Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Heather Davies

47 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 15:37:30 2025 GMT.

2016To Top

Gromnicova, Radka; Yilmaz, Canan Ugur; Orhan, Nurcan; Kaya, Mehmet; Davies, Heather; Williams, Phil; Romero, Ignacio A.; Sharrack, Basil and Male, David (2016). Localisation and mobility of glucose-coated gold nanoparticles within the brain. Nanomedicine, 11(6) pp. 617–625.

2015To Top

Ojo, Joseph O.; Bachmeier, Corbin; Mouzon, Benoit C.; Tzekov, Radouil; Mullan, Michael; Davies, Heather; Stewart, Michael and Crawford, Fiona (2015). Ultrastructural Changes in the White and Gray Matter of Mice at Chronic Time Points After Repeated Concussive Head Injury. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 74(10) pp. 1012–1035.

2014To Top

Maurin, Hervé; Chong, Seon-Ah; Kraev, Igor; Davies, Heather; Kremer, Anna; Seymour, Claire Marie; Lechat, Benoit; Jaworski, Tomasz; Borghgraef, Peter; Devijver, Herman; Callewaert, Geert; Stewart, Michael G. and Van Leuven, Fred (2014). Early structural and functional defects in synapses and myelinated axons in stratum lacunosum moleculare in two preclinical models for tauopaty. PLoS ONE, 9(2), article no. e87605.

Stewart, Michael G.; Popov, Victor I.; Kraev, Igor V.; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather A. (2014). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Reference Book Series (3). Kidlington: Academic Press, pp. 1–20.

Medvedev, Ni. I.; Dallérac, G.; Popov, V. I.; Rodriguez Arellano, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Doyère, V. and Stewart, M. G. (2014). Multiple spine boutons are formed after long-lasting LTP in the awake rat. Brain Structure & Function, 219(1) pp. 407–414.

2013To Top

Daya, Sandeep; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Tuffnell, Joshua; Loughlin, Jane and MacQueen, Hilary (2013). Adipocytes: a role in immunological memory? In: 40th UK Adipose Tissue Discussion Group and BHF Centre for Research Excellence Adipose Tissue Workshop, 12-13 Dec 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Saffrey, M. Jill; Gamage, Prasanna P. K. M.; Davies, Heather A.; Colyer, Frances M.; Patel, Bhavik A.; Yeoman, Mark S. and Ranson, Richard N. (2013). Degenerative changes in neurons and interstitial cells of cajal in mouse internal anal sphincter during aging. In: American Aging Association 42nd Annual Meeting: Aging: Prevention, Reversal, and Slowing, 31 May - 3 Jun 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Saffrey, M.Jill; Gamage, Prasanna; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Yeoman, Mark and Ranson, Richard N. (2013). Ultrastructural analysis of changes in neurons of the mouse internal anal sphincter during ageing. In: British Society for Research on Ageing Annual Scientific Meeting, 2-4 Sep 2013, Institute of Food Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, p. 32.

2012To Top

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Kraev, Igor; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather (2012). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Master Reference Book Series (MRBS), 3. New York: Neuroscience-Net LLC, pp. 1–20.

Lopez-Ramirez, Alejandro; Fischer, Roman; Torres-Badillo, Claudia C.; Davies, Heather A.; Logan, Karen; Pfizenmaier, Klaus; Male, David K.; Sharrack, Basil and Romero, Ignacio A. (2012). Role of caspases in cytokine-induced barrier breakdown in human brain endothelial cells. Journal of Immunology, 189(6) pp. 3130–3139.

Saffrey, M. J.; Wang, C.; Gamage, P.; Davies, H.; Colyer, F.; Houghton, M.; Patel, B.; Yeoman, M. and Ranson, R. (2012). Analysis of changes in the cells of the mouse internal anal sphincter during aging. In: Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 24(S2) p. 125.

