Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ian Wright

181 items in this list.
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Book SectionTo Top

Morse, Andrew; Morgan, Geraint; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin (2009). Ptolemy - a GCMS to measure the chemical and stable isotopic composition of a comet. In: Schulz, Rita and Boehnhardt, Hermann eds. Rosetta ESA's Mission to the Origin of the Solar System. Berlin/Heidleberg: Springer, pp. 669–718.

Westall, Frances; de Vries, Sjoukje T.; Nijman, Wouter; Rouchon, Virgile; Orberger, Beate; Pearson, Victoria K.; Watson, Jonathan S.; Verchovsky, Sasha; Wright, Ian; Rouzaud, Jean-Noel; Marchesini, Daniele and Severine, Anne (2006). The 3.466 Ga "Kitty's Gap Chert," an early Archean microbial ecosystem. In: Reimold, Wolf Uwe and Gibson, Roger L. eds. Processes on the Early Earth. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 405. Geological Society of America, pp. 105–131.

Grady, Monica and Wright, Ian (2003). The abundance and isotope composition of carbon and nitrogen in meteorites. In: Kallenbach, R.; Encrenaz, T.; Geiss, J.; Mauersberger, K.; Owen, T. and Robert, F. eds. Solar System History from Isotopic Signatures of Volatile Elements. Space Sciences Series of ISSI (16). Springer, pp. 231–243.

Journal ItemTo Top

Wright, Ian (2024). [Memoirs]: Colin Trevor Pillinger. 9 May 1943—7 May 2014. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 76 pp. 315–339.

Herny, C.; Mousis, O.; Marschall, R.; Thomas, N.; Rubin, M.; Pinzón-Rodríguez, O. and Wright, I. (2021). New constraints on the chemical composition and outgassing of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Planetary and Space Science, 200, article no. 105194.

Filacchione, Gianrico; Groussin, Olivier; Herny, Clémence; Kappel, David; Mottola, Stefano; Oklay, Nilda; Pommerol, Antoine; Wright, Ian; Yoldi, Zurine; Ciarniello, Mauro; Moroz, Lyuba and Raponi, Andrea (2019). Comet 67P/CG Nucleus Composition and Comparison to Other Comets. Space Science Reviews, 215, article no. 19.

Christou, Chariton; Dadzie, S. Kokou; Thomas, Nicolas; Marschall, Raphael; Hartogh, Paul; Jorda, Laurent; Kührt, Ekkehard; Wright, Ian and Rodrigo, Rafael (2018). Gas flow in near surface comet like porous structures: Application to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Planetary and Space Science, 161 pp. 57–67.

Altwegg, Kathrin; Balsiger, H.; Berthelier, J.J.; Bieler, A.; Calmonte, U.; Fuselier, S.A.; Goesmann, F.; Gasc, S.; Gombosi, T.I.; Le Roy, L.; de Keyser, J.; Morse, A.; Rubin, M.; Schuhmann, M.; Taylor, M.G.G.T.; Tzou, C.-Y. and Wright, I. (2017). Organics in comet 67P – a first comparative analysis of mass spectra from ROSINA–DFMS, COSAC and Ptolemy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(Suppl 2) S130-S141.

Boehnhardt, Hermann; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Apathy, Istvan; Auster, Hans Ulrich; Ercoli Finzi, Amalia; Goesmann, Fred; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Knapmeyer, Martin; Kofman, Wlodek; Krüger, Harald; Mottola, Stefano; Schmidt, Walter; Seidensticker, Klaus; Spohn, Tilman and Wright, Ian (2017). The Philae lander mission and science overview. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375(2097), article no. 20160248.

Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H.; Barber, S. J. and Morse, A. D. (2017). On the attempts to measure water (and other volatiles) directly at the surface of a comet. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375(2094), article no. 20150385.

Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S. J.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P. (2016). Subsurface characterization of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko's Abydos site. The Astrophysical Journal, 822(2) p. 98.

Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waugh, L. J.; Howe, C. J.; Gibson, E. K. and Pillinger, C. T. (2012). L-VRAP-a lunar volatile resources analysis package for lunar exploration. Planetary and Space Science, 74(1) pp. 254–263.

