Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Gillian Perry

35 items in this list.
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2020To Top

Perry, Gill (2020). All at Sea: Bad Girls, Hut Myths and Tracey Emin's 'Property by the Sea'. In: Kokoli, Alexandra and Cherry, Deborah eds. Tracey Emin: Art into Life. Bloomsbury.

2016To Top

Perry, Gill (2016). Drawn-Out Games. In: Petherbridge, Deanna ed. Deanna Petherbridge: Drawing and Dialogue. Manchester Whitworth Gallery and Circa Press, pp. 30–40.

Perry, Gill (2016). In Your Face: Immediacy, Masculinity and Skin. In: Bird, Jon and Perry, Gill eds. Leon Golub: Powerplay – The Political Portraits. Reaktion Books, pp. 34–53.

2015To Top

Perry, Gill (2015). 'A lady on the stage and an actress off it’: Performance and femininity in images of Elizabeth Farren, Countess of Derby. In: Lloyd, Stephen ed. Art, Animals and Politics: Knowsley and the Earls of Derby. London: Unicorn Press, pp. 61–80.

2013To Top

Perry, Gill; Retford, Kate and Vibert, Jordan eds. (2013). Placing Faces: the portrait and the English country house in the long eighteenth century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Perry, Gill; Retford, Kate and Vibert, Jordan (2013). Introduction. Placing Faces in the Country House. In: Perry, Gill; Retford, Kate and Vibert, Jordan eds. Placing Faces: the portrait and the English country house in the long eighteenth century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Perry, Gill (2013). Playing at Home: The House in Contemporary Art. Art Since the '80s. London: Reaktion books Ltd.

2011To Top

Perry, Gillian; Roach, Joseph and West, Shearer (2011). The First Actresses: Nell Gwyn to Sarah Siddons. London: National Portrait Gallery and University of Michigan Press.

Perry, Gillian (2011). Crystal World: Introduction. The Royal Society, The Royal Society.

2010To Top

Perry, Gill (2010). Portraiture and Celebrity in the Eighteenth Century: The Actress as a Work of Art. In: Paparo, Jenifer ed. Portrait. Petit genres. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, pp. 36–55.

2009To Top

Perry, Gill (2009). Watery Weather: Roni Horn in Iceland. Art History, 32(1) pp. 177–182.

2008To Top

Perry, Gill (2008). Installations and exploding homes. In: Bindman, David and Stephens, Chris eds. The History of British Art: 1870-Now. The History of British Art (3). London: Tate, pp. 227–228.

2007To Top

2005To Top

Perry, Gill (2005). Playing with Paint: 'Pink Onions'. In: Bjerkhof, Sven ed. Matisse masterpieces at the Statens Museum for Kunst. Copenhagen, Denmark: Statens Museum for Kunst, pp. 88–106.

2004To Top

Perry, Gill (2004). Dream houses: installations and the Home. In: Perry, Gill and Wood, Paul eds. Themes in contemporary art. Open University Art of the Twentieth Century, 4. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 231–276.

Perry, Gill ed. (2004). Difference and Excess In Contemporary Art: The Visibility of Women's Practice. Art History Special Issues. Oxford, UK: Blackwells.

Perry, Gill and Wood, Paul eds. (2004). Themes in Contemporary Art. London and New Haven: Yale University Press.

Perry, Gillian (2004). The expanding field: Anna Madieta's Silueta series. In: Gaiger, Jason ed. Frameworks for Modern Art. Yale University Press, pp. 152–205.

Perry, Gillian (2004). Gender and the Fauves: Flirting with 'wild beasts'. In: Edwards, Steve and Paul, Wood eds. Art and the Avant-Gardes. Yale University Press, pp. 62–83.

2003To Top

Perry, Gill (2003). Ambiguity and desire in late eighteenth century portraits of the actress. In: Asleson, Robyn ed. Notorious muse: the actress in British art and culture 1776-1812. Studies in British Art. London, UK: Yale University Press, pp. 57–80.

2001To Top

Perry, Gillian (2001). Women Painting Women: Gender, Modernism and Feminine Art, c.1910-1930. In: Hjort, Oystein; Jensen, Niels Marup and Christensen, Hans Dam eds. Rethinking art between the wars: new perspectives in art history. Copenhagen, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 47–72.

Perry, Gill (2001). The spectacle of the muse: exhibiting the actress at the Royal Academy. In: Solkin, David H ed. Art on the Line: the Royal Academy Exhibitions at Somerset House 1780-1836. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 111–125.

2000To Top

Laurence, Anne; Bellamy, Joan and Perry, Gillian eds. (2000). Women, Scholarship and Criticism: Gender and Knowledge, c.1790-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

1999To Top

Perry, Gillian ed. (1999). Gender and Art. Yale University Press.

Perry, Gillian and Cunningham, Colin eds. (1999). Academies, Museums and Canons of Art. Yale University Press.

Perry, Gill and King, Catherine (1999). Introduction. In: King, Catherine ed. Views of Difference: Different Views of Art. Art and its Histories (5). New: Yale University Press, pp. 7–22.

Perry, Gill (1999). Exhibiting 'les Indépendants': Gauguin and the Café Volpini show. In: Wood, Paul ed. The Challenge of the Avant-Garde. Art and its Histories (4). New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 164–181.

1997To Top

Perry, Gill (1997). Suzanne Valadon, Emilie Charmy, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Marie Laurencin, Jacqueline Marvel, Marevna. In: Gaze, Delia ed. The Dictionary of Women Artists, Volume 2. London, U.K.: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 919–921.

Perry, Gillian (1997). Artistic training and Modernism: women artists in France 1900-1930. In: Gaze, Delia ed. The Dictionary of Women Artists, Volume 1. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 92–95.

1995To Top

1994To Top

Perry, Gillian (1994). Expressionism. In: Crystal, David ed. Cambridge Biographical Encylopedia. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1130–1132.

Perry, Gillian and Rossington, Michael eds. (1994). Femininity and Masculinity in Eighteenth-century Art and Culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

1993To Top

Perry, Gillian; Frascina, Francis and Harrison, Charles eds. (1993). Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction: The Early Twentieth Century. Yale University Press.

Perry, Gill (1993). 'The ascent to nature' - some metaphors of 'Nature' in early expressionist art'. In: Behr, Shulamith; Fanning, David and Jarman, Douglas eds. Expressionism Reassessed. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 53–64.

1979To Top


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