Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by James A. Coleman

52 items in this list.
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2019To Top

2018To Top

Coleman, Jim; Hultgren, Kristina; Li, Wei; Tsui, Cheng-Fang Cynthia and Shaw, Philip (2018). Forum on English-medium Instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 52(3) pp. 701–720.

2017To Top

2014To Top

2013To Top

Coleman, James A. (2013). Researching whole people and whole lives. In: Kinginger, Celeste ed. Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad. Language Learning & Language Teaching (37). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 17–44.

2012To Top

Costa, Francesca and Coleman, James A. (2012). What do students think works? Questionnaire on input presentation strategies. In: Marsh, David and Meyer, Oliver eds. Quality Interfaces: Examining Evidence And Exploring Solutions In CLIL. Kontinuum des Lernens (4). Eichstätt, Germany: Eichstätt Academic Press, pp. 92–102.

Coleman, James A.; Hampel, Regine; Hauck, Mirjam and Stickler, Ursula (2012). Collaboration and interaction: the keys to distance and computer-supported language learning. In: Levine, Glenn.S.; Phipps, Alison and Blythe, Carl eds. Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy. Florence, KY, USA: Cengage Learning, pp. 161–180.

Costa, Francesca and Coleman, James A. (2012). A survey of English-medium instruction in Italian higher education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(1) pp. 3–19.

2011To Top

Coleman, James A. and Chafer, Tony (2011). The experience and long-term impact of study abroad by Europeans in an African context. In: Dervin, Fred ed. Analysing the consequences of academic mobility and migration. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 67–96.

Coleman, James A. and Vialleton, Elodie (2011). French Studies at the Open University: pointers to the future. In: Lane, Philippe and Worton, Michael eds. French Studies in and for the 21st Century. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 235–246.

Coleman, James A. (2011). Modern languages in the United Kingdom. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 10(2) pp. 127–129.

2010To Top

Costa, Francesca and Coleman, James A. (2010). Integrating content and language in higher education in Italy: ongoing research. International CLIL Research Journal, 1(3) pp. 19–29.

Coleman, James A. and Chafer, Tony (2010). Study abroad and the Internet: physical and virtual context in an era of expanding telecommunications. Frontiers: The InterdisciplinaryJournal of Study Abroad, XIX pp. 151–167.

2009To Top

Coleman, James A. (2009). Multilingualism in contexts: the relativity of time and space. In: Wiater, Werner and Videsott, Gerda eds. Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 115–133.

Coleman, James A. (2009). Study abroad and SLA: defining goals and variables. In: Berndt, Annette and Kleppin, Karin eds. Sprachlehrforschung: Theorie und Empire, Festschrift fur Rudiger Grotjahn. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 181–196.

2008To Top

2007To Top

Coleman, James A. (2007). A new framework for study abroad research. In: Way, C.; Soriano, G.; Limon, D. and Amador, C. eds. Enhancing the Erasmus Experience: Papers on Student Mobility. Granada: Atrio, pp. 37–46.

2006To Top

Coleman, James A. (2006). Fremdsprachen aus der Ferne: die britische Open University. In: Jung, Udo O.H. ed. Praktische Handreichung für Fremdsprachenlehrer. Bayreuther Beiträge zur Glottodidaktik, 2 (2). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 516–521.

2005To Top

Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John eds. (2005). Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge/Falmer.

Coleman, James A. (2005). Residence abroad. In: Coleman, James A and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective learning and teaching in higher education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 126–132.

Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John (2005). Research into language learning. In: Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective learning and teaching in higher education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 31–43.

Coleman, James A. and Baumann, Uwe (2005). The World as a classroom. In: Hurd, Stella and Murphy, L. eds. Success with languages. Routledge Study Guides. Routledge, pp. 140–160.

Coleman, James A. (2005). Modern Languages as a university discipline. In: Coleman, James A and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 3–9.

Coleman, James A. (2005). Where do our graduates go? Languages and careers. In: Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 17–22.

Coleman, James A and Klapper, John (2005). Introduction. In: Coleman, James A and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in modern languages. Effective learning and teaching in higher education. Routledge/Falmer, xii-xiv.

Coleman, James A. and Hauge, E. (2005). Curriculum design. In: Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in modern languages. Effective learning and teaching in Higher Education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 44–51.

Coleman, James A. and Perez, I. (2005). Translating and interpreting. In: Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John eds. Effective learning and teaching in Modern Languages. Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge/Falmer, pp. 108–113.

2004To Top

2003To Top

Coleman, James A. (2003). Research into practice. Quality assurance and the future of university language teaching. In: Voss, B. and Stahlheber, E. eds. Fremdsprachenunterricht auf dem Prüfstand. Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenforschung, 7. Berlin: Pädagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag, pp. 17–30.

2002To Top

Coleman, James A. (2002). Translating research into disseminated good practice: the case of student residence abroad. In: Macdonald, R. and Wisdom, J. eds. Academic and educational development : research, evaluation and changing practice in higher education. London, UK: Kogan Page, pp. 87–98.

Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rüdiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. (2002). University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag.

Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich (2002). Language learning and language testing at university level. In: Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag, pp. 7–14.

Coleman, James A. (2002). The European Language Proficiency Survey: an overview of findings. In: Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag, pp. 201–206.

2001To Top

Coleman, James A. (2001). What is 'Residence Abroad' for?: Intercultural competence and the linguistic, cultural, academic, personal and professional objectives of student residence abroad. In: Di Napoli, Roberto; Polezzi, Loredana and King, Anny eds. Fuzzy boundaries?: Reflecting on modern languages and the Humanities. London: CiLT, pp. 121–140.

Coleman, James A. (2001). Residence abroad and university language learning. In: Pürschel, Heiner; Raatz, Ulrich and Klein-Braley, Christine eds. Tests and translation and language testing: papers in memory of Christine Klein-Braley. Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung (27). Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag, pp. 137–168.

Coleman, James A. (2001). Representations de l’autre: impact d’un sejour prolonge a l’etranger. In: Zarate, Geneviève ed. Langues, xénophobie, xénophilie dans une Europe multiculturelle. Rouen, France: Collection nationale du reseau de documentation pedagogique, pp. 127–149.

Coleman, James A. (2001). Lessons for the future: evaluating FDTL languages. In: Coleman, James; Ferney, Derrik; Head, David and Rix, Rob eds. Language-learning futures: issues and strategies for modern languages provision in Higher Education. London, UK: CILT Publications, pp. 7–21.

Coleman, James A. (2001). Language learner attitudes and student residence abroad: new quantitative and qualitative insights. In: Killick, D.; Parry, M. and Phipps, A. eds. Mapping the territory: the poetics and praxis of languages and intercultural communication. Glasgow, UK: Glasgow University Publications in French and German, pp. 75–97.

Coleman, James A. and Head, David (2001). Introduction: university language teaching and learning in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In: Coleman, James A.; Ferney, Derrick; Head, David and Rix, Rob eds. Language-learning futures: issues and strategies for modern languages provision in higher education. London, UK: CILT, pp. 1–6.

Coleman, James A. and Parker, Linda (2001). Preparing for residence abroad: staff development implications. In: Klapper, John ed. Teaching languages in higher education: issues in training and continuing professional development. London: CILT, pp. 134–162.

Coleman, James A.; Ferney, Derrik; Head, David and Rix, Rob eds. (2001). Language-learning futures: issues and strategies for modern languages provision in higher education. London, UK: CiLT in association with the SCHML.


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