Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Giselle Ferreira

39 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 03:49:25 2025 GMT.

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Ferreira, Giselle and Wilson, Tina (2012). Open educational resources and Web 2.0 for formal learning in information and computer sciences: a case study. In: Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa and Scott, Peter eds. Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 238–252.

Lane, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; McAndrew, Patrick and Wilson, Tina (2010). Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources. In: Marshall, Stewart and Kinuthia, Wanjira eds. Cases 'n' Places: Global Cases in Educational and Performance Technology. Educational Design and Technology in the Knowledge Society. Charlotte, NC: IAP - Information Age Publishing.

Salavuo, M.; Ferreira, G. M. D. S. and Unkari-Virtanen, L. (2006). Kokemuksia oppimisalustaperusteisesta musiikinopetuksesta. Musiikkikasvatusteknologian käsikirja (Experiences in VLE-based music instruction). In: Ojala, J.; Salavuo, M.; Ruippo, M. and Parkkila, O. eds. Musiikkikasvatusteknologian (Handbook of Music Educational Technologies). Orivesi, Finland: Suomen musiikkikasvatusteknologian seura.

Ferreira, Giselle Martins dos Santos (2003). Music, sounds, the Stradivarius and the computer: A dialogue between the music-maker and the music-listener. In: Monk, John and Hughes, Rolf eds. Hybrid Thought. Milton Keynes: Open University, Department of Telematics, pp. 143–161.

Journal ItemTo Top

Ferreira, Giselle M. d. S. (2007). Crossing borders: issues in music technology education. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 1(1) pp. 23–36.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Okada, Alexandra; Rabello, Cíntia and Ferreira, Giselle (2014). Developing 21st century skills through colearning with OER and social networks. In: Challenges for Research into Open & Distance Learning: Doing Things Better – Doing Better Things, European Distance and E-Learning Network, pp. 121–130.

Okada, Alexandra and Ferreira, Giselle (2014). Co-authorship and colearning through Open Educational Resources at UKOU. In: ALT-C 2014 Learning technology Conference, 1 Sep 2014, Warwick, UK.

Williams, Keith; Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jonathan and Ferreira, Giselle (2011). Incorporating quality assurance criteria for OER and Social Networking in the E-xcellence QA methodology. In: 24th ICDE World Conference “Expanding Horizons – New Approaches to Open and Distance Learning”, 2-5 Oct 2011, Bali, Indonesia.

Wilson, Tina and Ferreira, Giselle (2011). E-Learning and support tools for Information and Computer Sciences. In: 7th China – Europe International Symposium on Software Industry Orientated Education, 23-24 May 2011, University of Northampton.

Ferreira, Giselle (2010). Experimenting with a pedagogy of creativity and openness: multimedia for learning in computing and ICT. In: Open University Annual Learning and Technology Conference: Learning in an Open World, 22-23 Jun 2010, online event.

Wilson, Tina and Ferreira, Giselle (2010). Investigating the use of Web 2.0 tools and Open Educational Resources for ICS. In: 11th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Information and Computer Science, 24-26 Aug 2010, Durham, UK.

Ferreira, Giselle M. d. S. (2009). Open educational resources and teaching in the 21st century: questions concerning authority. In: 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education (M-2009), 07-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Ferreira, Giselle and Monk, John (2009). Using drama to introduce ethics to technology students and practitioners. In: 10th Annual Conference of the HEA Subject Centre for ICS, 25-27 Aug 2009, Canterbury.

Ferreira, Giselle; Fisher, Wendy; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jonathan (2009). Exploring Web 2.0 to support online learning communities: where technology meets pedagogy. In: Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) International Conference, 26-28 Sep 2009, Villach, Austria.

Monk, John and Ferreira, Giselle (2008). Resources for an experimental course in ethics. In: WPE-2008 Workshop on Philosophy and Engineering, 10-12 Nov 2008, Royal Academy of Engineering, Carlton House Terrace, London.

Schadewitz, Nicole; Garner, Steve and Ferreira, Giselle (2008). Utilizing FM software in collaborative design-learning. In: HCI 2008 Workshop 'HCI for Technology-Enhanced Learning', 15 Sep 2008, Liverpool.

de Ruijter, P.; Ferreira, G. and Parsons, R. (2008). Using educational technology to reach a wider audience for healthcare technology management. In: International Seminar on Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Developing Countries (AHT 2008), 21-22 May 2008, London.

Wilson, Tina; Webb, Rose; Ferreira, Giselle and Connolly, Teresa (2007). Creating open educational resources: a workshop. In: Proceedings of OpenLearn 2007: Researching open content in education, 30-31 Oct 2007, Milton Keynes, UK.

Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; Wilson, Tina and Webb, Rose (2007). Re-purposing for an open education repository: quantity, quality and processes. In: Proceedings of OpenLearn 2007: Researching open content in education, 30-31 Oct 2007, Milton Keynes, UK.

Connolly, T.; Ferreira, G.M.d.S and Wilson, T. (2007). Re-purposing for open education: evolving roles, responsibilities and processes. In: 4th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning. Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education, 23-25 Nov 2007, Athens, Greece.

Ferreira, Giselle (2007). Contributing to an open resources repository: sharing and constructing knowledge and expertise across borders. In: 4th International Conference on Open and Distance Learning (ICODL) Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education, 23-25 Nov 2007, Athens, Greece.

Missailidis, S. and Ferreira, C. S. M. (2004). DNA oligonucleotide aptamers as novel targeted therapeutic and imaging agents. In: 18th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR-18), 3-6 Jul 2004, Innsbruck, Austria.

Borbas, K. E.; Ferreira, C. S. M.; Bruce, J. I. and Missailidis, S. (2003). Aptamers as new tools for disease diagnosis and therapy. In: 2003 Cell Target Workshop, Mar 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

OtherTo Top

Ferreira, Giselle; Miranda, Eduardo and Palombini, Carlos (2001). Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music: the musicologies of digital musics. Federal University of Parana, Dept. of Arts.


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