Morse, A. D.; Altwegg, K.; Andrews, D. J.; Auster, H. U.; Carr, C. M.; Galand, M.; Goesmann, F.; Gulkis, S.; Lee, S.; Richter, I.; Sheridan, S.; Stern, S. A.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Feldman, P.; Parker, J.; Retherford, K. D.; Weaver, H. A. and Wright, I. P. (2012). The Rosetta campaign to detect an exosphere at Lutetia. Planetary And Space Science, 66(1) pp. 165–172.

Smith, Alan; Crawford, I. A.; Gowen, Robert Anthony; Ambrosi, R.; Anand, M.; Banerdt, B.; Bannister, S.; Bowles, N.; Braithwaite, C.; Brown, P.; Chela-Flores, J.; Cholinser, T.; Church, P.; Coates, A. J.; Colaprete, T.; Collins, G.; Collinson, G.; Cook, T.; Elphic, R.; Fraser, G.; Gao, Y.; Gibson, E.; Glotch, T.; Grande, M.; Hagermann, A.; Heldmann, J.; Hood, L. L.; Jones, A. P.; Joy, K. H.; Khavroshkin, O.; Klingelhoefer, G.; Knapmeyer, M.; Kramer, G.; Phipps, A.; Pullan, D.; Pike, W.T.; Lawrence, D.; Marczewsk, S.; Rask, J.; Richard, D. T.; Seweryn, K.; Sheridan, S.; Sims, M. R.; Sweeting, M.; Swindle, T.; Talboys, D.; Taylor, L.; Teanby, N; Tong, V; Ulamec, S; Wawrzaszek, R; Wieczorek, M; Wilson, L. and Wright, Ian (2012). Lunar Net - a proposal in response to an ESA M3 call in 2010 for a medium sized mission. Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3) pp. 587–644.

Westall, Frances; Foucher, Frédéric; Cavalazzi, Barbara; de Vries, Sjoukje T.; Nijman, Wouter; Pearson, Victoria; Watson, Jon; Verchovsky, Alexander; Wright, Ian; Rouzaud, Jean-Noel; Marchesini, Daniele and Anne, Severine (2011). Volcaniclastic habitats for early life on Earth and Mars: a case study from ~3.5 Ga-old rocks from the Pilbara, Australia. Planetary and Space Science, 59(10) 1093- 1106.

Smith, A.; Crawford, I. A.; Gowen, R. A.; Ball, A. J.; Barber, S. J.; Church, P.; Coates, A. J.; Gao, Y.; Griffiths, A. D.; Hagermann, A.; Joy, K. H.; Phipps, A.; Pike, W. T.; Scott, R.; Sheridan, S.; Sweeting, M.; Talboys, D.; Tong, V.; Wells, N.; Biele, J.; Chela-Flores, J.; Dabrowski, B.; Flannagan, J.; Grande, M.; Grygorczuk, J.; Kargl, G.; Khavroshkin, O. B.; Klingelhoefer, G.; Knapmeyer, M.; Marczewski, W.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Richter, L.; Rothery, D. A.; Seweryn, K.; Ulamec, S.; Wawrzaszek, R.; Wieczorek, M.; Wright, I. P. and Sims, M. (2009). LunarEX: a proposal to cosmic vision. Experimental Astronomy, 23(3) pp. 711–740.

Wright, I.P.; Barber, S.J.; Morgan, G.H.; Morse, A.D.; Sheridan, S.; Andrews, D.J.; Yau, D.; Evans, S.T.; Leese, M.R.; Zarnecki, J.C.; Kent, B.J.; Waltham, N.R.; Whalley, M.S.; Heys, S.; Drummond, D.L.; Edeson, R.L.; Sawyer, E.C.; Turner, R.F. and Pillinger, C.T. (2007). Ptolemy – an Instrument to Measure Stable Isotopic Ratios of Key Volatiles on a Cometary Nucleus. Space Science Reviews, 128(1-4) pp. 363–381.

