Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Gerard Hastings

58 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Anderson, Peter; de Bruijn, Avalon; Angus, Kathryn; Gordon, Ross and Hastings, Gerard (2009). Impact of alcohol advertising and media exposure on adolescent alcohol use: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 44(3) pp. 229–243.

BTo Top

Brown, Abraham Kojo; Moodie, Crawford; Hastings, Gerard; MacKintosh, Anne-Marie; Hassan, Louise and Thrasher, James (2010). The association of normative perceptions with adolescent smoking intentions. Journal of Adolescence, 33(5) pp. 603–614.

CTo Top

Critchlow, Nathan; Moodie, Crawford; Bauld, Linda; Bonner, Adrian and Hastings, Gerard (2016). Awareness of, and participation with, digital alcohol marketing, and the association with frequency of high episodic drinking among young adults. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 23(4) pp. 328–336.

Casswell, Sally; Meier, Petra; MacKintosh, Anne M.; Brown, Abraham; Hastings, Gerard; Thamarangsi, Thaksaphon; Chaiyasong, Surasak; Chun, Sungsoo; Huckle, Taisia; Wall, Martin and You, Ru Q.. (2012). The International Alcohol Control (IAC) Study: evaluating the impact of alcohol policies. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(8) pp. 1462–1467.

DTo Top

ETo Top

Eadie, Douglas R.; MacAskill, Susan G.; Heim, Derek and Hastings, Gerard B. (2010). Responding to change: how did bar workers adapt to the smoke-free legislation in Scotland? International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 20(1) pp. 13–26.

FTo Top

Ford, Allison; MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Bauld, Linda; Moodie, Crawford and Hastings, Gerard (2016). Adolescents’ responses to the promotion and flavouring of e-cigarettes. International Journal of Public Health, 61(2) pp. 215–224.

Ford, Allison; Moodie, Crawford; MacKintosh, Anne M. and Hastings, Gerard (2014). Adolescent perceptions of cigarette appearance. European Journal of Public Health, 24(3) pp. 464–468.

Ford, Allison; Moodie, Crawford and Hastings, Gerard (2012). The role of packaging for consumer products: understanding the move towards ‘plain’ tobacco packaging. Addiction Reseach & Theory, 20(4) pp. 339–347.

GTo Top

Gordon, Ross; Moodie, Crawford; Eadie, Douglas and Hastings, Gerard (2010). Critical social marketing - the impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking: qualitative findings. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 15(3) pp. 265–275.

Gordon, Ross; Hastings, Gerard; McDermott, Laura and Evans, Douglas (2008). Building brands with competitive analysis. In: Evans, Douglas and Hastings, Gerard eds. Public Health Branding – Applying Marketing for Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 73–90.

Gordon, Ross; McDermott, Laura and Hastings, Gerard (2008). Critical issues in social marketing: a review and research agenda. In: Sargeant, Adrian and Wymer, Walter eds. The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Marketing. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 354–369.

Gordon, Ross; Hastings, Gerard; McDermott, Laura and Siquier, Pierre (2007). The critical role of social marketing. In: Saren, Michael; Maclaran, Pauline; Goulding, Christina; Elliott, Richard; Shankar, Avi and Caterall, Miriam eds. Critical Marketing: Defining the Field. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 159–177.

HTo Top

Hastings, Gerard (2017). Rebels with a cause: the spiritual dimension of social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing, 7(2) pp. 223–232.

Hastings, Gerard (2016). CSR: The Parable of the Bad Samaritan. Social Marketing Quarterly, 22(4) pp. 280–289.

Hastings, Gerard (2016). Marketing as if people mattered. Social Business, 6(1) pp. 5–14.

Harris, Fiona; Gordon, Ross; MacKintosh, Anne Marie and Hastings, Gerard (2015). Consumer Socialization and the Role of Branding in Hazardous Adolescent Drinking. Psychology & Marketing, 32(12) pp. 1175–1190.

