Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Hilary Wallace
2022To Top
García-Baquero Moneo, Gonzalo; Gowing, David J. G. and Wallace, Hilary
2021To Top
George, Laura; Rothero, Emma; Tatarenko, Irina; Wallace, Hilary; Dodd, Michael; Reed, Nancy; Fleckney, Andy; Bellamy, Graham and Gowing, David
2019To Top
Rothero, Emma E. C.; Wallace, Hilary H. L and Hosie, Catherine
2018To Top
Mountford, Owen; Clarke, Stewart; Gowing, David; Rothero, Emma and Wallace, Hilary
Tatarenko, Irina; Rothero, Emma and Wallace, Hilary
2009To Top
Gilbert, Joanne; Gowing, David and Wallace, Hilary
2008To Top
Gowing, David; Wallace, Hilary; Prosser, Mike and Dodd, Michael (2008). Nutrient Analysis of the Oxford Floodplain Meadows. Research Report by The Open University for Black and Veatch/Environment Agency.