Horz, Friedrich; Bastien, Ron; Borg, Janet; Bradley, John P.; Bridges, John C.; Brownlee, Donald E.; Burchell, Mark J.; Chi, Miaofang; Cintala, Mark J.; Dai, Zu Rong; Djouadi, Zahia; Dominquez, Gerardo; Economou, Thanasis E.; Fairey, Sam A. J.; Floss, Christine; Franchi, Ian A.; Graham, Giles A.; Green, Simon F.; Heck, Philipp; Hoppe, Peter; Huth, Joachim; Ishii, Hope; Kearsley, Anton T.; Kissel, Jochen; Leitner, Jan; Leroux, Hugues; Marhas, Kuljeet; Messenger, Keiko; Schwandt, Craig S.; See, Thomas H.; Snead, Christopher; Stadermann, Frank J.; Stephan, Thomas; Stroud, Rhonda; Teslich, Nick; Trigo-Rodriguez, Josep M.; Tuzzolino, A. J.; Troadec, David; Tsou, Peter; Warren, Jack; Westphal, Andrew; Wozniakiewicz, Penelope; Wright, Ian and Zinner, Ernst (2006). Impact features on Stardust: implications for comet 81P/Wild 2 dust. Science, 314(5806) pp. 1716–1719.

Brownlee, Don; Tsou, Peter; Aléon, Jérôme; Alexander, Conel M O'D; Araki, Tohru; Bajt, Sasa; Baratta, Giuseppe A; Bastien, Ron; Bland, Phil; Bleuet, Pierre; Borg, Janet; Bradley, John P; Brearley, Adrian; Brenker, F; Brennan, Sean; Bridges,, John C; Browning, Nigel D; Brucato, John R; Bullock, E; Burchell,, Mark J; Busemann, Henner; Butterworth, Anna; Chaussidon, Marc; Cheuvront, Allan; Chi, Miaofang; Cintala, Mark J; Clark, B C; Clemett, Simon J; Cody, George; Colangeli, Luigi; Cooper, George; Cordier, Patrick; Daghlian, C; Dai, Zurong; D'Hendecourt, Louis; Djouadi, Zahia; Dominguez, Gerardo; Duxbury, Tom; Dworkin, Jason P; Ebel, Denton S; Economou, Thanasis E; Fakra,, Sirine; Fairey, Sam A J; Fallon, Stewart; Ferrini, Gianluca; Ferroir, T; Fleckenstein, Holger; Floss, Christine; Flynn,, George; Franchi, Ian; Fries, Marc; Gainsforth, Z; Gallien, J-P; Genge, Matt; Gilles, Mary K; Gillet, Philipe; Gilmour, Jamie; Glavin, Daniel P; Gounelle, Matthieu; Grady, Monica; Graham, Giles A; Grant, P G; Green, Simon F.; Grossemy,, Faustine; Grossman, Lawrence; Grossman, Jeffrey N; Guan,, Yunbin; Hagiya, Kenji; Harvey, Ralph; Heck, Philipp; Herzog, Gregory F; Hoppe, Peter; Hörz, Friedrich; Huth, Joachim; Hutcheon, Ian D; Ignatyev, Konstantin; Ishii, Hope; Ito, Motoo; Jacob, Damien; Jacobsen, Chris; Jacobsen, Stein; Jones, Steven; Joswiak, David; Jurewicz, Amy; Kearsley, Anton T; Keller, Lindsay P; Khodja, H; Kilcoyne, A L David; Kissel, Jochen; Krot, Alexander; Langenhorst, Falko; Lanzirotti, Antonio; Le, Loan; Leshin, Laurie A; Leitner, J; Lemelle, L; Leroux, Hugues; Liu, Ming-Chang; Luening, K; Lyon, Ian; Marcus, Matthew A; Marhas, Kuljeet; Marty, Bernard; Matrajt,, Graciela; McKeegan, Kevin; Meibom, Anders; Mennella, Vito; Messenger, Keiko; Messenger, Scott; Mikouchi, Takashi; Mostefaoui, Smail; Nakamura, Tomoki; Nakano, T; Newville, M; Nittler, Larry R; Ohnishi, Ichiro; Ohsumi, Kazumasa; Okudaira, Kyoko; Papanastassiou, Dimitri A; Palma, Russ; Palumbo, Maria E; Pepin, Robert O; Perkins, David; Perronnet, Murielle; Pianetta, P; Rao, William; Rietmeijer, Frans J M; Robert, François; Rost, D; Rotundi, Alessandra; Ryan, Robert; Sandford, Scott A.; Schwandt,, Craig S; See,, Thomas H; Schlutter, Dennis; Sheffield-Parker, J; Simionovici, Alexandre; Simon, Steven; Sitnitsky, I; Snead, Christopher J; Spencer, Maegan K; Stadermann, Frank J; Steele, Andrew; Stephan, Thomas; Stroud, Rhonda; Susini, Jean; Sutton,, S R; Suzuki, Y; Taheri, Mitra; Taylor, Susan; Teslich, Nick; Tomeoka, Kazu; Tomioka, Naotaka; Toppani, Alice; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M; Troadec, David; Tsuchiyama, Akira; Tuzzolino, Anthony J; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Uesugi, K; Velbel,, Michael; Vellenga, Joe; Vicenzi,, E; Vincze, L; Warren, Jack; Weber, Iris; Weisberg, Mike; Westphal, Andrew J; Wirick, Sue; Wooden, Diane; Wopenka, Brigitte; Wozniakiewicz, Penelope; Wright, Ian; Yabuta, Hikaru; Yano, Hajime; Young, Edward D; Zare, Richard N; Zega, Thomas; Ziegler, Karen; Zimmerman, Laurent; Zinner, Ernst and Zolensky, Michael (2006). Comet 81P/Wild 2 Under a Microscope. Science, 314(5806) pp. 1711–1716.

