Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ian Donnachie

59 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2015). Historic New Lanark: The Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785 (2nd ed). Edinburgh Classic Editions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2007). The Birlinn companion to Scottish history. Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn Limited.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2001). Collins Dictionary of Scottish history. London and Glasgow, UK: Collins.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1993). Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Donnachie, Ian (1993). History Bibliography: Industrial Archaeology. Curriculum support series, 16 (3). Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1989). A Companion to Scottish History from the Reformation to the Present. London: B.T.Batsford Ltd.

Donnachie, Ian; Graves, Adrian; Howe, Alexia and Richards, Eric (1988). That Land of Exiles: Scots in Australia. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Butt, John and Donnachie, Ian (1979). Industrial Archaeology in the British Isles. London: Paul Elek Ltd.

Donnachie, Ian (1979). A History of the Brewing Industry in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd.

Edited BookTo Top

Lavin, Carmen and Donnachie, Ian eds. (2004). From Enlightenment to Romanticism: Anthology II. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Donnachie, Ian and Lavin, Carmen eds. (2003). From enlightenment to romanticism. Anthology I. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Transformation of Scotland, 1707-1850. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 1. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Modernisation of Scotland, 1850 to the Present. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 2. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Wahtley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). Major Documents. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 5. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

Donnachie, Ian ed. (1996). Studying Scottish History, Literature & Culture. Edinburgh: The Open University in Scotland.

Donnachie, Ian and Whatley, Christopher eds. (1992). The Manufacture of Scottish History. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.

Donnachie, Ian; Harvie, Christopher and Wood, Ian S. eds. (1989). Foward! Labour Politics in Scotland 1888-1988. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.

Book SectionTo Top

Donnachie, Ian (2016). 'Anything You Want It to Mean'? Scotland's Changing Heritage Landscape. In: Hooper, Glenn ed. Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 145–160.

Donnachie, Ian (2014). People, places and spaces. Education in Robert Owen's New Society. In: Mills, Sarah and Kraftl, Peter eds. Informal Education, Childhood and Youth. Geographies, Histories, Practices. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 81–96.

Donnachie, Ian (2012). Local history in Scotland. In: Kammen, Carol and Wilson, Amy eds. Encyclopedia of Local History. American Association for State and Local History Book Series. Lanham, Maryland: AltaMira Press, pp. 497–499.

Donnachie, Ian (2011). Robert Owen. Reputations and burning issues. In: Thompson, Noel and Williams, Chris eds. Robert Owen and his Legacy. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 13–31.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). World heritage. In: Harrison, Rodney ed. Understanding the Politics of Heritage. Understanding Global Heritage. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 115–153.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). Land transport. Roads, 1600-1900. In: Veitch, Kenneth ed. Scottish Life and Society: Transport and Communications. A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology, 8. Edinburgh: John Donald / The European Ethnological Research Centre, pp. 314–338.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). A New Moral World? International Dimensions of Owenism 1815-1830. In: Russell, Elizabeth ed. Transforming Utopia. Looking Forward to the End, Volume vol 1. Oxford: Peter Lang AG, pp. 185–193.

Donnachie, Ian (2005). Robert Owen and New Lanark: The lessons of history. In: Tsuzuki, C.; Hijikata, N. and Kurimito, A. eds. The Emergence of global citizenship: utopian ideas, co-operative movements and the Third Sector. Tokyo, Japan: Robert Owen Association of Japan, pp. 59–79.

Donnachie, Ian (2004). Alexander Webster. In: Rutherford, Donald; Backhouse, Roger; Brewer, Anthony; Capie, Forrest; Clarkson, Leslie; Eltis, Walter; Gilbert, Geoffrey; Groenewegen, Peter; Harcourt, G. C.; Littlechild, Stephen; Lloyd, T. H.; Maas, Harro; Thompson, Noel and Waterman, A. M. C. eds. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 1265–1266.

Donnachie, Ian (2004). Thomas Percival. In: Rutherford, Donald ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 923–925.

Donnachie, Ian (2004). Robert Wallace. In: Rutherford, Donald ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 1258–1259.

Donnachie, Ian (2004). Robert Owen. In: Rutherford, Donald ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 887–891.

Donnachie, Ian (1998). Following the flag: Scottish brewers and beers in imperial and international markets, 1850-1939. In: Wilson, R. G. and Gourvish, T. R. eds. The Dynamics of the International Brewing Industry since 1800. Routledge International Studies in Buisness History (3). London: Routledge, pp. 123–141.

Donnachie, Ian (1994). A tour of the works: early Scottish industry observed 1790-1825. In: Cummings, A. J. G. and Devine, T. M. eds. Industry, Business and Society in Scotland since 1700: Essays Presented to Professor John Butt. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd, pp. 43–57.

Donnachie, Ian L. (1992). The making of 'Scots on the Make': Scottish settlement and enterprise in Australia, 1830-1900. In: Devine, T. M. ed. Scottish Emigration and Scottish Society. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd, pp. 135–153.

Donnachie, Ian (1992). 'Utterly irreclaimable': Scottish convict women and Australia 1787-1852. In: Swan, Philip and Foster, David eds. Essays in Regional and Local History: in Honour of Eric M. Sigsworth. Beverley: Hutton Press, pp. 99–116.

Donnachie, Ian (1987). The textile industry in south west Scotland 1750-1914. In: Butt, John and Ponting, Kenneth eds. Scottish Textile History. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, pp. 19–36.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). Economy and society in the seventeenth century in the Highlands. In: Maclean, Loraine ed. The Seventeenth Century in the Highlands. Inverness: Inverness Field Club, pp. 52–59.

Journal ItemTo Top

Donnachie, Ian (2012). Robert Owen: towards a new moral world. History Today, 62(2) pp. 42–48.

Donnachie, Ian (2007). Utopian designs: the Owenite communities. Spaces of Utopia: an electronic journal, 2007(6) pp. 19–34.

Donnachie, Ian (2006). Orbiston:the first British Owenite community 1825-28. Spaces of Utopia: an electronic journal, 2 p. 71.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). The convicts of 1830: Scottish criminals transported to New South Wales. Scottish Historical Review, 65(1) pp. 34–47.

Donnachie, Ian (1984). Scottish criminals and transportation to Australia 1786-1852. Scottish Economic and Social History, 4 pp. 21–38.

OtherTo Top

Donnachie, Ian (2019). Catherine Vale Whitwell (1789-1873), educationist and communitarian. In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, OUP.


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