Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jane Henry

51 items in this list.
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2015To Top

Henry, Jane (2015). Applications of positive approaches in organizations. In: Joseph, Stephen ed. Positive Psychology in Practice (2nd Ed.). Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 357–376.

2013To Top

Henry, Jane (2013). Developmental approaches for enhancing organisational creativity and innovation. In: Skipton, Leonard; Lewis, Rachel; Freedman, Arthur and Passmore, Jonathan eds. Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology Organizational Development and Leadership. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 313–330.

2012To Top

Henry, Jane (2012). Introduction to spiritual approaches to happiness. In: David, Susan A.; Boniwell, Ilona and Ayers, Amanda Conley eds. Oxford Handbook of Happiness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 339–343.

2011To Top

Henry, Jane (2011). Mental health and effective routes to well-being. In: 1st Annual British Psychological Society Welsh Branch Conference,, 10 Sep 2011, Glyndwr University, Wales.

Henry, Jane (2011). The importance of unlearning and co-learning. In: Learning and Development: Learning to Learn in the 21st Century, 7 Jul 2011, London.

Henry, Jane (2011). Quieting the mind and low arousal routes to happiness. In: Boniwell, Ilona; David, Susan and Conley Ayers, Amanda eds. Oxford Book of Happiness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Henry, Jane (2011). The learning organisation. In: Beyond Munro, 1 Apr 2011, London.

2010To Top

Henry, Jane (2010). Lasting impact: exploring lasting outcomes on working practice and personal and professional development from student-centered learning. In: Activity Theory and Practice Learning Conference, 10-11 Mar 2010, Milton Keynes, UK.

Martin, John; Bell, Rosamund; Farmer, Eion and Henry, Jane eds. (2010). Creativity, innovation and change: technique library. Open University.

2009To Top

Henry, Jane (2009). Transformational learning and lasting impact. In: 4th CETL Conference: Celebrating Teaching and Learning, 15-16 Dec 2009, Milton Keynes.

Henry, Jane A. (2009). Skilful living: is positive psychology the answer? In: Skilful living: First World Congress on Positive Psychology, 18-21 Jun 2009, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Henry, Jane (2009). Adult development: what works for whom, when and where? In: 24th Annual Adult Development Symposium, 31 Mar - 01 Apr 2009, Denver, USA.

2008To Top

Henry, Jane (2008). International perspective on post-graduate education in Positive Psychology. In: 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, 01-04 Jul 2008, Croatia.

Henry, Jane (2008). Wellbeing and sustainable living. In: Wellbeing and Sustainable Living, 24 May 2007, Manchester.

2007To Top

Henry, Jane (2007). Positive psychology and the development of well-being. In: Haworth, John and Hart, Graham eds. Well-being: Individual, Community and Societal Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 25–40.

2006To Top

Henry, Jane (2006). Strategies for achieving well-being. In: Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly and Csikszentmihalyi, Isabella Selega eds. A Life worth living: contributions to positive psychology. Positive Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Henry, Jane (2006). Personal development: questioning the historical influence on practice in the light of current research. In: Jarvis, Peter; West, Linden and Mijoc, Nena eds. International perspectives on experiential learning. Routledge/ Falmer.

Henry, Jane ed. (2006). Creative Management and Development (third edition). London, UK: Sage in association with The Open University.

Henry, Jane (2006). Creativity, development and wellbeing. In: Henry, Jane ed. Creative Management and Development. London, UK: Sage in association with The Open University, pp. 173–184.

Henry, Jane (2006). Differing personal development challenge and appropriate self help strategies for differing personality type. In: Delle-Fave, Antonella ed. Dimension of Well-being: Research and Intervention. Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli, pp. 106–119.

Henry, Jane (2006). Long-term benefits of spiritual and psychotherapeutic strategies. In: Kwee, Maurits G. T.; Gergen, Kenneth J. and Koshikawa, Fusako eds. Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research and Theory. Taos: NM: Taos Institute Publications, pp. 287–296.

2005To Top

Henry, Jane (2005). The healthy organization. In: Alexander-Stamatios, G. Antoniou and Cooper, Cary L. eds. Research Companion To Organizational Health Psychology. New Horizons in Management Series. Edward Elgar.

2004To Top

Henry, Jane and Mackenzie, Andrew (2004). Apparitions and encounters. In: Henry, Jane ed. Parapsychology: research on exceptional experiences. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 175–187.

Henry, Jane (2004). Extrasensory perception. In: Henry, Jane ed. Parapsychology: research on exceptional experiences. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis Ltd., pp. 99–108.

Henry, Jane (2004). Psychokinesis. In: Henry, Jane ed. Parapsychology: Research on exceptional experiences. Routledge.

Henry, Jane (2004). The positive and creative organisation. In: Linley, P.A. and Joseph, S. eds. Positive psychology in practice. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Henry, Jane (2004). Creative collaboration in organisational settings. In: Miell, Dorothy and Littleton, Karen eds. Collaborative creativity: socio-cultural accounts. Free Association Books.

2003To Top

Henry, Jane (2003). Strategies for achieving a lasting improvement in well-being. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11(2) p. 168.

2002To Top

Henry, Jane (2002). Cognitive science and individual development. In: Pearn, Michael ed. Individual differences and development in organizations. Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 35–52.

Henry, Jane (2002). The use of active and passive imaging. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 10(1)

Henry, Jane (2002). Experiential learning in practice. In: Benton, R. ed. Towards the New Millenium. University of Auckland, pp. 16–21.

Henry, Jane (2002). Personal development education. In: Nair, A.S. ed. Education for total consciousness. Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, pp. 28–35.

2001To Top

Henry, Jane; Gardiner, Paul; Walker, David; Grugulis, Irene and Mayle, David (2001). Innovation, climate and change. Creativity, innovation and change, 3. Open University Worldwide.

Henry, Jane (2001). Creativity and perception in management. Sage Publications Ltd.

Henry, Jane (2001). Transformational psychology. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 9(2) p. 198.

Henry, Jane ed. (2001). Creative management. 2nd Edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Henry, Jane (2001). Integral psychology. Consciousness and Experiential Psychology, 7 pp. 15–16.

Henry, Jane (2001). Developing creativity. In: Cornelissen, M. ed. Consciousness and its transformation: papers presented at the second international conference on integral psychology. USA: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, pp. 199–212.

Henry, Jane (2001). Effective change strategies. Consciousness and Experiential Psychology, 5 pp. 6–13.

1999To Top

1998To Top

Henry, Jane (1998). Privileged practice in personal development. Lifelong Learning in Europe, 3(3) pp. 161–165.

1997To Top

Henry, Jane; Stevens, Richard; Valentine, Elizabeth; Pickering, John and Velmans, Max (1997). Towards a psychology of experience. The Psychologist pp. 117–121.

1994To Top

Henry, Jane (1994). The nature and development of creativity. Co-Design: the interdisciplinary journal of design and contextual studies pp. 18–25.

Henry, Jane (1994). Teaching through Projects. Open and Flexible Learning. Routledge.

1989To Top

Henry, Jane (1989). Parapsychology. The New Psychologist pp. 35–43.

1977To Top

Henry, Jane (1977). The course tutor and project work. Teaching at a Distance, 9 pp. 1–12.


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