Todd, John F.J.; Barber, Simeon J.; Wright, Ian P.; Morgan, Geraint H.; Morse, Andrew D.; Sheridan, Simon; Leese, Mark R.; Maynard, Jon; Evans, Suzanne T.; Pillinger, Colin T.; Drummond, Duncan L.; Heys, Samantha C.; Huq, Ejaz; Kent, Barry J.; Sawyer, Eric C.; Whalley, Martin S. and Waltham, Nicholas R. (2006). Ion trap mass spectrometry on a comet nucleus: the Ptolemy instrument and the Rosetta space mission. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 42(1) pp. 1–10.

Verchovsky, Alexander B.; Fisenko, Anatolii V.; Semjonova, Lubov F.; Bridges, John; Lee, Martin R. and Wright, Ian P. (2006). Nanodiamonds from AGB stars: a new type of presolar grain in meteorites. Astrophysical Journal, 651(1, Part 1) pp. 481–490.

Grady, Monica M. and Wright, Ian (2006). The carbon cycle on early Earth—and on Mars? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 361(1474) 1703 -1713.

Rogoyski, A.; Skidmore, B.; Maheswaran, V.; Wright, I.; Zarnecki, J. and Pillinger, C. (2006). Wide area microprobe analyser (WAMPA). Acta Astronautica, 59(8-11) pp. 1029–1038.

Garry, J.R.C. and Wright, I.P. (2004). Coring experiments with cryogenic water and carbon dioxide ices - toward planetary surface operations. Planetary and Space Science, 52(9) pp. 823–831.

Graham, G.A.; Kearsley, A.T.; Butterworth, A.L.; Bland, P.A.; Burchell, M.J.; McPhail, D.S.; Chater, R.; Grady, M.M. and Wright, Ian (2004). Extraction and microanalysis of cosmic dust captured during sample return missions: laboratory simulations. Advances in Space Research, 34(11) pp. 2292–2298.

Bridges, J.C.; Seabrook, A.M.; Rothery, D.A.; Kim, J.R.; Pillinger, C.T.; Sims, M.R.; Golombek, M.P.; Duxbury, T.; Head, J.W.; Haldemann, A.F.C.; Mitchell, K.L.; Muller, J.-P.; Lewis, S.R.; Moncrieff, C.; Wright, I.P.; Grady, M.M. and Morley, J.G. (2003). Selection of the landing site in Isidis Planitia of Mars probe Beagle 2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 108(E1) p. 5001.

Graham, Giles A.; Kearsley, Anton T.; Wright, Ian P.; Burchell, Mark J. and Taylor, Emma A. (2003). Observations on hypervelocity impact damage sustained by multi-layered insulation foils exposed in low Earth orbit and simulated in the laboratory. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 29(1-10) pp. 307–316.

Wright, I.P.; Sims, M.R. and Pillinger, C.T. (2003). Scientific objectives of the Beagle 2 lander. Acta Astronautica, 52(2-6) pp. 219–225.

Verchovsky, A.B.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T. (2003). Ion implantation into presolar grains: a theoretical model. PASA: Publications of The Astronomical Society of Australia, 20(4) pp. 329–336.

Sephton, M.A.; Wright, I.P.; Gilmour, I.; de Leeuw, J.W.; Grady, M.M. and Pillinger, C.T. (2002). High molecular weight organic matter in martian meteorites. Planetary and Space Science, 50(7-8) pp. 711–716.