Hastings, Gerard (2015). ‘Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?’. Addiction, 110(8) pp. 1226–1227.

Hastings, Gerard (2015). Public health and the value of disobedience. Public Health, 129(8) pp. 1046–1054.

Hastings, Gerard B. and Moodie, Crawford (2015). Death of a salesman. Tobacco Control, 24(Suppl 2) ii1-ii2.

Hastings, Gerard and Domegan, Christine (2013). Social Marketing: From Tunes to Symphonies (2nd Edition). Abingdon: Routledge.

Hastings, Gerard; de Andrade, Marisa and Moodie, Crawford (2012). Tobacco harm reduction: the devil is in the deployment. BMJ, 345, article no. e8412.

Hastings, Gerard (2012). Why corporate power is a public health priority. British Medical Journal, 345 e5124.

Hastings, Gerard (2012). The marketing matrix. Journal of Social Marketing, 2(3) pp. 222–226.

Hastings, Gerard and Sheron, Nick (2011). Alcohol marketing to children. British Medical Journal, 342 pp. 720–721.

Hastings, Gerard and Angus, Kathryn (2011). When is social marketing not social marketing? Journal of Social Marketing, 1(1) pp. 45–53.

Hastings, Gerard; Sugden, Roger and Grindle, Mark (2011). Critical vision in a challenged world. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 29(1) pp. 30–38.

Hastings, Gerard; Brooks, Oona; Stead, Martine; Angus, Kathryn; Anker, Thomas and Farrell, Tom (2010). Alcohol advertising: the last chance saloon. BMJ, 340(23 Jan) pp. 184–186.

Hyland, Andrew; Hassan, Louise M.; Higbee, Cheryl; Boudreau, Christian; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Borland, Ron; Cummings, K. Michael; Yan, Mi; Thompson, Mary E. and Hastings, Gerard (2009). The impact of smokefree legislation in Scotland: results from the Scottish ITC Scotland/UK longitudinal surveys. European Journal of Public Health, 19(2) pp. 198–205.

Hassan, Louise; Harris, Fiona; MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Hastings, Gerard; Borland, Ron; Fong, Geoffrey; Hammond, David; Cummings, K. Michael and McNeill, Ann (2006). Assessing the impact of the UK tobacco marketing ban: findings from the ITC Four-Country Survey. In: 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 12-15 Jul 2006, Washington DC.

Hastings, Gerard; Anderson, Susan; Cooke, Emma and Gordon, Ross (2005). Alcohol marketing and young people's drinking: a review of the research. Journal of Public Health Policy, 26(3) pp. 296–311.

LTo Top

Li, Jessica; Lovatt, Melanie; Eadie, Douglas; Dobbie, Fiona; Meier, Petra; Holmes, John; Hastings, Gerard and MacKintosh, Anne Marie (2017). Public attitudes towards alcohol control policies in Scotland and England: Results from a mixed-methods study. Social Science & Medicine, 177 pp. 177–189.

Lovatt, Melanie; Eadie, Douglas; Meier, Petra S.; Li, Jessica; Bauld, Linda; Hastings, Gerard and Holmes, John (2015). Lay epidemiology and the interpretation of low-risk drinking guidelines by adults in the United Kingdom. Addiction, 110(12) pp. 1912–1919.

Li, L.; Yong, H-H.; Borland, R.; Fong, G. T.; Thompson, M. E.; Jiang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Sirirassamee, B.; Hastings, G. and Harris, F. (2009). Reported awareness of tobacco advertising and promotion in China compared to Thailand, Austalia and the USA. Tobacco Control, 18(3) pp. 222–227.

Li, L.; Yong, H.; Borland, R.; Fong, G.; Thompson, M.; Yuan, J.; Yan, Y.; Sirirassamee, B.; Hastings, G. and Harris, F. (2008). Exposure to tobacco advertising and promotion among adult smokers in China - compared to Thailand, Australia and the USA. In: SRNT Conference, 28-31 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.

