Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Fiona Hobden

34 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 07:18:39 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2025). The trouble with Xenophon: marching with the Ten Thousand in 21st-century fiction. In: Farrell, C. and Gish, D. eds. Brill's Companion to the Reception of Xenophon. Brill (In press).

2024To Top

Hobden, Fiona and Paul, Joanna (2024). [Editorial] New voices, new horizons. New Voices in Classical Reception Studies(14) pp. 1–6.

2023To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2023). [Book Review] Xenophon and the Athenian Democracy: The Education of an Elite Citizenry, written by Matthew R. Christ. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 40(1) pp. 175–178.

2021To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2021). Travels with Odysseus and the Odyssey in twenty-first-century television documentaries. In: Potter, Amanda and Gardner, Hunter eds. Ancient Epic in Film and Television. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 135–151.

2020To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2020). Xenophon. Ancients in Action. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hobden, Fiona and Potter, Amanda (2020). Redirecting the gaze: the woman and the gladiator on television in the twenty-first century. New Voices in Classical Reception Studies. Conference Proceedings Volume Two, article no. 3.

2019To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2019). Spartacus: Blood and Sand (STARZ, 2010): a necessary fiction? In: van Helden, Daniël and Witcher, Robert eds. Researching the Archaeological Past through Imagined Narratives: A Necessary Fiction. Routledge Studies in Archaeology. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 238–254.

2018To Top

Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda eds. (2018). Ancient Greece on British Television. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda (2018). Broadcasting Greece: an introduction to Greek antiquity on the small screen. In: Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda eds. Ancient Greece on British Television. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1–23.

Hobden, Fiona (2018). Are We the Greeks? Understanding Antiquity and Ourselves in Television Documentaries. In: Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda eds. Ancient Greece on British Television. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 24–43.

Hobden, Fiona (2018). Augustus and the politics of the past today in television documentaries. In: Goodman, Penelope ed. Afterlives of Augustus, AD 14 - 2014. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 294–321.

2017To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2017). Ancient world documentaries. In: Pomeroy, Arthur ed. A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 491–514.

2016To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2016). Between media and genres: Pompeii and the construction of historical knowledge on British television today. In: Sabban, Annette and Jaki, Sylvia eds. Wissenformate in den Medien: Analysen aus Medienlinguistik und Medienwissenschaft. Kulturen – Kommunikation – Kontakte (25). Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 119–138.

Hobden, Fiona (2016). Xenophon's Oeconomicus. In: Flower, Michael A. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 152–173.

2014To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2014). Andron. In: Smith, Claire ed. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 243–247.

Hobden, Fiona (2014). Symposion. In: Smith, Claire ed. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 7189–7193.

2013To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2013). The Symposion in Ancient Greek Society and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hobden, Fiona and Kempf, Damien (2013). Introduction. Envisioning Landscapes: Adaptation & Renewal/Special Issue of Cultural History, 2(2) pp. 125–132.

Hobden, Fiona and Kempf, Damien eds. (2013). Envisioning Landscapes: Adaptation & Renewal. Special Issue of Cultural History, volume 2.2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Hobden, Fiona (2013). The archaeological aesthetic in ancient world documentary. Media, Culture & Society, 35(3) pp. 366–381.

2012To Top

Hobden, Fiona and Tuplin, Christopher eds. (2012). Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Inquiry. Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 348. Leiden: Brill.

Hobden, Fiona and Tuplin, Christopher (2012). Introduction. In: Hobden, Fiona and Tuplin, Christopher eds. Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Enquiry. Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 348. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1–41.

2011To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2011). Enter The Divine: Sympotic Performance And Religious Experience. In: Lardinois, André; Blok, Josine and Van Der Poel, Marc eds. Sacred Words: Orality, Literacy and Religion. Orality and Literature in the Ancient World, vol. 8. Mnemosyne, Supplements., 332. Leiden: Brill, pp. 37–58.

2010To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2010). Did Euphiletus murder Eratosthenes? Omnibus, 59 pp. 11–13.

2009To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2009). The Politics of the Sumposion. In: Graziosi, Barbara; Vasunia, Phiroze and Boys-Stones, George eds. The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 271–280.

Hobden, Fiona (2009). Symposion and the rhetorics of commensality in Demosthenes 19, On the False Embassy. In: Mann, Christian; Haake, Matthias and von den Hoff, Ralf eds. Rollenbilder in der athenischen Demokratie: Medien, Gruppen, Räume im politischen und sozialen System. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlagen, pp. 71–87.

2007To Top

2005To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2005). Reading Xenophon's Symposium. Ramus, 34(2) pp. 93–111.

2004To Top

Hobden, Fiona (2004). How to be a good symposiast and other lessons from Xenophon's Symposium. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 50 pp. 121–140.


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