Sims, M.R.; Pullan, D.; Pillinger, C.T. and Wright, I.P. (2002). An evaluation of in situ analysis and sample return in the exploration of Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 50(7-8) pp. 657–668.

Graham, G.A.; McBride, N.; Kearsley, A.T.; Drolshagen, G.; Green, S.F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Grady, M.M. and Wright, I.P. (2001). The chemistry of micrometeoroid and space debris remnants captured on Hubble Space Telescope solar cells. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 26(1-10) pp. 263–274.

Franchi, I.A.; Baker, L.; Bridges, J.C.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T. (2001). Oxygen isotopes and the early solar system. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 359(1787) pp. 2019–2035.

Verchovsky, A.V.; Wright, I.P.; Fisenko, A.V. and Pillinger, C.T. (2001). A numerical model of ion implantation into presolar grains. Nuclear Physics A, 688(1-2) 106C-109C.

Graham, G. A.; Kearsley, A. T.; Drolshagen, G.; McBride, N.; Green, S. F. and Wright, I. P. (2001). Microparticle impacts upon HST solar cells. Advances in Space Research, 28(9) pp. 1341–1346.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Cohen, B. A.; Barber, S. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Wright, I. P.; Leese, M.; Howe, C. and Driggers, P. A. (2020). The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS): A CLPS-Delivered Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer for In-Situ Studies of the Lunar Water Cycle. In: 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 16-20 Mar 2020, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA, Lunar and Planetary Institute.

Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Cohen, B. A. and Farrell, W. M. (2019). In-Situ Studies of the Lunar Water Cycle by Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Barber, S. J.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson, E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R. (2018). ProSPA: Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles and ISRU Demonstration on the Moon. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Barber, S. J.; Sargeant, H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Ballard, A.; Church, P. D.; Gould, P.; Gupta, M.D.; Hussain, S.; Griffiths, A.; Jones, G. H.; Derz, U. and Perkinson, M. (2018). L-DART: A Penetrator Mission for Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Barber, S. J.; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, R.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R. (2018). ProSPA: An instrument for lunar polar volatiles prospecting and in situ resource utilization proof of concept. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018, 13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France.

Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Sargeant, Hannah; Wright, Ian; Ballard, A.; Church, P. D.; Gould, P.; Gupta, M.D.; Hussain, S.; Jones, G. H.; Derz, U.; Perkinson, M. and Murray, N. J. (2018). L-DART: Direct Analysis Of Resource Traps within Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions by a Penetrator Mission. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018, 13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France.

Barber, S. J.; Smith, Phillipa; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B. (2017). PROSPECTing for Lunar Polar Volatiles: the ProSPA Miniature In-situ Science Laboratory. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2017, 2-3 May 2017, Munster, Germany.

Barber, S. J.; Smith, P. H.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, S.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson Jr., E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B. (2017). ProSPA: the Science Laboratory for the Processing and Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles within PROSPECT. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Barber, S. J.; Carpenter, J.; Rizzi, F.; Wright, Ian P.; Abernethy, Feargus; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Gibson, Everett; Howe, Chris; Reiss, Philipp; Goesmann, Fred; Bianucci, G.; Cleaver, S.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B. (2016). ProSPA: The Chemical Laboratory for In-Situ Assessment of Lunar Volatile Resources within Esa’s Prospect Package. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2016, 18-19 May 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P. (2015). Characterization of the Subsurface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Abydos Site. In: EPSC 2015, 27 Sep - 02 Oct 2015, Nantes, France.

Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D. (2015). Rosetta: The Final Furlong. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (MetSoc 2014), 8-13 Sep 2014, Casablanca, Morocco.

Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P. (2015). Evolution of the subsurface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Abydos Site. In: Semaine de l'astrophysique française 2015 (Boissier, S.; Buat, V.; Cambrésy, L.; Martins, F. and Petit, P. eds.), 2-5 Jun 2015, Toulouse.

Steer, Elisabeth; Schwenzer, Susanne; Wright, Ian and Grady, Monica (2015). Relationships Between Shock and Fluid Processes. In: National Astronomical Meeting 2015, 5-9 Jul 2015, Llandudno, Wales.

