Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Dixon

43 items in this list.
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Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin; Durrheim, Kevin; Kerr, Philippa and Gijbertsen, Brice (2023). Ironies of proximity: Intergroup threat and contact avoidance on neighbourhood interface areas. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(6) pp. 1331–1346.

Dixon, John; Sturgeon, Brendan; Huck, Jonny; Hocking, Bree; Jarman, Neil; Bryan, Dominic; Whyatt, Duncan; Davies, Gemma and Tredoux, Colin (2022). Navigating the divided city: Place identity and the time-geography of segregation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 84, article no. 101908.

Dixon, John and Langdridge, Darren (2022). Beyond Prejudice as Antipathy: Understanding kinder, gentler forms of discrimination. In: Tileagă, Cristian; Augoustinos, Martha and Durrheim, Kevin eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping. London: Routledge, pp. 213–230.

Di Bernardo, G. A.; Vezzali, L.; Stathi, S.; McKeown, S.; Cocco, V. M.; Dixon, J. and Saguy, T. (2021). Fostering social change among advantaged and disadvantaged group members: Integrating intergroup contact and social identity perspectives on collective action. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24(1) pp. 26–47.

Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin; Sturgeon, Brendan; Hocking, Bree; Davies, Gemma; Huck, Jonny; Whyatt, Duncan; Jarman, Neil and Bryan, Dominic (2020). ‘When the walls come tumbling down’: The role of intergroup proximity, threat, and contact in shaping attitudes towards the removal of Northern Ireland’s peace walls. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59(4) pp. 922–944.

Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin; Davies, Gemma; Huck, Johnny; Hocking, Bree; Sturgeon, Brendan; Whyatt, Duncan; Jarman, Neil and Bryan, Dominic (2020). Parallel lives: Intergroup contact, threat and the segregation of everyday activity spaces. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(3) pp. 457–480.

Dixon, John; Elcheroth, Guy; Kerr, Philippa; Drury, John; Albzour, Mai; Subašić, Emina; Durrheim, Kevin and Green, Eva (2020). It’s not just ‘us’ versus ‘them’: Moving beyond binary perspectives on intergroup processes. European Review of Social Psychology, 31(1) pp. 40–75.

Davies, Gemma; Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin G.; Whyatt, J. Duncan; Huck, Jonny J.; Sturgeon, Brendan; Hocking, Bree T.; Jarman, Neil and Bryan, Dominic (2019). Networks of (Dis)connection: Mobility Practices, Tertiary Streets and Sectarian Divisions in North Belfast. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 109(6) pp. 1729–1747.

Dixon, John; Durrheim, Kevin and Thomae, Manuela (2017). The principle-implementation gap in attitudes towards racial equality (and how to close it). Advances in Political Psychology, 38(S1) pp. 91–126.

Dixon, John; Cakal, Huseyin; Khan, Waheeda; Osmany, Meena; Majumdar, Sramana and Hassan, Mudassir (2017). Contact, Political Solidarity and Collective Action: An Indian Case Study of Relations between Historically Disadvantaged Communities. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 27(1) pp. 83–95.

Dixon, John; Durrheim, Kevin; Stevenson, Clifford and Cakal, Huseyin (2016). From prejudice reduction to collective action: Two psychological models of social change (and how to reconcile them). In: Sibley, Chris G. and Barlow, Fiona Kate eds. Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 481–499.

Dixon, John and Taylor, Stephanie (2016). Fact and evaluation in racist discourse revisited. In: Tileagă, Cristian and Stokoe, Elizabeth eds. Discursive Psychology: Classic and contemporary issues. Explorations in Social Psychology. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 271–288.

Dixon, John; Durrheim, Kevin; Thomae, Manuela; Tredoux, Colin; Kerr, Philippa and Quayle, Michael (2015). Divide and Rule, Unite and Resist: Contact, Collective Action and Policy Attitudes among Historically Disadvantaged Groups. Journal of Social Issues, 71(3) pp. 576–596.

Di Masso, Andrés and Dixon, John (2015). More Than Words: Place, Discourse and the Struggle over Public Space in Barcelona. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12(1) pp. 45–60.

Durrheim, Kevin; Jacobs, Nicola and Dixon, John (2014). Explaining the paradoxical effects of intergroup contact: Paternalistic relations and system justification in domestic labour in South Africa. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41 pp. 150–164.

Dixon, John; Levine, Mark; Reicher, Steve and Durrheim, Kevin (2012). Beyond prejudice: are negative evaluations the problem and is getting us to like one another more the solution? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(6) pp. 411–425.

