Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elton Barker

58 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Konstantinidou, Maria; Pavlopoulos, John and Barker, Elton (2024). Exploring intertextuality across the Homeric poems through language models. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages (ML4AL 2024) (Pavlopoulos, John; Sommerschield, Thea; Assael, Yannis; Gordin, Shai; Cho, Kyunghyun; Pasarotti, Marco; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Liu, Yudong; Li, Bin and Anderson, Adam eds.), Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 260–268.

Barker, Elton; Palladino, Chiara and Gordin, Shai (2024). Digital approaches to investigating space and place in Classical Studies. The Classical Review, 74(1) pp. 1–19.

Barker, Elton (2024). The Hero in Homer. In: Allison, Scott; Beggan, James and Goethals, George eds. Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. Cham: Springer, pp. 1–7.

2023To Top

Barker, Elton; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Kiesling, Brady and Foka, Anna (2023). Journeying through Space and Time with Pausanias’s Description of Greece. Literary Geographies, 9(1) pp. 124–160.

Foka, Anna; Barker, Elton; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Mostofian, Nasrin; Kiesling, Brady; Talatas, Linda; Cenk Demiroglu, O. and Palm, Kajsa (2023). A Digital Periegesis: Implementing Spatial Research Infrastructures for Classical History and Archaeology. In: Petrulevich, Alexandra and Skovgaard Boeck, Simon eds. Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies. Collection Development, Cultural Heritage, and Digital Humanities - ARC. Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, pp. 205–223.

2022To Top

Foka, Anna; Demiroglu, Osman Cenk; Barker, Elton; Mostofian, Nasrin; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Kiesling, Brady; Talatas, Linda and Palm, Kajsa (2022). Visualizing Pausanias’s Description of Greece with contemporary GIS. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37(3) pp. 716–724.

Foka, Anna; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Talatas, Linda; Mostofian, Nasrin; Kiesling, John Brady; Barker, Elton; Demiroglu, Cenk O.; Palm, Kajsa; McMeekin, David and Vekselius, Johan (2022). Heritage metadata: a digital Periegesis. In: Koraljka, Golub and Ying-Hsang, Liu eds. Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives. Routledge Research in Arts and Humanities. London: Routledge, pp. 227–242.

2021To Top

Vitale, Valeria; de Soto, Pau; Simon, Rainer; Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif and Kahn, Rebecca (2021). Pelagios – Connecting Histories of Place. Part I: Methods and Tools. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 15(1-2) pp. 5–32.

Kahn, Rebecca; Isaksen, Leif; Barker, Elton; Simon, Rainer; de Soto, Pau and Vitale, Valeria (2021). Pelagios – Connecting Histories of Place. Part II: From Community to Association. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 15(1-2) pp. 85–100.

Foka, Anna; McMeekin, David A.; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Mostofian, Nasrin; Barker, Elton; Demiroglu, O. Cenk; Chiew, Ethan; Kiesling, Brady and Talatas, Linda (2021). Mapping Ancient Heritage Narratives with Digital Tools. In: Champion, E. M. ed. Virtual Heritage: A Guide. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 55–65.

Barker, Elton and Christensen, Joel (2021). An epic Heracles. In: Ogden, Daniel ed. The Oxford Handbook of Heracles. Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 283–300.

Barker, Elton (2021). Geography. In: Baron, Christopher ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. John Wiley & Sons.

Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif and O'Doherty, Marianne (2021). Introduction to the Pelagios special issue. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 15(1-2) pp. 1–4.

2020To Top

Foka, Anna; Barker, Elton; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Mostofian, Nasrin; Demiroglu, O. Cenk; Kiesling, Brady and Talatas, Linda (2020). Semantically geo-annotating an ancient Greek "travel guide" Itineraries, Chronotopes, Networks, and Linked Data. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, ACM.

Barker, Elton; Foka, Anna and Konstantinidou, Kyriaki (2020). Coding for the Many, Transforming Knowledge for All: Annotating Digital Documents. Publications of the Modern Language Association, 135(1) pp. 195–202.

Barker, Elton (2020). What would Indy do? Resisting post-truth through the practice of annotation. In: Roosevelt, Chris ed. Spatial Webs: Mapping Anatolian Pasts for Research and the Public. ANAMEDD: Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations. Istanbul: Koç University Research Centre for Anatolian Civilizations, pp. 5–31.

2019To Top

Barker, Elton; Simon, Rainer; Vitale, Valeria; Kahn, Rebecca and Isaksen, Leif (2019). Revisiting Linking Early Geospatial Documents with Recogito. e-Perimetron, 14(3) pp. 150–163.

2017To Top

Simon, Rainer; Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif and de Soto Cañamares, Pau (2017). Linked Data Annotation Without the Pointy Brackets: Introducing Recogito 2. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections & Archives, 13(1) pp. 111–132.

2016To Top

Barker, Elton (2016). Orestes. In: McClure, Laura K. ed. A Companion to Euripides. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 270–283.

Barker, Elton; Simon, Rainer; Isaksen, Leif and de Soto Cañamares, Pau (2016). The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project. In: Berman, Merrick Lex; Mostern, Ruth and Southall, Humphrey eds. Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 97–109.