Barber, S. J.; Carpenter, James; Wright, Ian; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, Geraint; Gibson, Everett; Howell, Chris; Reiss, Phil; Fisackerly, Richard and Houndou, B. (2015). ProsPA: A miniature chemical laboratory for in-situ assessment of lunar volatile resources. In: European Lunar Science and Exploration, 12-15 May 2015, Frascati, Italy.

Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D. (2015). First measurements of the surface composition of 67P using the Ptolemy mass spectrometer. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), 16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.

Steer, E. D.; Gattacceca, J.; Rochette, P.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M. (2015). Cold desert weathering effects on magnetic properties of L6 chondrites. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 2046.

Carpenter, J. D.; Barber, S.; Cerroni, P.; Fisackerly, R.; Fumagalli, A.; Houdou, B.; Howe, C.; Magnani, P. G.; Morse, A.; Monchieri, E.; Reiss, P.; Richter, L.; Rizzi, F.; Sheridan, S.; Waugh, L. and Wright, I. P. (2014). Accessing and assessing lunar resources with PROSPECT. In: Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 22-24 Oct 2014, Laurel, Maryland, USA.

Steer, Elisabeth; Schwenzer, Susanne; Wright, Ian and Grady, Monica (2014). Mineralogical controls on cold desert weathering. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (MetSoc 2014), 8-13 Sep 2014, Casablanca, Morocco.

Melwani Daswani, M.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Reed, M. H.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M. (2014). Carbonate precipitation driven by clay leachates on Early Mars. In: 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M. (2014). Spatial correlations between silicate and metal weathering in Antarctic chondrites. In: 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P.; Ott, U. and Grady, M. M. (2013). Antarctic alteration as an analogue for processes on Mars – the noble gas perspective. In: The 3rd UK in Aurora Meeting: Advances in Mars Science:, 8 Feb 2013, London, UK.

Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S. and Morse, A. D. (2013). Ptolemy: preparations for scientific investigations at the surface of a comet. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2013, Houston, TX, USA.

Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D. (2013). In situ cometary cosmochemistry. In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 29 Jul - 2 Aug 2013, Edmonton, Canada.

Melwani Daswani, M.; Grady, M. M.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Wright, I. P. (2013). Leachates formed carbonates in ALH84001 and on early Mars. In: European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2013, 8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK.

Sheridan, Simon; Bardwell, Max; Morse, Andrew; Zoest, Tim; Wippermann, Torben and Wright, Ian (2012). A mole deployed mass spectrometer for sub-surface volatile detection and characterisation at airless bodies. In: 9th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW9), 18-22 Jun 2012, Toulouse, France.

Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Morgan, Geraint; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin (2012). Rosetta - ESA's comet lander mission. In: In-Situ Science and Instrumentation for Primitive Bodies, 30 Apr - 3 May 2012, Keck Institute of Space Studies, Pasadena, CA, USA.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Pearson, V. K.; Fisenko, A. V.; Semenova, L .F.; Sephton, M. A. and Wright, I. P. (2012). Separation of Q from carbon in CR meteorites during stepped combustion. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US.

Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Dewar, Kevin; Pillinger, Judith; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian; Gibson, Everett; Merifield, Jim; Howe, Chris; Waugh, Lester and Pillinger, Colin (2012). The Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Dewar, K. R.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merifield, J. A.; Howe, C. J.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T. (2012). Searching for lunar water: the Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.

Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Dewar, K. R.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Howe, C. J.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T. (2012). Lunar volatiles and their characterisation by L-VRAP (the Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package). In: European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2012, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain.

Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waltham, N. R.; Waugh, L.J. and Pillinger, C. T. (2011). The ESA Lunar Lander and the search for Lunar Volatiles. In: EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, 2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes, France.

Wright, I. P.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, G. H.; Andrews, D. J.; Pillinger, C. T. and Morse, A. D. (2011). Asteroidal atmospheres: a new subject area. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibsin, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waltham, N. R.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T. (2011). ESA lunar lander's search for volatiles. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Morse, A.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Bardwell, M.; Carrasco, N.; Gilmour, I.; Leese, M.; Sheridan, S.; Thissen, R.; Watson, J. and Wright, I. (2010). In situ analytical chemistry for the future exploration of Titan. In: Euro Planet Science Conference 2010, 20-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.