Durrheim, Kevin; Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin; Eaton, Liberty; Quayle, Michael and Clack, Beverley (2011). Predicting support for racial transformation policies: intergroup threat, racial prejudice, sense of group entitlement and strength of identification. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(1) pp. 23–41.

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Dixon, John; Durrheim, Kevin; Tredoux, Colin G.; Tropp, Linda R.; Clack, Beverley; Eaton, Liberty and Quayle, Michael (2010). Challenging the stubborn core of opposition to equality: racial contact and policy attitudes. Political Psychology, 31(6) pp. 831–856.

Dixon, John; Durrheim, Kevin; Tredoux, Colin; Tropp, Linda; Clack, Beverley and Eaton, Libby (2010). A paradox of integration? Interracial contact, prejudice reduction and perceptions of racial discrimination. Journal of Social Issues, 66(2) pp. 401–416.

Dixon, John; Tredoux, Colin; Durrheim, Kevin; Finchilescu, Gillian and Clack, Beverley (2008). 'The inner citadels of the color line’: Mapping the micro-ecology of segregation in everyday life spaces. Personality and Social Psychology Compass, 2(4) pp. 1547–1569.

GTo Top

Gonzales, Roberto; Martinez, Sui; Huck, Jonny and Dixon, John (2024). The use of GNSS technology in smartphones to collect sensitive data on human mobility practices: Ethical challenges and potential solutions. American Psychologist, 79(1) pp. 52–64.

HTo Top

Huck, J; Whyatt, JD; Davies, G; Dixon, John; Sturgeon, B; Hocking, G; Tredoux, C; Jarman, N and Bryan, D (2023). Fuzzy Bayesian inference for mapping vague and place-based regions: a case study of sectarian territory. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 37(8) pp. 1765–1786.

Huck, J.J.; Whyatt, D.J.; Dixon, J.; Sturgeon, B.; Hocking, B.; Davies, G.; Jarman, N. and Bryan, D. (2019). Exploring segregation and sharing in a divided city: A PGIS approach. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 109(1) pp. 223–241.

Hocking, Bree T.; Sturgeon, Brendan; Whyatt, Duncan; Davies, Gemma; Huck, Jonny; Dixon, John; Jarman, Neil and Bryan, Dominic (2018). Negotiating the Ground: ‘Mobilizing’ a Divided Field Site in the ‘Post-Conflict’ City. Mobilities, 13(6) pp. 876–893.

ITo Top

Imhoff, Roland; Alexopoulos, Theodore; Cichocka, Aleksandra; Degner, Juliane; Dixon, John; Easterbrook, Matthew J.; Greenaway, Katharine H.; Henry, P. J.; Marshall, Tara; Papies, Esther K.; Rothmund, Tobias; Shnabel, Nurit and Smith, Joanne (2022). Thoroughly thought through? Experimenting with Registered Reports. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(7) pp. 1035–1037.

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Kerr, Philippa and Dixon, John (2022). Non-citizens' rights: Xenophobia, nationalism and struggle post-transition. In: Elcheroth, Guy and de Mel, Neloufer eds. In the Shadow of Transitional Justice: Cross-national Perspectives on the Transformative Potential of Remembrance. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 91–103.

Kerr, Philippa; Durrheim, Kevin and Dixon, John (2019). Xenophobic Violence and Struggle Discourse in South Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 54(7) pp. 995–1011.

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Paolini, Stefania; Harwood, Jake; Rubin, Mark; Huck, Jonathan; Dunn, Kevin and Dixon, John (2024). Reaching across social divides deliberately: Theoretical, political, and practical implications of intergroup contact volition for intergroup relations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(8), article no. e12988.

STo Top

Stevenson, Clifford; Dixon, John; Hopkins, Nick and Luyt, Russell (2015). The Social Psychology of Citizenship, Participation and Social Exclusion: Introduction to the Special Thematic Section. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3(2) pp. 1–19.

Stevenson, Clifford; Hopkins, Nick; Luyt, Russell and Dixon, John (2015). The Social Psychology of Citizenship: Engagement With Citizenship Studies and Future Research. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3(2) pp. 192–210.

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Tredoux, Colin Getty and Dixon, John Andrew (2009). Mapping the multiple contexts of racial isolation: the case of Long Street, Cape Town. Urban Studies, 46(4) pp. 761–777.

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Van Der Zee, Sophie; Taylor, Paul; Wong, Ruth; Dixon, John and Menacere, Tarek (2021). A Liar and a Copycat: Nonverbal Coordination Increases with Lie Difficulty. Royal Society Open Science, 8(1), article no. 200839.


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