Anand, Mahesh; Crawford, Ian A. and Joy, Katherine H. (2016). Lunar basalt chronology, mantle differentiation and implications for determining the age of the Moon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 451 pp. 149–158.

Robinson, Katharine L.; Barnes, Jessica J.; Nagashima, Kazuhide; Thomen, Aurélien; Franchi, Ian A.; Huss, Gary R.; Anand, Mahesh and Taylor, G.Jeffrey (2016). Water in evolved lunar rocks: Evidence for multiple reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 188 pp. 244–260.

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, Romain; Anand, Mahesh; McCubbin, Francis M.; Neal, Clive R. and Franchi, Ian A. (2016). Early degassing of lunar urKREEP by crust-breaching impact(s). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 447 pp. 84–94.

Barnes, Jessica; Kring, David A.; Tartèse, Romain; Franchi, Ian A.; Anand, Mahesh and Russell, Sara S. (2016). An asteroidal origin for water in the Moon. Nature Communications, 7, article no. 11684.

2015To Top

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Russell, S. S. and Kring, D. A. (2015). Determining the source(s) of water in the lunar interior. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 2159.

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; McCubbin, F. M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Russell, S. S. (2015). Volatiles in the lunar crust - an evaluation of the role of metasomatism. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 1352.

McCubbin, Francis M.; Vander Kaaden, Kathleen E.; Tartèse, Romain; Klima, Rachel L.; Liu, Yang; Mortimer, James; Barnes, Jessica J.; Shearer, Charles K.; Treiman, Allan H.; Lawrence, David J.; Elardo, Stephen M.; Hurley, Dana M.; Boyce, Jeremy W. and Anand, Mahesh (2015). Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs. American Mineralogist, 100(8-9) pp. 1668–1707.

Anand, M; Barnes, J. J. and Hallis, L. J. (2015). Lunar geology. In: Lee, M. R. and Leroux, H. eds. Planetary Mineralogy, Volume 15. European Mineralogical Union and the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 129–164.

2014To Top

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, R.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, Natalie A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Using apatite to unravel the origin of water in ancient Moon rocks. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 19-22 Oct 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Anand, M.; Tartèse, R.; Barnes, J. J.; Franchi, I. A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Apatite: a versatile recorder of the history of lunar volatiles. In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46(6) p. 27.

Anand, Mahesh; Tartèse, Romain and Barnes, Jessica (2014). Understanding the origin and evolution of water in the Moon through lunar sample studies. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372(2024)

2013To Top

2012To Top

Barnes, Jessica; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I.; Russell, S.S. and Sano, Y (2012). Water in the Moon: insights from SIMS analyses of lunar apatites. In: Lunar Science as a Window into the Early Evolution of the Solar System and Conditions of the Early Earth, 09 Nov 2012, London.

Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Barnes, Jessica and Franchi, I. A. (2012). Apollo 15 low-Ti and KREEP basalts: two distinct "water" reservoirs? In: European Planetary Science Congress, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Investigating the water contents and hydrogen isotopic compositions of lunar apatite. In: Geochemistry Group Research In Progress Meeting: Building a Habitable Planet, 15 Mar 2012, Milton Keynes, UK.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Ota, Y.; Sani, Y.; Russell, S. S. and Tartèse, R. (2012). The hydroxyl content and hydrogen isotope composition of Lunar apatites. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US.

Tartèse, R.; Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I. A.; Terada, K. and Sano, Y. (2012). Hydrogen and lead isotopic characteristics of lunar meteorite MIL 05035. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Tartèse, R.; Sano, Y. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Lunar volatiles: an examination of hydrogen isotopes and hydroxyl content. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Barnes, Jessica; French, Renee; Garber, Joshua; Poole, Wil; Smith, Phillipa and Tian, Yunsheng (2012). Science concept 2: The structure and composition of the lunar interior provide fundamental information on the evolution of a differentiated planetary body. In: Kring, David and Durda, Daniel eds. A Global Lunar Landing Site Study to Provide the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon. LPI Contribution No. 1694. Houston, TX: Lunar and Planetary Institute, pp. 47–131.


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