Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Gemma S Ryan

45 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 15:31:40 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

Ryan-Blackwell, Gemma and Wallace, Louise (2023). A content analysis of professional regulator information for public witnesses in a fitness to practise hearing. In: Professional Standards Authority ‘How can regulation research contribute to safer care for all?,, 14 Nov 2023.

2020To Top

2019To Top

Ryan, Gemma S (2019). e-professionalism & nursing education: The Awareness to Action (A2A) educational framework. In: Dyson, Susan and McCallister, Margaret eds. Routledge International Handbook of Nurse Education. United Kingdom: Routledge.

2018To Top

Ryan, Gemma S and Cornock, Marc (2018). Awareness into Action (A2A): a tool for making decisions about professionalism on social media. In: 2nd Digital Health and Wellbeing Conference, 1-3 May 2018, Open University, Milton Keynes.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2018). Professionalism in Social Media: The 3Cs rule. In: RCN International Research Conference, 16-18 Apr 2018, University of Birmingham Medical School.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Deepak-Gopinath, Manik; Dadova, Klara; Borgstrom, Erica; Ryan, Gemma; Gracia, Rosaria and Holland, Caroline (2018). Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review protocol. In PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International Prospective register of Systematic Reviews.

2017To Top

Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah; Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Melvin, Gail (2017). Evaluation of a drop-in clinic for young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nursing Children & Young People, 29(5) pp. 24–32.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2017). Critical realist ethnography: from philosophy to the practice of research analysis. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference and Exhibition 2017, 4-7 Apr 2017, Oxford.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2017). Professional socialisation, accountability and social media: what’s the relationship and should we care? In: Nursing education and professional development: the global perspective Conference and exhibition hosted by the RCN Education Forum, 21-22 Mar 2017, Cardiff, Wales.

2016To Top

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Cuthbert, Kate; Dryden, Tanya; Baker, Denise and Forman, Dawn (2016). Going 4D: Embedding the Four Dimensional Framework for Curriculum Design. In: Forman, Dawn; Jones, Marion and Thistlethwaite, Joan eds. Leading Research and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99–121.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah (2016). Engaging, Listening, Informing: Using social media in disseminating clinical research to patients & the public. In: 2nd International Health Forum; International Health Conference 2016, 20-22 Jun 2016, Kings College London.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah (2016). ADHD One Stop Shop: a nurse-led, multi-agency drop in clinic for young people with ADHD. In: RCN International Research Conference 2016, 6-8 Apr 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.

2015To Top

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Haroon, Munib and Melvin, Gail (2015). Evaluation of an educational website for parents of children with ADHD. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84(11) pp. 974–981.

Ryan, Gemma (2015). Permission to be proud. Health Times.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2015). International perspectives on social media guidance for nurses: a content analysis. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2015, 20-22 Apr 2015, Nottingham, UK.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2015). 4Es of good degrees: what makes pre-registration nurses successful in achieving good degrees. In: RCN Education forum international conference and exhibition 2015, 10-11 Mar 2015, Nottingham, UK.

2014To Top

Ryan, Gemma and Cashin-Garbutt, April [Interviewer] (2014). ADHD information on social media: An interview with Gemma Ryan. News

Ryan, Gemma; Burton, Louise and Bromley, Debbie (2014). A nurse-led sleep service for children and young people with disability. Primary Health Care, 24(6) pp. 16–23.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2014). Can the use of a Facebook group in addition to classroom teaching enhance exam success in a Drug Calculations module? In: The 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2014), 22-25 Jun 2014, Noordwijekhout, Netherlands.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Davies, Fiona (2014). SOS: SignpOSt - Support & advice needs of Nursing Students; focus group perspectives in developing an online, interactive support tool. In: The 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2014), 22-25 Jun 2014, Noordwijekhout, Netherlands.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Melvin, Gail; Hartwell, Lynne; Pringle, Thomas and Haroon, Munib (2014). Achieving ‘Time and Target’: Lessons Learnt from a community based, observational multi-site NIHR portfolio research study. In: Health Services Research Network Symposium 2014, 19-20 Jun 2014, Nottingham.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Haroon, M.; Ryan, G.; Randell, M.; Wilson, J. and Khatau, T. (2012). What is the effectiveness of dimethylglycine in treating autistic symptoms in children: a systematic review. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl 2) A183-A184.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Melvin, Gail and Hartwell, Lynne (2012). Proposed research study into the age at death and cause of death in Gypsies & Travellers. In: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Annual Research Conference, May 2012, Leicester, UK.


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