Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Graham Harvey

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Harvey, Graham and Takhar, Opinderjit Kaur eds. (2021). Religion and Senses of Place. Religion and the Senses. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.

Harvey, Graham; Houseman, Michael; Pike, Sarah and Salomonsen, Jone eds. (2021). Reassembling Democracy: Ritual and Cultural Resource. London: Bloomsbury.

Harvey, Graham ed. (2020). Indigenizing Movements in Europe. Sheffield: Equinox.

Harvey, Graham and Hughes, Jessica eds. (2018). Sensual Religion: Religion and the Five Senses. Religion and the Senses. Sheffield: Equinox.

Tremlett, Paul-François; Harvey, Graham and Sutherland, Liam T. eds. (2017). Edward Burnett Tylor, Religion and Culture. London: Bloomsbury.

Harvey, Graham ed. (2013). Handbook of Contemporary Animism. Handbooks on Contemporary Religion. Durham: Acumen Publishing.

Harvey, Graham and Thompson Jr, Charles D. eds. (2005). Indigenous diasporas and dislocations. Vitality of Indigenous Religions. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Harvey, Graham ed. (2005). Ritual and Religious Belief: a reader. Critical Categories in the Study of Religion. London, UK: Equinox.

Clifton, Chas and Harvey, Graham eds. (2004). The Paganism Reader. London, UK: Routledge.

Blain, Jenny; Ezzy, Douglas and Harvey, Graham eds. (2004). Researching Paganisms. Lanham, MD, USA: AltaMira.

Harvey, Graham and Wallis, Robert eds. (2004). Historical Dictionary of Shamanism. Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series, 77. Lanham, MD, USA: Scarecrow.

Harvey, Graham ed. (2003). Shamanism: A Reader. London, UK: Routledge.

Ralls-MacLeod, Karen and Harvey, Graham eds. (2000). Indigenous religious musics. SOAS Musicology Series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Harvey, Graham ed. (2000). Indigenous Religions: A Companion. New York: Cassell.

Davies, Jon; Harvey, Graham and Watson, Wilfred G. E. eds. (1995). Words Remembered, Texts Renewed: Festschrift for Prof John F.A. Sawyer. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 195. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Book SectionTo Top

Harvey, Graham (2025). Multispecies Kinship and Kindness: Knowing Life Through Animist Etiquette and Ethics. In: Donaldson, Brianne ed. Knowing Life: The Ethics of Multispecies Epistemologies. Multispecies Encounters. New York: Routledge (In press), pp. 152–165.

Harvey, Graham (2024). What is a Pagan worldview? In: Owen, Suzanne and Puca, Angela eds. Pagan Religions in Five Minutes. Religion in 5 Minutes. Sheffield, UK: Equinox, pp. 24–26.

Harvey, Graham (2024). The Return of Mi’kmaq to Living Tradition. In: Brissman, Ive; Linjamaa, Paul and Makeeff, T.M. eds. Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion: Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, 22. Netherlands: EJ Brill, pp. 64–76.

Harvey, Graham (2024). What is the Difference between "Pagan," "pagan," "Paganism," and "neo-Paganism"? In: Owen, Suzanne and Puca, Angela eds. Pagan Religions in Five Minutes. Religion in 5 Minutes. Sheffield, UK: Equinox, pp. 9–11.

Harvey, Graham (2024). Afterword. In: White, Ethan Doyle and Wooley, Jonathan eds. Modern Religious Druidry: Studies in Paganism, Celtic Identity, and Nature Spirituality. Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities (PSNRAS). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 231–236.

Harvey, Graham (2023). We have always been animists... In: Bray, Karen; Eaton, Heather and Bauman, Whitney eds. Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking. Fordham University Press, pp. 74–87.

Harvey, Graham (2020). Indigenous rituals re-make the larger than human community. In: Harvey, Graham; Houseman, Michael; Pike, Sarah and Salomonsen, Jone eds. Reassembling Democracy: Ritual as Cultural Resource. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 69–85.