Saffrey, M. J.; Gamage, P. P. K. M.; Davies, H. A.; Colyer, F. M.; Houghton, M.; Wang, C. and Ranson, R. N. (2012). Analysis of changes in the enteric nervous system of the mouse during ageing. In: 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 14-18 Jul 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

2011To Top

Schmidt, Mathias V.; Schülke, Jan-Philip; Liebl, Claudia; Stiess, Michael; Avrabos, Charilaos; Bock, Jörg; Wochnik, Gabriela M.; Davies, Heather A.; Zimmermann, Nicole; Scharf, Sebastian H.; Trümbach, Dietrich; Wurst, Wolfgang; Zieglgänsberger, Walter; Turck, Christoph; Holsboer, Florian; Stewart, Michael G.; Bradke, Frank; Eder, Matthias; Müller, Marianne B. and Rein, Theo (2011). Tumor suppressor down-regulated in renal cell carcinoma 1 (DRR1) is a stress-induced actin bundling factor that modulates synaptic efficacy and cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(41) pp. 17213–17218.

2010To Top

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Medvedev, Nikolay; Gabbott, Paul; Corbett, Nicola; Kraev, Igor and Davies, Heather (2010). Dendritic spine and synapse morphological alterations induced by a neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic. In: Berezin, Vladimir ed. Structure and Function of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NCAM. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 663. New York: Springer, pp. 373–383.

2009To Top

2008To Top

Rodriguez, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Errington, M. L.; Verkhratsky, A.; Bliss, T. V. P. and Stewart, M. G. (2008). ARG3.1/ARC expression in hippocampal dentate gyrus astrocytes: ultrastructural evidence and co-localization with glial fibrillary acidic protein. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 12(2) pp. 671–678.

Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Rodriguez-Arellano, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I.; Davies, Heather; Tigaret, Cezar M.; Schoepfer, Ralf and Stewart, Michael (2008). The glutamate receptor 2 subunit controls post-synaptic density complexity and spine shape in the dentate gyrus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2) pp. 315–325.

2007To Top

Corbett, Nicola; Gabbott, Paul; Stewart, Michael; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Novikova, Tatiana; Bock, Elisabeth and Berezin, Vladimir (2007). A neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic, FG Loop (FGL), alleviates spine loss induced by beta-amyloid(25-35) in the rat hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts(886.9)

Corbett, Nicola; Stewart, Michael; Gabbott, Paul; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Berezin, Vladimir and Bock, Elisabeth (2007). The effect of a fibroblast growth factor receptor agonist on the beta-amyloid(25-35) treated hippocampus. British Neuroscience Association Abstracts, 19(43.03)

Daya, Sandeep; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances and MacQueen, Hilary (2007). Adipocytes are present inside immune-stimulated lymph nodes. In: British Society for Immunology 50th Anniversary Meeting, 20-23 Feb 2007, Glasgow, UK.

Mordelet, Elodie; Davies, Heather A.; Hillyer, Philippa; Romero, Ignacio A. and Male, David (2007). Chemokine transport across human vascular endothelial cells. Endothelium - Journal of Endothelial Cell Research, 14(1) pp. 7–15.

2006To Top

Lauver, Aaron; Yuan, Li-Lian; Jeromin, Andreas; Nadin, Brian M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Davies, Heather A.; Stewart, Michael G.; Wu, Gang-Yi and Pfaffinger, Paul J. (2006). Manipulating Kv4.2 identifies a specific component of hippocampal pyramidal neuron A-current that depends upon Kv4.2 expression. Journal of Neurochemistry, 99(4) pp. 1207–1223.

2005To Top

Rodríguez, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Silva, A. T.; De Souza, I. E. J.; Peddie, C. J.; Colyer, F. M.; Lancashire, C. L.; Fine, A.; Errington, M. L.; Bliss, T. V. P. and Stewart, M. G. (2005). Long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus is associated with enhanced Arc/Arg3.1 protein expression in spines, dendrites and glia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 21(9) pp. 2384–2396.

2004To Top

2003To Top

Davies, H. A.; Kelly, A.; Dhanrajan, T. M.; Lynch, M. A. and Stewart, M. G. (2003). Synaptophysin immunogold labelling of synapses decreases in dentate gyrus of the hippocampus of aged rats. Brain Research, 986(1-2) pp. 191–195.

Sandi, Carmen; Davies, Heather; Isabel Cordero, M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I. and Stewart, Michael G. (2003). Rapid reversal of stress induced loss of synapses in CA3 of rat hippocampus following water maze training. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17(11) pp. 2447–2456.

2001To Top

Fabian Fine, Ruth; Skehel, Paul; Errington, Mick L.; Davies, Heather A.; Sher, Emanuele and Stewart, Michael G. (2001). Ultrastructural Distribution of the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit in Rat Hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(20) pp. 7993–8003.


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