MTo Top

Moodie, Crawford; MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Gallopel-Morvan, Karine; Hastings, Gerard and Ford, Allison (2016). Adolescents’ Perceptions of an On-cigarette Health Warning. Nicotine & Tobacco Research pp. 1232–1237.

McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Miller, Peter; Hawkins, Ben and Hastings, Gerard (2015). Where is the evidence? Addiction, 110(3) pp. 540–541.

McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Miller, Peter; Hawkins, Ben and Hastings, Gerard (2014). Be aware of Drinkaware. Addiction, 109(4) pp. 519–524.

McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Miller, Peter; Hawkins, Ben and Hastings, Gerard (2014). From tobacco control to alcohol policy. Addiction, 109(4) pp. 528–529.

MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Moodie, Crawford and Hastings, Gerard (2012). The association between point-of-sale displays and youth smoking susceptibility. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14(5) pp. 616–620.

Moodie, Crawford; Hastings, Gerard and Joossens, Luk (2012). Young adult smokers’ perceptions of illicit tobacco and the possible impact of plain packaging on purchase behaviour. European Journal of Public Health, 22(2) pp. 251–253.

Moodie, Crawford; Ford, Allison; Mackintosh, Anne Marie and Hastings, Gerard (2012). Young people’s perceptions of cigarette packaging and plain packaging: an online survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14(1) pp. 98–105.

Moodie, Crawford; Mackintosh, Anne Marie; Hastings, Gerard and Ford, Allison (2011). Young adult smokers' perceptions of plain packaging: a pilot naturalistic study. Tobacco Control, 20 pp. 367–373.

McNeill, Ann; Lewis, Sarah; Quinn, Casey; Mulcahy, Maurice; Clancy, Luke; Hastings, Gerard and Edwards, Richard (2010). Evaluation of the removal of point-of-sale tobacco displays in Ireland. Tobacco Control, 20(2) pp. 137–143.

Moodie, Crawford and Hastings, Gerard (2010). Plain packaging: a time for action. European Journal of Public Health, 20(1) pp. 10–11.

Moodie, Crawford and Hastings, Gerard (2010). Tobacco packaging as promotion. Tobacco Control, 19(2) pp. 168–170.

MacKintosh, A. M.; Harris, F. and Hastings, G. B. (2008). Measures to assess the effectiveness of restrictions on tobacco marketing communications. In: Borland, R.; Cummings, M. and Dresler, C. eds. IARC Handbook on Tobacco Control. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, 12. World Health Organisation, pp. 259–285.

Mackintosh, A. M; Harris, F.; Anderson, S.; Hastings, G.; Fong, G.; Cummings, K. M. and Borland, R. (2005). Patterns of awareness of tobacco marketing across four countries: findings from the International Tobacco Control survey. In: SRNT Conference, 21-23 Mar 2005, Prague.

VTo Top

Vollinger, B.; Hastings, G.; Harris, F.; Borland, R.; Hammond, D.; Hyland, A.; Fong, G. T. and Yach, D. (2005). Evaluating tobacco control policies of the framework convention on tobacco control: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project. In: The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 21-23 Mar 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.

WTo Top

Walsh, Gianfranco; Hassan, Louise M.; Shiu, Edward; Andrews, J. Craig and Hastings, Gerard (2010). Segmentation in social marketing: insights from the European Union's multi-country, antismoking campaign. European Journal of Marketing, 44(7/8) pp. 1140–1164.

YTo Top

Yong, Hua-Hie; Borland, Ron; Cummings, Michael; Hammond, David; O'Connor, Richard J.; Hastings, Gerard and King, Bill (2011). Impact of the removal of misleading terms on cigarette pack on smokers' beliefs about ‘light/mild’ cigarettes: cross-country comparisons. Addiction, 106(12) pp. 2204–2213.


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