Morris, A. K. R.; Rush, M.; Parris, R.; Sheridan, S.; Ringrose, T.; Wright, I. P. and Morgan, G. H. (2010). Quantification of ethyl acetate using FAIMS. In: Analytical Research Forum 2010, 26-28 Jul 2010, Loughborough, UK, Authors.

Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L .F. and Wright, I. P. (2010). Thermal release of noble gases from meteoritic nanodiamonds: are P3 noble gases likely evolved at higher temperatures? In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1-5 Mar 2010, Houston, TX, US.

Tomkinson, T.; Guillermier, C.; Needham, A. W.; Franchi, I. A.; Wright, I. P.; Hagermann, A. and Grady, M. M. (2010). A combined carbon and oxygen isotopic analysis of ALH84001 carbonates with NanoSIMS. In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 26-30 Jul 2010, New York City, NY, USA.

Grady, Monica M.; Franchi, I. A.; Lyon, I.; Benedix, G.; Bland, P. A.; Burgess, R.; Gilmour, I.; Gilmour, J.; Russell, S. S. and Wright, I. P. (2010). UK CAN: UK Cosmochemical Analysis Network for the study of returned samples from space. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2010, 19-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.

Sheridan, S.; Barber, S.; Chela-Flores, J.; Morse, A.; Watson, J. and Wright, I. (2009). A penetrator deployed biogeochemistry package for the Europan surface. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2009, 14-18 Sep 2009, Potsdam, Germany.

Morris, A. K. R.; Parris, R.; Sheridan, S.; Ringrose, T.; Wright, I. P. and Morgan, G. H. (2009). Investigating TriHaloMethanes with respect to humidity. In: The 18th Annual Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 25-31 Jul 2009, Thun, Switzerland, Authors.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Fisenko, A. V.; Semjonova, L. F. and Wright, I. P. (2009). Preparations and analysis of a new set of grain-size fractions of nanodiamonds from Kainsaz. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, TX, US.

Grady, M.; Pearson, V.; Gilmour, I.; Gilmour, M.; Verchovsky, S.; Watson, J. and Wright, I. (2008). Identification (or otherwise) of martian carbon in martian meteorites. In: Ground Truth from Mars: Science Payoff from a Sample Return Mission, 21-23 Apr 2008, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D. and Wright, I. P. (2007). Miniaturised mass spectrometery for future space flight applications. In: 5th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 25-29 Jun 2007, Bordeaux, France.

Wilson, Rebecca; Pearson, Victoria; Morgan, Geraint; Franchi, Ian; Turner, D. C.; Wright, Ian and Gilmour, Iain (2007). Experimental Simulation of Volatile Organic Contributions to Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), 12-16 Mar 2007, Houston, Texas, USA.

Gibson Jr., E. K.; Clemett, S. J.; Thomas-Keprta, K. L.; McKay, D. S.; Wentworth, S. J.; Robert, F.; Verchovsky, A. B; Wright, I. P.; Pillinger, C. T.; Rice, T. and Van Leer, B. (2006). Observation and analysis of in situ carbonaceous matter in Nakhla: part II. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

Morris, A.A.; Baker, L.; Franchi, I.A. and Wright, I.P. (2005). Evolved gas analysis of hydrated phases in Murchison and Orgueil. In: 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 14-18 Mar 2005, Houston, Texas, USA.

Grady, M. M.; Anand, M.; Bridges, J. C.; Pearson, V. K.; Franchi, I. A. and Wright, I. P. (2005). Aqueous alteration of Nakhlites: implications for water on Mars. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 12-16 Sep 2005, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Bentley, M.S.; Ball, A.J.; Dyar, M.D.; Pieters, C.M.; Wright, I.P. and Zarnecki, J.C. (2005). Space weathering: Laboratory analyses and in-situ instrumentation. In: 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 14-18 Mar 2005, Houston, Texas, USA.

Gibson, E. K.; Pillinger, C. T.; Wright, I. P.; Morgan, G. H.; Yau, D.; Stewart, J. L. C.; Leese, M. R.; Praine, I. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Ebert, S.; Groesmann, F.; Roll, R.; Rosenbauer, H. and Sims, M. R. (2004). Beagle 2: Mission to Mars — current status. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Verchovsky, A. B; Fisenko, A. V.; Semjonova, L. F.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2004). Presolar diamonds in Krymka: C, N and Xe isotope data from grain-size separates and comparison with other meteorites. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L. F.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2004). On the variations of the elemental composition of the P3 component in presolar diamonds. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Gibson Jr., E. K.; Pillinger, Colin T.; Wright, Ian P.; Morse, Andy; Stewart, Jenny; Morgan, G.; Praine, Ian; Leigh, Dennis; Sims, Mark R. and Pullan, Derek (2003). Beagle 2: Seeking the signatures of life on Mars. In: Sixth International Conference on Mars, 20-23 Jul 2003, Passedena, California, USA.

