Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Gill Clough

44 items in this list.
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Clough, Gill (2018). Geocaching: Inquiry Learning with a Sense of Adventure. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning. Routledge.

Gillen, Julia; Ferguson, Rebecca; Clough, Gill; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter (2012). Seeking planning permission to build a Gothic cathedral in a virtual world: exploring the schommunity. In: Merchant, Guy; Gillen, Julia; Marsh, Jackie and Davies, Julia eds. Virtual Literacies: Interactive Spaces for Children and Young People. Routledge Research in Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190–207.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Sheehy, Kieron and Clough, Gill (2010). Introduction: challenging education in virtual worlds. In: Sheehy, Kieron; Ferguson, Rebecca and Clough, Gill eds. Virtual Worlds: Controversies at the Frontier of Education. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers.

Brown, Elizabeth; Sharples, Mike; Wishart, Jocelyn; Tangney, Brendan; Taylor, Jacqui; Beddall-Hill, Nicola L.; Glahn, Christian; Börner, Dirk; Clough, Gill; Wijers, Monica; Jonker, Vincent; Cook, John and Lyons, Leilah (2010). Reflecting back, looking forward: the challenges for location-based learning. In: Brown, Elizabeth ed. Education in the Wild: Contextual and Location-Based Mobile Learning in Action. A Report from the STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous Workshop Series. Nottingham, UK: Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham, pp. 52–53.

Clough, Gill and Ferguson, Rebecca (2010). Virtual worlds are authentic sites for learning. In: Sheehy, Kieron; Ferguson, Rebecca and Clough, Gill eds. Virtual Worlds: Controversies at the Frontier of Education. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers.

Clough, Gill; Jones, Ann; McAndrew, Patrick and Scanlon, Eileen (2009). Informal learning evidence in online communities of mobile device enthusiasts. In: Ally, Mohamed ed. Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Issues in Distance Education. Athabasca University Press, pp. 99–112.

Journal ItemTo Top

Clough, Gill; Adams, Anne and Halford, Eric (2017). Evidence Cafés and Practitioner Cafés supported by online resources: A route to innovative training in practice based approaches. European Police Science and Research Bulletin: Special Conference Edition No. 3(3) pp. 115–122.

Clough, G.; Jones, A. C; McAndrew, P. and Scanlon, E. (2008). Informal learning with PDAs and smartphones. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(5) pp. 359–371.

Sheehy, K.; Ferguson, R. and Clough, G. (2008). Learning in the Panopticon: ethical and social issues in building a virtual educational environment. International Journal of Social Science. Special Edition: Virtual Reality in Distance Education, 2(2) pp. 25–32.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Cruz, Sara; Lencastre, José Alberto; Coutinho, Clara; Clough, Gill and Adams, Anne (2016). Threshold Concepts Vs. Tricky Topics - Exploring the Causes of Student's Misunderstandings with the Problem Distiller Tool. In: Proceedings of CSEDU 2016, 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (Uhomoibhi, James; Costagliola, Gennaro; Zvacek, Susan and McLaren, Bruce M. eds.), SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Rome, 1 pp. 205–215.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Clough, Gill; Conole, Grainne; Gaved, Mark; Lins, Jeffrey Todd; Lindley, Craig; Peffer, Gilbert; Scanlon, Eileen and Smidts, Ale (2015). A game based approach to improve traders' decision-making. In: The International Gamification for Business Conference 2015: Strategic Industrial Applications of Games and Gamification, 21-22 Sep 2015, Innovation Birmingham, Faraday Wharf, Innovation Birmingham Campus, Holt Street, Birmingham Science Park Aston, Birmingham, B7 4BB.

Adams, Anne; Hartnett, Elizabeth; Clough, Gill; Grand, Ann and Goldsmith, Rick (2014). Artistic participatory video-making for science engagement. In: CHI 2014 annual ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Science, 26 Apr - 1 May 2014, Toronto, Canada.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Conole, Grainne; Lins, Jeffrey; Peffer, Gilbert; Adam, Marc; Lindley, Craig; Smidt, Ale; Clough, Gill and Scanlon, Eileen (2012). A learning design to support the emotion regulation of investors. In: OECD-SEBI International Conference on Investor Education, 3-4 Feb 2012, Goa, India.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Clough, Gill and Hosein, Anesa (2010). Shifting themes, shifting roles: the development of research blogs. In: 'Into Something Rich and Strange' - Making Sense of the Sea-Change. The 17th Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2010), 7-9 Sep 2010, Nottingham, UK.

Clough, Gill; Conole, Gráinne and Scanlon, Eileen (2010). Using participatory evaluation to support collaboration in an interdisciplinary context. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.

Clough, Gill; Conole, Gráinne and Scanlon, Eileen (2009). Behavioural finance and immersive games: a pan-European framework for design and evaluation. In: Same places, different spaces - Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009, 6-9 Dec 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Clough, Gill and Hosein, Anesa (2007). Postgraduate blogs: beyond the ordinary research journal. In: Research Proceedings of the 14th Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2007) Beyond control: learning technology for the social network generation, 4-6 Sep 2007, Nottingham, UK.

Marshall, Christine; Issroff, Kim; Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan; Holliman, Richard; Smidt, Samantha; Clough, Gill; Banks, Frank; Jones, Ann; Roche, Nel and Waycott, Jenny (2007). Investigating mobile science learning in workplace settings. In: CAL07: Development, Disruption and Debate - D3, 26-28 Mar 2007, Dublin, Ireland.

Scanlon, Eileen; Banks, Frank; Blake, Canan; Clough, Gill; Jones, Ann; Holliman, Richard; Issroff, Kim; Marshall, Christine; Roche, Nel; Smidt, Samantha and Waycott, Jenny (2007). PDAS as workplace tools for science teachers. In: IADIS International Conference - Mobile Learning 2007, 5-7 Jul 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

Jones, Ann; Issroff, Kim; Scanlon, Eileen; Clough, Gill; McAndrew, Patrick and Blake, Canan (2006). Using mobile devices for learning in informal settings: is it motivating? In: IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning, 14-16 Jul 2006, Dublin, IADIS Press, pp. 251–255.

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OtherTo Top

Peffer, Gilbert; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Astor, Philipp; Cederholm, Henrik; Clough, Gill; Conole, Gráinne; Davies, Gareth; Eriksson, Jeanette; Gaved, Mark; Heuer, Stephan; Jerčić, Petar; Lindley, Craig; Todd Lins, Jeffrey; van Overveld, Mark; Scanlon, Eileen; Schaaff, Kristina and Smidts, Ale (2012). xDelia final report: emotion-centred financial decision making and learning. Open University, CIMNE, Milton Keynes UK.

Peffer, Gilbert; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Astor, Philip; Cederholm, Henrik; Clough, Gill; Conole, Grainne; Davies, Gareth; Eriksson, Jeanette; Gaved, Mark; Heuer, Stephan; Jercic, Petar; Lindley, Craig; Lins, Jeffrey Todd; van Overveld, Marc; Scanlon, Eileen; Schaaff, Kristina and Smidts, Ale (2012). xDelia: emotion-centred financial decision making and learning (final report). xDelia Consortium, Milton Keynes, UK.


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