Harvey, Graham (2020). Bear Feasts in a Land without Wild Bears: Experiments in Creating Animist Rituals. In: Harvey, Graham ed. Indigenizing movements in Europe. Equinox, pp. 31–49.

Harvey, Graham (2020). Trans-Indigenous Festivals: Democracy and Emplacement. In: Pike, Sarah M.; Salomonsen, Jone and Tremlett, Paul-Francois eds. Ritual and Democracy: Protests, Publics and Performances. Equinox.

Harvey, Graham (2017). Tylor, ‘ Fetishes ’ and the Matter of Animism. In: Tremlett, Paul-François; Sutherland, Liam and Harvey, Graham eds. Edward Tylor, Religion and Culture. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 29–46.

Harvey, Graham (2017). Art works: A relational rather than representational understanding of art and buildings. In: Hutchings, Tim and McKenzie, Joanne eds. Materiality and the Study of Religion: The Stuff of the Sacred. Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series. Routledge.

Harvey, Graham (2016). Performing Indigeneity and Performing Guesthood. In: Hartney, Christopher and Tower, Daniel J. eds. Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous. Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion (7). Brill, pp. 74–91.

Harvey, Graham (2016). Paganism and Animism. In: Jenkins, Willis; Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Grim, John eds. Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology. Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge, pp. 209–217.

Harvey, Graham (2016). Paganism. In: Woodhead, Linda; Partridge, Christopher and Kawanami, Hiroko eds. Religions in the Modern World: Traditions and Transformations (Third Edition). Routledge, pp. 345–367.

Harvey, Graham (2015). Food, Sex and Spirituality. In: Coats, Curtis D. and Emerich, Monica M. eds. Practical Spiritualities in a Media Age. Bloomsbury, pp. 189–204.

Harvey, Graham (2014). Relational health: Animists, shamans and the practice of well-being. In: Johnston, Lucas and Bauman, Whitney eds. Science and Religion: One Planet, Many Possibilities. Routledge Studies in Religion. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 204–215.

Harvey, Graham (2014). Pagan studies or the study of paganisms? A case study in the study of religions. In: Chryssides, George and Zeller, Ben eds. Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements. Bloomsbury, pp. 37–40.

Harvey, Graham (2013). Animist realism in indigenous novels and other literature. In: Harvey, Graham ed. Handbook of Contemporary Animism. Acumen Handbooks. Durham: Acumen Publishing.

Harvey, Graham (2013). Why study indigenous religions? In: Cox, Jim and Adogame, Afe eds. Critical Reflections on Indigenous Religions. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 19–28.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Indigenous spiritualities. In: Cobb, Mark R; Puchalski, Christina M. and Rumbold, Bruce eds. Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare. Oxford Textbooks In Public Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49–54.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Ritual in New Religions. In: Hammer, Olav and Rothstein, Mikael eds. Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements. Cambridge Companions to Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 97–112.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Things act: casual indigenous statements about the performance of object-persons. In: Bowman, Marion and Valk, Ülo eds. Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. London: Equinox Publishing Limited, pp. 194–210.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Bardic chairs and the emergent performance practices of pagans. In: Cusack, Carole M. and Norman, Alex eds. Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion (4). Leiden: E.J. Brill, pp. 399–420.

Harvey, Graham and Vincett, Giselle (2012). Alternative spiritualities: marginal and mainstream. In: Woodhead, Linda and Catto, Rebecca eds. Religion and Change in Modern Britain. London: Routledge, pp. 156–172.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Ritual is etiquette in the larger than human world: the two wildernesses of contemporary eco-Paganism. In: Feldt, Laura ed. Wilderness in Mythology and Religion: Approaching Religious Spatialities, Cosmologies, and Ideas. Religion and Society (55). Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 265–292.

Harvey, Graham (2012). Paganism: negotiating between esotericism and animism under the influence of Kabbalah. In: Huss, Boaz ed. Kabbalah and Contemporary Spiritual Revival. Goldstein-Goren Library of Jewish Thought (14). Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University, pp. 267–284.

