Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Liz McFall

30 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 10:07:56 2025 GMT.

2019To Top

Moats, David and McFall, Liz (2019). In Search of a Problem: Mapping Controversies over NHS (England) Patient Data with Digital Tools. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(3) pp. 478–513.

2018To Top

McFall, Liz and Moor, Liz (2018). Who, or what, is insurtech personalizing?: persons, prices and the historical classifications of risk. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 19(2) pp. 193–213.

2017To Top

Umney, Darren; Nelms, Taylor C.; O'Brien, Dave; Muniesa, Fabian; Moor, Liz; McFall, Liz; Cooper, Melinda and Campbell, Peter (2017). On brutal culture. Journal of Cultural Economy, 10(6) pp. 556–568.

McFall, Liz and Deville, Joe (2017). The Market will Have you: The Arts of Market Attachment in a Digital Economy. In: Cochoy, Franck; Deville, Joe and McFall, Liz eds. Markets and the Arts of Attachment. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cochoy, Franck; Deville, Joe and McFall, Liz eds. (2017). Markets and the Arts of Attachment. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. Abingdon: Routledge.

McFall, Liz; Cochoy, Franck and Deville, Joe (2017). Introduction: Markets and the Arts of Attachment. In: Cochoy, Franck; Deville, Joe and McFall, Liz eds. Markets and the Arts of Attachment. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cooper, Melinda and McFall, Liz (2017). Ten years after: it’s the economy and culture, stupid! Journal of Cultural Economy, 10(1) pp. 1–7.

2016To Top

McFall, Liz (2016). What’s in a name? Provident, The People’s Bank and the regulation of brand identity. In: Ertürk, Ismail and Gabor, Daniela eds. The Routledge Companion to Banking Regulation and Reform. Routledge Companions. Routledge, 55 -73.

2014To Top

McFall, Liz and Ossandón, José (2014). What’s new in the ‘new, new economic sociology’ and should Organisation Studies care? In: Adler, Paul; Du Gay, Paul; Morgan, Glen and Reed, Mike eds. Oxford Handbook of Sociology, Social Theory and Organization Studies: Contemporary Currents. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 510–533.

McFall, Liz (2014). What have market devices got to do with public policy? For regulation, market devices and policy instruments collection. In: Halpern, Charlotte; Lascoumes, Pierre and Le Galès, Patrick eds. L'Instrumentation de l'Action Publique: Controverses, Résistances, Effets. Paris: Les Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 119–142.

McFall, Liz (2014). The problem of cultural intermediaries in the economy of qualities. In: Smith Maguire, Jennifer and Matthews, Julian eds. The Cultural Intermediaries Reader. London: Sage, pp. 42–51.

2012To Top

McFall, Liz (2012). Un « bon gars »: l’importance des liens sociaux et des sociabilités dans la promotion de l’assurance-vie. In: Cochoy, Franck ed. Du Lien Marchand comment le marché fait société. Socio-logiques. Toulouse: Presses Universitiares du Mirail.

2011To Top

McFall, Liz (2011). The practical heart of markets. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 68 pp. 149–168.

2010To Top

McFall, Liz (2010). 'The rules of prudence': political liberalism and life assurance in the nineteenth century. In: Clark, Geoffrey; Anderson, Gregory; Thomann, Christian and Graf von der Schulenberg, J.-Mathhias eds. The Appeal of Insurance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 127–151.

McFall, Liz (2010). Advertising: structure, agency or agencement? In: Deuze, Mark ed. Managing Media Work. London: Sage, pp. 191–198.

Cochoy, Franck; Giradeau, Martin and McFall, Liz (2010). Performativity, economics and politics: an overview. Journal of Cultural Economy, 3(2) pp. 139–146.

2009To Top

2008To Top

McFall, Liz; Du Gay, Paul and Carter, Simon eds. (2008). Conduct: Sociology and social worlds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

McFall, Liz (2008). Your money or your life: Making people prudent. In: McFall, Liz; Du Gay, Paul and Carter, Simon eds. Conduct: Sociology and social worlds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 55–86.

2007To Top

McFall, Liz (2007). Which half?: Accounting for ideology in advertising. In: Saren, Michael; Maclaran, Pauline; Goulding, Christina; Elliott, Richard; Shankar, Avi and Caterall, Miriam eds. Critical Marketing: Defining the field. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann/Elsevier, pp. 125–138.

2005To Top

McFall, Liz (2005). The culturalisation of work in the new economy. In: Westenholz, Ann and Jensen, Torben eds. Identity In The Age Of The New Economy: Life In Temporary And Scattered Work Practices. Edward Elgar Publishing.

2004To Top

McFall, Liz (2004). The language of the walls: putting promotional saturation in historical context. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 7(2) pp. 107–128.

McFall, Liz (2004). Advertising: A cultural economy. Culture, Representation, and Identities. UK: Sage Publications.

2002To Top


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