Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Frances Butcher

38 items in this list.
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2022To Top

2021To Top

Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil S.; Storrar, Robert D.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hagermann, Axel and Davis, Joel M. (2021). Sinuous ridges in Chukhung crater, Tempe Terra, Mars: Implications for fluvial, glacial, and glaciofluvial activity. Icarus, 357, article no. 114131.

2020To Top

Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Berman, Daniel C.; Conway, Susan J.; Davis, Joel M.; Balme, Matthew R. and Barnes, R. (2020). Internal Structure of a Glacier on Mars Revealed by Gully Incision. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (, 2020, Physical Meeting Cancelled (Covid-19): Abstract Online Only.

Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Berman, Daniel C.; Conway, Susan J.; Davis, Joel M. and Balme, Matthew R. (2020). Possible Transport of Basal Debris to the Surface of a Mid-Latitude Glacier on Mars. In: EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, 4-8 May 2020, Online.

Arnold, Neil S.; Butcher, Frances E. G.; Gallagher, Colman; Balme, Matthew R. and Conway, Susan J. (2020). Modelling Esker Formation on Mars. In: EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, 4-8 May 2020, Online.

2019To Top

Morino, Costanza; Conway, Susan J.; Sæmundsson, Þorsteinn; Kristinn Helgason, Jón; Hillier, John; Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Jordan, Colm and Argles, Thomas (2019). Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516 pp. 136–147.

Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matt R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel (2019). Eskers on Mars: morphometric comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Copernicus Group, Göttingen, 21, article no. EGU2019-998.

Butcher, Frances E. G. (2019). Wet-Based Glaciation on Mars. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

de Haas, T.; Conway, S. J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Levy, J.; Grindrod, P. M.; Goudge, T. A. and Balme, M. R. (2019). Time will tell: temporal evolution of Martian gullies and palaeoclimatic implications. Geological Society Special Publications(467) pp. 165–186.

Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J.C.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A. J.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J. M.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Hicks, L. J.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kyberd, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W. J.; Muller, J.-P.; Ortner, T.; Osinski, G.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C.; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wilcox, T.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B. (2019). The 2016 UK Space Agency Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation (MURFI). Planetary And Space Science, 165 pp. 31–56.

Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A. (2019). 3D Morphometries of Eskers on Mars, and Comparisons to Eskers in Finland. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A. (2019). Multi-Phase Sedment-Discharge Dynamics of Subglacial Drainage Recorded by a Glacier-Linked Esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Butcher, Frances E.G.; Arnold, Neil .S.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hagermann, Axel and Storrar, Robert. D. (2019). Eskers associated with mid-latitude glaciers on Mars and their palaeoenvironmental implications. In: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland.

Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel (2019). Morphometries of eskers on Mars: comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage. In: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland.

Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Mc Keown, L. (2019). Quaternary Mars? In: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland.

2018To Top

Conway, Susan J.; Butcher, Frances E. G.; de Haas, Tjalling; Deijns, Axel J.; Grindrod, Peter M. and Davis, Joel M. (2018). Glacial and gully erosion on Mars: A terrestrial perspective. Geomorphology, 318 pp. 26–57.

Balme, Matt; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Rob; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Huber, Ben; Ortner, Thomas; Paar, Gerhard; Traxler, Christoph; Bridges, John; Gupta, Sanjeev and Vago, Jorge L. (2018). Surface-based 3D measurements of small aeolian bedforms on Mars and implications for estimating ExoMars rover traversability hazards. Planetary And Space Science, 153 pp. 39–53.

Butcher, F. E.G; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S; Conway, S. J.; Storrar, R. D.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R. (2018). Evidence for Recent Wet-Based Crater Glaciation in Tempe Terra, Mars. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Butcher, F. E.G; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R; Gallagher, C; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A and Lewis, S. R. (2018). Glacier-Linked Eskers on Mars: Environments of Recent Wet-Based Glaciation From Numerical Models. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Conway, S. J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; de Haas, T.; Deijns, A. A. J. and Grindrod, P. M. (2018). Intense Glacial Erosion Could Have Erased Gullies on Mars. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Conway, S. J.; Butcher, F. E.G.; de Haas, T.; Deijns, A. A. J. and Grindrod, P. M. (2018). Highly erosive glaciers on Mars - the role of water. In: EGU General Assembly 2018, 8-13 Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Balme, Matthew; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Robert; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Huber, Ben; Ortner, Thomas; Paar, Gerhard; Traxler, Christoph; Bridges, John; Gupta, Sanjeev and Vago, Jorge (2018). Surface-based 3D measurements of small aeolian bedforms on Mars. In: EGU General Assembly 2018, 8-13 Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Lasue, Jérémie; Clifford, Stephen M.; Conway, Susan J.; Mangold, Nicolas and Butcher, Frances E. G. (2018). The Hydrology of Mars Including a Potential Cryosphere. In: Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. Volatiles in the Martian Crust. Elsevier, pp. 185–246.

2017To Top

Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R. (2017). Recent basal melting of a mid-latitude glacier on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122(12) pp. 2445–2468.

Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C.; Bridges, J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kybert, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W.; Muller, J.-P.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B. (2017). UK Space Agency “Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation 2016” (MURFI 2016): overview of mission, aims and progress. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, Houston.

Balme, Matthew; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Robert; Huber, Ben; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Gupta, Sanjeev and Paar, Gerhard (2017). Surface-Based 3d measurements of aeolian bedforms on Mars. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria.

de Haas, Tjalling; Conway, Susan; Butcher, Frances; Levy, Joseph; Grindrod, Pete; Goudge, Timothy and Balme, Matthew (2017). Time will tell: temporal evolution of Martian gullies and paleoclimatic implications. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria.

2016To Top

Butcher, F. E.G.; Conway, S. J. and Arnold, N. S. (2016). The Dorsa Argentea, Mars: New Comparisons to a Large Sample of Terrestrial Eskers and Quantitative Tests for Esker-Like Topographic Relationships. In: Sixth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 5-9 Sep 2016, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Sefton-Nash, E.; Bridges, J. C.; Kissick, L.; Butcher, F.; Donnelly, P.; Piercy, J. D.; Vago, J. L.; Loizeau, D.; Lorenzoni, L.; Grindrod, P. M. and Balme, M. (2016). Characterizing Rock Abundance At ExoMars Landing Site Candidates. In: 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 21-25 Mar 2016, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.


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