Harvey, Graham (2011). Field research: participant observation. In: Stausberg, Michael and Engler, Steven eds. The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 217–244.

Harvey, Graham (2010). Animism rather than Shamanism: new approaches to what shamans do (for other animists). In: Schmidt, Bettina and Huskinson, Lucy eds. Spirit Possession and Trance : New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Continuum Advances in Religious Studies (7). London: Continuum, pp. 14–34.

Harvey, Graham (2009). Paganism. In: Woodhead, Linda; Kawanami, Hiroko and Partridge, Christopher eds. Religions in the Modern World : Traditions and Transformations (2nd ed.). London: Routledge, pp. 357–376.

Harvey, Graham (2009). Animist paganism. In: Pizza, Murphy and Lewis, James R eds. Handbook of Contemporary Paganism. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion (2). Leiden: Brill, pp. 393–412.

Harvey, Graham (2009). Satanism: performing alterity and othering. In: Petersen, Jesper Aagaard ed. Contemporary Religious Satanism: a Critical Anthology. Ashgate Controversial New Religions Series. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 27–40.

Harvey, Graham (2008). Animism. In: Clarke, Peter B and Beyer, Peter eds. The World's Religions: Continuities and Transformations. New York: Routledge, pp. 15–24.

Harvey, Graham (2007). Huldah's Scroll: a pagan reading. In: Isherwood, Lisa ed. Patriarchs, Prophets and Other Villains. Gender, Theology and Spirituality. London: Equinox, pp. 85–100.

Harvey, Graham (2007). Inventing Paganisms: making nature. In: Lewis, James and Hammer, Olav eds. The Invention of Sacred Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 277–290.

Harvey, Graham (2006). Becoming Pagan having been Christian. In: Partridge, Christopher and Reid, Helen eds. Finding and Losing Faith: Studies in Conversion. Studies in Religion & Culture. Bletchley, UK: Paternoster Press, pp. 56–69.

Harvey, Graham (2006). Discworld and Otherworld: The imaginative use of Fantasy Literature among Pagans. In: Hume, Lynne and McPhillips, Kathleen eds. Popular Spiritualities: The Politics of Contemporary Enchantment. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 41–51.

Harvey, Graham (2005). Performing identity and entertaining guests: Maori diaspora in London. In: Harvey, Graham and Thompson, Jr, Charles D. eds. Indigenous Diasporas and Dislocation. Vitality of Indigenous Religions. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 121–134.

Harvey, Graham (2005). Performing and constructing research as guesthood in the study of religions. In: Hume, Lynne and Mulcock, Jane eds. Anthropologists in the field: cases in participant observation. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 168–182.

Harvey, Graham (2005). Performing identity and entertaining guests in the Maoridiaspora. In: Harvey, Graham and Thompson, Charles D eds. Indigenous Diasporas and Dislocation. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 121–134.

Harvey, Graham (2004). Pagan Studies or the Study of Paganisms? A case study in the study of religions. In: Blian, Jenny; Ezzy, Doug and Harvey, Graham eds. Researching Paganisms. Lanham, MS, USA: AltaMira, pp. 241–255.

Harvey, Graham (2001). Comments on "The Permeability of Boundaries debate: alternative archaeology - has it happened?". In: Wallis, R. J. and Lymer, K. eds. A Permeability of Boundaries? New Approaches to the Archaeology of Art, Religion and Folklore. BAR international series (936). Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, pp. 121–123.

Harvey, Graham (2000). Boggarts and Books: towards an appreciation of Pagan Spirituality. In: Sutcliffe, Steven and Bowman, Marion eds. Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 155–168.

Harvey, Graham (2000). Introduction. In: Harvey, Graham ed. Indigenous Religions: a Companion. London: Cassell, pp. 1–19.

