Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elizabeth Daniel
BookTo Top
Ball, Kirstie; Canhoto, Ana; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Spiller, Keith (2015). The Private Security State?: Surveillance, Consumer Data and the War on Terror. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth (2012). Benefits Management: How to Increase the Business Value of Your IT Projects (2nd ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Daniel, Elizabeth; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith (2009). Don't Blame the Tools: The Adoption and Implementation of Managerial Innovations. London, UK: CIMA Publishing.
Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth (2005). Benefits Management: Delivering Value from IS & IT Investments. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh; McDonald, Malcolm and Ward, John (2001). Marketing strategy in the digital age: exploiting e-commerce in your business. Financial Times Management Briefings Series. London, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Wilson, Hugh; Daniel, Elizabeth; McDonald, Malcolm; Ward, John and Sutherland, Frances (2001). Profiting from eCRM: Making the new marketing work. London, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Daniel, Elizabeth (1998). Electronic Banking in Europe. International Business Intelligence Reports. London, UK: The Stationery Office Books.
Book SectionTo Top
Ball, Kirstie; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John
Redondo, E. and Daniel, E.
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, H. N. and Myers, A.
Journal ItemTo Top
Crotty, James and Daniel, Elizabeth
O'Sullivan, Terry; Daniel, Elizabeth and Harris, Fiona
Daniel, Elizabeth and Owen, Robyn
Daniel, Elizabeth; O'Sullivan, Terry and Harris, Fiona
Ball, Kirstie; Canhoto, Ana; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Spiller, Keith
Daniel, Elizabeth; Henley, Andrew and Anwar, Muhammad Naveed
Daniel, Elizabeth; Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Nunan, Daniel
Canhoto, Ana Isabel; Meadows, Maureen; Ball, Kirstie; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally and Spiller, Keith
Daniel, Elizabeth; Hartnett, Elizabeth and Meadows, Maureen
Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Daniel, Elizabeth M.
Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Daniel, Elizabeth
Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Daniel, Elizabeth
Sharma, Seema and Daniel, Elizabeth Mary
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona
Daniel, Elizabeth M.; Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Sharma, Seema
Spiller, Keith; Ball, Kirstie; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Canhoto, Ana
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John
DiDomenico, MariaLaura; Daniel, Elizabeth and Nunan, Daniel
Dibb, Sally; Ball, Kirstie; Canhoto, Ana; Daniel, Elizabeth M.; Meadows, Maureen and Spiller, Keith
Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Franken, Arnoud
Ball, Kirstie; Canhoto, Ana; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Spiller, Keith
Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth
Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth
Wu, Ting; Daniel, Elizabeth; Hinton, Matthew and Quintas, Paul
Sharma, Seema; Daniel, Elizabeth and Gray, Colin
Hartnett, Elizabeth J.; Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Holti, Richard
Daniel, Elizabeth; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith
Ball, Kirstie; Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Stride, Chris
Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Franken, Arnoud
Daniel, Elizabeth; Kodwani, Devendra and Datta, Sanjukta
Redondo, Eduardo; Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John
Ward, John; Daniel, Elizabeth and Peppard, Joe
Wilson, H.; Daniel, E. and Davies, I.
Peppard, Joe; Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth
White, Andrew; Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, H and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, J.M.
White, A.; Daniel, E.M. and Mohdzain, M.
Daniel, Elizabeth M. and White, Andrew
Ward, John; Hemingway, Christopher and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth and Wilson, H.N.
Daniel, Elizabeth; Hoxmeier, J.; White, A. and Smart, A.
White, Helen and Daniel, Elizabeth
White, A.; Daniel, E.M. and Wilkinson, M.
White, A. and Daniel, E.M.
White, A. and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, E.M.; White, A. and Ward, J.M.
Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Wilson, Hugh N.
Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and McDonald, Malcolm
Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Grimshaw, David J.
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and Myers, Andrew
Daniel, Elizabeth and Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, Hugh; Daniel, Elizabeth and McDonald, Malcolm
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and Myers, Andrew
Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth and Tomkin, Neil
Daniel, Elizabeth and Klimis, George M.
Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth and Storey, Chris
Daniel, Elizabeth and Harris, G
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Radu, Simona; Zhu, Xia and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth; Reuschke, Darja; Henley, Andrew and Price, Victoria
Daniel, Elizabeth; Henley, Andrew; Lang, Mark and Reuschke, Darja
Ngoasong, Michael; Kimbu, Albert and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth and Owen, Robyn
Daniel, Elizabeth and Anwar, Muhammad
Daniel, Elizabeth; Anwar, Muhammad and Di Domenico, MariaLaura
Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Daniel, Elizabeth M.
Sharma, Seema and Daniel, Elizabeth M.
Meadows, Maureen; Ball, Kirstie; Daniel, Elizabeth; Dibb, Sally and Spiller, Keith
Ball, Kirstie; Spiller, Keith; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth Mary; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John
White, A. and Daniel, E.M.