Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by George Revill

37 items in this list.
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CTo Top

Corrigan-Kavanagh, E.; Scarles, C.; Revill, G.; Beynon, M. and van Duppen, J. (2020). Explorations on the future of the book from the Next Generation Paper Project. Publishing History, 83 pp. 35–54.

DTo Top

Divall, Colin and Revill, George (2009). Les cultures du transport: représentation, pratique et technologie. In: Flonneau, Mathieu and Guigueno, Vincent eds. De l’Histoire des Transports à l’Histoire de la Mobilité ? Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 57–74.

Divall, Colin and Revill, George (2005). Cultures of transport: representation, practice and technology. Transport History, 26(1) pp. 99–111.

FTo Top

Frohlich, David M.; Yuan, Haiyue; Corrigan-Kavanagh, Emily; Mameli, Elisa; Scarles, Caroline; Sporea, Radu; Revill, George; Brown, Alan W. and Bober, Miroslaw (2024). A Market-Ready Ecosystem for Publishing and Reading Augmented Books. In: Wei, June and Margetis, George eds. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications (HCII 2024). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, 14738. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 58–75.

Frohlich, D.; Corrigan-Kavanagh, E.; Bober, M.; Yuan, H.; Sporea, R.; Le Borgne, B.; Scarles, C.; Revill, G.; van Duppen, J.; Brown, A. W. and Beynon, M. (2019). The Cornwall a-book: An Augmented Travel Guide Using Next Generation Paper. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 22(1)

GTo Top

Griffin, Liza; Revill, George and Wellesley-Smith, Claire (2024). What is the potential of creative practice for building community resilience in flood-prone communities in the UK? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 112, article no. 104760.

Gold, John R.; Revill, George and Grimley, Daniel (2017). Music, Maps and the Global Jukebox: Culture Areas and Alan Lomax’s Cantometrics Projects Revisited. In: Brunn, Stanley D. and Dodge, Martin eds. Mapping Across Academia. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 287–303.

Gold, Margaret M. and Revill, George (2011). The cultural Olympiads: reviving the Pangyris. In: Gold, John R. and Gold, Margaret M. eds. Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World's Games, 1896-2016 (2nd ed.). Planning, History and Environment Series. London: Routledge, pp. 80–107.

HTo Top

Hammond, Kim; Revill, George and Smith, Joe (2020). The digital citizen: working upstream of digital and broadcast archive developments. In: Popple, Simon; Prescott, Andrew and Mutibwa, Daniel H. eds. Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 139–152.

MTo Top

Merriman, Peter; Revill, George; Cresswell, Tim; Lorimer, Hayden; Matless, David; Rose, Gillian and Wylie, John (2008). Landscape, mobility, practice. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(2) pp. 191–212.

RTo Top

Revill, George and Griffin, Liza (2023). Planning for Environmental Change and Learning from Engaged Creative Practice. Planning Theory and Practice, 24(3) pp. 419–422.

Revill, George (2021). Voicing the environment: Latour, Peirce and an expanded politics. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 39(1) pp. 121–138.

Revill, George (2018). Landscape, music and sonic environments. In: Howard, Peter; Thompson, Ian; Waterton, Emma and Atha, Mick eds. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies (2nd edition). Routledge, pp. 264–274.

Revill, George and Gold, John R. (2018). “Far Back in American Time”: Culture, Region, Nation, Appalachia, and the Geography of Voice. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 108(5) pp. 1406–1421.

Revill, George (2017). Vocalic space: socio-materiality and sonic spatiality. In: Nieuwenhuis, Marijn and Crouch, David eds. The Question of Space. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 43–62.

Revill, George (2014). Tracking railway histories: railway. Journal of Transport History, 35(2) pp. 242–248.

Revill, George (2014). El Tren Fantasma: arcs of sound and the acoustic spaces of landscape. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39(3) pp. 333–344.

Revill, George (2014). Reflections on rails in the city. Transfers: International Journal of Mobility Studies, 4(2) pp. 124–130.

Revill, George (2013). Histories. In: Adey, Peter; Bissell, David; Hannam, Kevin; Merriman, Peter and Sheller, Mimi eds. The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. Abingdon: Routledge.

Revill, George (2012). Landscape, music and the cartography of sound. In: Howard, Peter; Thompson, Ian and Waterson, Emma eds. Companion to Landscape Studies. Routledge, pp. 231–240.

Revill, George (2012). Railway. Objekt Series. London: Reaktion.

Revill, George (2011). Perception, reception and representation: Wolfgang Schivelbusch and the cultural history of travel and transport. In: Norton, Peter; Mom, Gijs; Milward, Liz and Flonneau, Mathieu eds. Mobility in History: reviews and reflections. Yearbook of Transport, Travel and Mobility (T2M), 3. Neuchatel, Suisse: Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, pp. 31–48.

Revill, George (2011). Mobility Part II. In: Agnew, John A. and Duncan, James S. eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography. Blackwell Publishing, pp. 373–386.

Revill, George (2007). William Jessop and the River Trent: mobility, engineering and the landscape of eighteenth-century 'improvement'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 32(2) pp. 201–216.

STo Top

Sporea, Radu A.; Le Borgne, Brice H.; Yrjänä, Samuli; Nordman, Sirpa; Ritvonen, Tapio; Seisto, Anu; Revill, George; Bober, Miroslav Z.; Brown, Alan; Scarles, Caroline E. and Frohlich, David M. (2018). Next generation paper: an augmented book platform. In: Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XI, SPIE Proceedings, article no. 1073811.


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