Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Julian Edwards

17 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 07:36:59 2025 GMT.

2022To Top

Edwards, Julian and Buckley, Paul (2022). Risk of work-related violence in England and Wales. Occupational Medicine, 72(1) pp. 25–27.

2020To Top

Edwards, Julian and Billsberry, Jon (2020). Testing a Multidimensional Theory of Person-Environment Fit. Journal of Managerial Issues, 32(1) pp. 8–25.

2016To Top

Edwards, Julian and Buckley, Paul (2016). Customer-perpetrated work-related violence: prevalence and trends in Britain. Occupational Medicine, 66(7) pp. 522–527.

2013To Top

Toderi, Stefano; Balducci, Cristian; Edwards, Julian A.; Sarchielli, Guido; Broccoli, Marco and Mancini, Gianpiero (2013). Psychometric properties of the UK and Italian versions of the HSE Stress Indicator Tool: a crosscultural investigation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29(1) pp. 72–79.

2012To Top

2010To Top

Billsberry, Jon; Talbot, Danielle; Nelson, Patrick; Edwards, Julian; Godrich, Steven; Davidson, Ross and Carter, Christopher (2010). [Book Review] The People Make the Place: Dynamic Linkages Between Individuals and Organizations edited by D. Brent Smith. Personnel Psychology, 63(2) pp. 483–487.

2009To Top

Edwards, Julian A. and Billsberry, Jon (2009). Exploring multidimensional person-environment fit. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 15-17 Sep 2009, Brighton, UK.

Edwards, Julian A.; Van Laar, Darren; Easton, Simon and Kinman, Gail (2009). The Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale for higher education employees. Quality in Higher Education, 15(3) pp. 207–219.

Billsberry, Jon; Edwards, Julian; Talbot, Danielle; Nelson, Patrick; Davidson, Ross; Godrich, Stephen and Marsh, Philip (2009). [Book Review] Perspectives on Organizational Fit edited by Cheri Ostroff and Timothy A. Judge. Personnel Psychology, 62(4) pp. 880–883.

2008To Top

Edwards, Julian A.; Webster, Simon; Van Laar, Darren and Easton, Simon (2008). Psychometric Analysis of the Health and Safety Executive's Management Standards Work-Related Stress Indicator Tool. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 10-12 Sep 2008, Harrogate, UK.

2007To Top

Edwards, Julian; Cockerton, Tracey and Guppy, Andrew (2007). A Longitudinal Study Examining the Influence of Work and Non-Work Stressors Upon Well-Being: A Multi-Group Analysis. International Journal of Stress Management, 14(3) pp. 294–311.

Van Laar, Darren; Edwards, Julian and Easton, Simon (2007). The Work-Related Quality of Life scale for healthcare workers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(3) pp. 325–333.

2004To Top

Guppy, Andrew; Edwards, Julian A.; Brough, Paula; Peters-Bean, Kyron M.; Sale, Craig and Short, Emma (2004). The psychometric properties of the short version of the Cybernetic Coping Scale: A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis across four samples. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77(1) pp. 39–62.


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