Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ingrid Nix
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Barnes, Fiona; Cole, Sue and Nix, Ingrid
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Gosling, Clari and Nix, Ingrid
Goodfellow, Robin; Jefferys, Ingrid; Miles, Terry and Shirra, Tim
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Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty
Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty
Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty
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Lomax, Robert and Nix, Ingrid
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Nix, Ingrid and Hall, Marion (2016). Collecting Questionnaire and Interview Data: Evaluating Approaches to Developing Digital Literacy Skills. SAGE Research Methods Cases, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK.
Nix, Ingrid; Hall, Marion and Baker, Kirsty
Nix, Ingrid; Hall, Marion and Baker, Kirsty
Nix, Ingrid and Wyllie, Ali
Nix, Ingrid
Nix, Ingrid; Cooper, Barry; Davis, Roger and McCormick, Michael (2009). Prepared for Practice? Exploring and Evaluating the First Six Months of Post-qualified Practice in Social Work. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Nix, Ingrid