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris eds. (2016). New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Barker, Elton; Simon, Rainer; Isaksen, Leif and de Soto Cañamares, Pau (2016). Peripleo: a Tool for Exploring Heterogeneous Data through the Dimensions of Space and Time. Code4Lib, 31

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan and Isaksen, Leif (2016). Introduction: Creating new worlds out of old texts. In: Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris eds. New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–21.

Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif and Ogden, Jessica (2016). Telling stories with maps: digital experiments with Herodotean geography. In: Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris eds. New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 181–224.

Barker, Elton and Bouzarovski, Stefan (2016). Between east and west: movements and transformations in Herodotean topology. In: Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris eds. New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 155–180.

Barker, Elton and Pelling, Chris (2016). Space-Travelling in Herodotus 5. In: Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris eds. New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 225–251.

Simon, Rainer; Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif; de Soto, Pau; Vitale, Valeria and Kahn, Rebecca (2016). Recogito.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Barker, Elton and Christensen, Joel (2014). Even Herakles had to die: Homeric ‘heroism’, mortality and the epic tradition. Trends in Classics, 6(2) pp. 249–277.

Isaksen, Leif; Simon, Rainer; Barker, Elton T. E. and de Soto Cañamares, Pau (2014). Pelagios and the emerging graph of ancient world data. In: WebSci '14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, ACM, pp. 197–201.

Simon, Rainer; Pilgerstorfer, Peter; Isaksen, Leif and Barker, Elton (2014). Towards semi-automatic annotation of toponyms on old maps. e-Perimetron, 9(3) pp. 105–112.

2013To Top

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris (2013). Writing space, living space: time, agency and place relations in Herodotus’s Histories. In: Heirman, Jo and Klooster, Jacqueline eds. The Ideologies of Lived Space in Literary Texts, Ancient and Modern. Ghent: Academia Press, pp. 229–247.

Barker, Elton (2013). All mod cons: power, openness and text in a digital turn. In: Hardwick, Lorna and Harrison, Stephen eds. Classics in the Modern World: A ‘Democratic Turn’? Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 411–426.

Barker, Elton and Christensen, Joel (2013). A Beginner’s Guide to Homer. London: One World.

Barker, Elton; Isaksen, Leif; Rabinowitz, Nick; Bouzarovski, Stefan and Pelling, Chris (2013). On using a digital resources for the study of an ancient text: the case of Herodotus’ Histories. In: Dunn, Stuart and Mahony, Simon eds. The Digital Classicist. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement (122). Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, pp. 45–62.

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Isaksen, Leif and Pelling, Chris (2013). Extracting, investigating and representing geographical concepts in Herodotus: the case of the Black Sea. In: The Bosporus: Gateway between the Ancient West and East (1st Millennium BC–5th Century AD) (Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.; Atasoy, Sümer; Avram, Alexandru; Dönmez, Şevket and Hargrave, James eds.), BAR International Series, Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 7–17.

2012To Top

Isaksen, Leif; Barker, Elton; Kansa, Eric C. and Byrne, Kate (2012). GAP: a neogeo approach to classical resources. Leonardo, 45(1) pp. 82–83.

Simon, Rainer; Barker, Elton and Isaksen, Leif (2012). Exploring Pelagios: a visual browser for geo-tagged datasets. In: International Workshop on Supporting Users' Exploration of Digital Libraries, 23-27 Sep 2012, Paphos, Cyprus.

2011To Top

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Pelling, Chris and Isaksen, Leif (2011). HESTIA (the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Imaging Archive): An Interdisciplinary Project.

Barker, Elton (2011). ‘Possessing an unbridled tongue’: frank speech and speaking back in Euripides’ Orestes. In: Carter, David ed. Why Athens? A Reappraisal of Tragic Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 145–162.

Barker, Elton and Christensen, Joel (2011). On not remembering Tydeus: Diomedes and the contest for Thebes. Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici, 66(1) pp. 9–44.

2010To Top

Barker, Elton; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Pelling, Chris and Isaksen, Leif (2010). Mapping an ancient historian in a digital age: the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Image Archive (HESTIA). Leeds International Classical Studies, 9(2010) article no. 1.

2009To Top

2008To Top

Barker, Elton T. E. and Christensen, Joel P. (2008). Oedipus of many pains: Strategies of contest in Homeric poetry. Leeds International Classical Studies, 7/2008(2) article no. 7.2.

Barker, Elton T. E. (2008). Momos advises Zeus: changing representations of ‘Cypria’ fragment 1. In: Cingano, Ettore and Milano, Lucio eds. Papers on Ancient Literatures: Greece, Rome and the Near East: Proceedings of the “Advanced Seminar in the Humanities”, Venice International University 2004-2005. Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria, pp. 33–73.

2006To Top

Barker, Elton and Christensen, Joel (2006). Flight club: the new Archilochus and its resonance with Homeric epic. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 57(2) pp. 9–41.

2004To Top

Barker, Elton (2004). Between a rock and a safe place: the chorus becoming citizens in Sophocles’ Ajax. In: Sófocles el hombre, Sófocles el poeta: Actas del Congreso Internacional con motivo del XXV Centenario del nacimiento de Sófocles (Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio; Alcalde Martín, Carlos and Caballero, Raúl eds.), Charta Antiqua, Malaga pp. 259–272.


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