Harvey, Graham (2000). Art works in Aotearoa. In: Harvey, Graham ed. Indigenous Religions: a Companion. London: Cassell, pp. 155–172.

Harvey, Graham (1999). Coming home and coming out Pagan but not converting. In: Lamb, Christopher and Bryant, Darrol eds. Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies. London: Cassell, pp. 233–246.

Harvey, Graham (1998). Synagogues of the Hebrews: "Good Jews" in the Diaspora. In: Jones, Sian and Pearce, Sarah eds. Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman Period. Library of Second Temple Studies (31). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 132–147.

Harvey, Graham (1995). Heathenism: a north European Pagan tradition. In: Harvey, Graham and Hardman, Charlotte eds. Paganism Today. London: Thorsons, pp. 49–64.

Harvey, Graham (1995). 'Ritual abuse allegations, incitement to religious hatred: Pagans and Christians in court. In: Towler, Robert ed. New Religions and the New Europe. RENNER Studies on New Religions (1). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, pp. 154–170.

Harvey, Graham (1995). The suffering of witches and children: uses of witchcraft passages in the Bible. In: Davies, Jon; Watson, Wilfred G. E. and Harvey, Graham eds. Words Remembered, Texts Renewed: Essays in Honour of John F. A. Sawyer. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies (195). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 154–170.

Harvey, Graham (1994). Death and remembrance in modern Paganism. In: Davies, Jon ed. Ritual and Remembrance: Responses to Death in Human Societies. Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 103–122.

Journal ItemTo Top

Tremlett, Paul-François; Harvey, Graham; Robertson, David and Cusack, Carole (2023). Study of Religion and The Dawn of Everything. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion (JBASR), 25 pp. 86–105.

Harvey, Graham (2018). [Book Review] Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33(3) pp. 612–614.

Harvey, Graham (2017). If Not all Stones Are Alive…: Radical Relationality in Animism Studies. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 11(4) pp. 481–497.

Harvey, Graham (2016). If ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ People Are Not Religious What Difference Do They Make? Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 6(2) pp. 128–141.

Harvey, Graham (2016). Indigenising in a Globalised World: The Re-Seeding of Belonging to Lands. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology, 20(3) pp. 300–310.

Harvey, Graham (2015). Religion and Food, Religions as Foodways. REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religião, 15(1) pp. 80–92.

Harvey, Graham (2015). Playing Croquet with Hedgehogs: (Still) Becoming a Scholar of Paganism and Animism. The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, 17(1-2) pp. 99–114.

Harvey, Graham (2014). Elsewhere: seeking alternatives to European understandings of “religion”. Diskus: The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR), 16(3) pp. 57–68.

Harvey, Graham (2006). Animals, animists and academics. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 41(1) pp. 9–20.

Harvey, G. (2003). Guesthood as ethical decolonising research method. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions, 50(2) pp. 125–146.

Harvey, Graham (2003). Environmentalism in the construction of indigeneity. Ecotheology: Journal of Religion, Nature and the Environment, 8(2) pp. 206–223.

Harvey, Graham (2002). Sacred Places in the Construction of Indigenous Environmentalism. Ecotheology: Journal of Religion, Nature and the Environment, 7(1) pp. 60–73.

Harvey, Graham (2002). Satanism: performing alterity and othering. Syzygy: Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture, 11 pp. 53–68.

Harvey, Graham (2000). Fantasy in the study of religions: Paganism as observed and enhanced by Terry Pratchett. Diskus: The journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR), 6

Harvey, Graham (1998). Shamanism in Britain today. Performance Research, 3(3) pp. 15–23.

Harvey, Graham (1996). The authority of intimacy in Paganism and goddess spirituality. Diskus: The journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR), 4(1) pp. 34–48.

Harvey, Graham (1995). Satanism in Britain today. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 10(3) pp. 283–296.

OtherTo Top

Bowman, Marion and Harvey, Graham (2000). Pagan Identities: DISKUS 6. BASR, Wolverhampton.


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