Baker, L.; Franchi, I.A.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T. (2003). The oxygen isotopic composition of water extracted from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Grady, Monica and Wright, Ian (2003). Carbon reservoirs on Mars: Constraints from Martian meteorites. In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Sephton, M. A.; Love, G. D.; Watson, J. S.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Wright, I. P.; Snape, C. E. and Gilmour, I (2003). Hydropyrolysis of high molecular weight organic matter in Murchison. In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L. F.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2003). Is Xe-HL a real component? In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bridges, J.; Seabrook, A. M.; Rothery, D. A.; Pillinger, C. T.; Sims, M. R. and Wright, I. P. (2003). Revised target co-ordinates for the Beagle 2 lander. In: 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17-21 Mar 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.

Sephton, Mark; Love, Gordon; Watson, Jonathan; Verchovsky, Sasha; Wright, Ian; Snape, Colin and Gilmour, Iain (2003). Hydropyrolysis of insoluble carbonaceous matter in the Murchison meteorite. In: 21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 8-12 Sep 2003, Krakow, Poland.

Biele, J.; Ulamec, S.; Garry, J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S.; Wright, Ian and Tug, H. (2002). Melting probes at Lake Vostok and Europa. In: Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology, 16-19 Sep 2002, Graz, Austria.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Gilmour, J. D.; Holland, G.; Sephton, M. A.; Wright, I. P. and Franchi, I. A. (2002). Search for Q: single grains Xe isotope analysis of carbonaceous residue from Yilmia. In: 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 11-15 Mar 2002, Houston, Texas, USA.

Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L. F.; Ott, U.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2002). A new isotopically normal heavy noble gas component in presolar diamonds from Boriskino revealed by grain size separation. In: 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 11-15 Mar 2002, Houston, Texas, USA.

Smith, C. L.; Franchi, Ian; Wright, Ian; Grady, Monica and Pillinger, Colin (2001). Ureilite Graphite: Shocking implications. In: 64th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Grady, Monica; Verchovsky, Sasha; Franchi, Ian; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin (2001). Noble gases in Tagish Lake. In: 64th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Kearsley, A.T.; Franchi, I.A.; Graham, G.A.; Wright, I.P. and Burchell, M.J. (2001). Characterisation of extraterrestrial samples by Raman and Electron microprobes. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Baker, L.; Franchi, Ian; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin (2001). Oxygen isotopes in water extracted from carbonaceous chondrites. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Baker, L.; Franchi, Ian; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin (2001). The oxygen isotopic composition of water extracted from carbonaceous chondrites. In: Eleventh Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, 20-24 May 2001, Hot Springs, Virginia, USA.

Smith,, C. L.; Franchi, Ian; Wright, Ian; Grady, Monica and Pillinger, Colin (2001). New data on carbon isotopic compositions of some ureilites. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bridges, J.B.; Seabrook, A.M.; Kim, J.R.; Muller, J-P.; Rothery, D.A.; Pillinger, C.T.; Sims, M.R.; Wright, I.P.; Grady, M.M.; Mitchell, K.L. and Morley, J.G. (2001). The Beagle landing site in Isidis Planitia. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.

Graham, G.A.; Butterworth, A.L.; Burchell, M.J.; Kearsley, A.T.; Creighton, J.A.; Mann, J.; Bland, P.A.; Cressey, G.; Jones, C.G.; Grady, M.M. and Wright, I.P. (2001). Laboratory capture, isolation and analysis of microparticles in aerogel: Preparation for the return of Stardust. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Fisenko, A. V.; Semenova, L. F.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2001). C, N and noble gases in different pH and grain size fractions of pre-solar diamonds from Boriskino chondrite. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Sephton, M. A.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T. (2001). Attempts to separate the Q-noble gas carrier in Yilmia. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 10-14 Sep 2001, Vatican City, Italy.


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