Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elizabeth Daniel

87 items in this list.
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Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Daniel, Elizabeth M. (2014). Online home based businesses: systematic literature review and future research agenda. In: UKAIS International Conference on Information Systems (UKAIS 2014), 7-9 Apr 2014, Oxford University.

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Ball, Kirstie; Spiller, Keith; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Daniel, Elizabeth (2010). Making surveillance messy: a conceptual discussion. In: Fourth Biannual Surveillance and Society/SSN Conference, 13-15 Apr 2010, City University, London, UK.

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Daniel, Elizabeth; O'Sullivan, Terry and Harris, Fiona (2022). It’s the REAL Thing: Contested Media Discourse and the UK Sugar Tax. Journal of Communication Management, 26(4) pp. 401–419.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Reuschke, Darja; Henley, Andrew and Price, Victoria (2021). Doing it All: Self-Employed Women and Unpaid Domestic Labour during COVID-19. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 28-29 Oct 2021, Cardiff.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Henley, Andrew; Lang, Mark and Reuschke, Darja (2021). Balancing Precarity and Resilience: The Experience of the Self-Employment During the COVID Pandemic. In: Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 28-29 Oct 2021, Cardiff.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Owen, Robyn (2017). Self-efficacy and attitude to risk in the home-based self-employed: A longitudinal exploration. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, 8-9 Nov 2017, Belfast.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2016). Entrepreneurship and Liminality: The Case of Self-Storage Based Businesses. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 22(3) pp. 436–457.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John (2015). Improving the Business/IT relationship with IT Project Portfolio Management. Cutter IT Journal, January pp. 20–24.

DiDomenico, MariaLaura; Daniel, Elizabeth and Nunan, Daniel (2014). ‘Mental mobility’ in the digital age: entrepreneurs and the online home-based business. New Technology, Work and Employment, 29(3) pp. 266–281.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Anwar, Muhammad (2014). Ethnic entrepreneurs and online home-based businesses. In: Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, 5-6 Nov 2014, Manchester.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Anwar, Muhammad and Di Domenico, MariaLaura (2014). Fixed, Tethered or Free: The Role of Space and Place in Online Home-Based Businesses. In: ESRC Seminar Series: Entrepreneurship in Homes and Neighbourhoods., 16 Sep 2014, Middlesex University London.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Franken, Arnoud (2014). A dynamic capabilities perspective of IS project portfolio management. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23(2) pp. 95–111.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith (2012). Adoption Rationales of New Management Practices. Journal of Business Research, 65(3) pp. 371–380.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Franken, Arnoud (2010). Project portfolio management: balancing risk and performance in turbulent times. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Research Update, 7(2) pp. 1–11.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Kodwani, Devendra and Datta, Sanjukta (2009). The impact of ICT-enabled offshoring announcements on share prices. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 22(3) pp. 241–256.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith (2009). Don't Blame the Tools: The Adoption and Implementation of Managerial Innovations. London, UK: CIMA Publishing.

Daniel, Elizabeth Mary; Myers, Andrew and Dixon, Keith (2008). Adoption of managerial innovations: effect of adoption rationales on the adoption process. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 9-11 Sep 2008, Harrogate, UK.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, J.M. (2006). Integrated service delivery: exploratory case studies of enterprise portal adoption in UK local government. Business Process Management Journal, 12(1) pp. 113–123.

Daniel, Elizabeth M. and White, Andrew (2005). The future of inter-organisational system linkages: findings of an International Delphi Study. European Journal of Information Systems, 14(2) pp. 188–203.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John (2005). Enterprise portals: addressing the organisational and individual perspectives of information systems. In: Bartmann, D.; Rajola, F.; Kallinikos, J.; Avison, D.; Winter, R.; Ein-Dor, P.; Becker, J.; Bodendorf, F. and Weinhardt, C. eds. Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Information Systems. Regensburg, Germany: ECIS Standing Committee.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Wilson, H.N. (2004). Action research in turbulent environments: an example in e-commerce prioritisation. European Journal of Marketing, 38(3/4) pp. 355–377.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Hoxmeier, J.; White, A. and Smart, A. (2004). A framework for the sustainability of e-marketplaces. Business Process Management Journal, 10(3) pp. 277–289.

Daniel, E.M.; White, A. and Ward, J.M. (2004). Exploring the role of third parties in inter-organisational web service adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 17(5) pp. 351–360.

Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Wilson, Hugh N. (2003). The Role of dynamic capabilities in e-business transformation. European Journal of Information Systems, 12(4) pp. 282–296.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John (2003). Enterprise portals: improving service delivery in local government. In: UKAIS Conference 2003, 9-11 Apr 2003, University of Warwick, UK.

Daniel, Elizabeth (2003). An Exploration of the inside-out model: e-commerce integration in UK SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 10(3) pp. 233–249.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and McDonald, Malcolm (2003). Towards a map of marketing information systems: an inductive study. European Journal of Marketing, 37(5/6) pp. 821–847.

Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Grimshaw, David J. (2002). An exploratory comparison of e-commerce adoption in large and small enterprises. Journal of Information Technology, 17(3) pp. 133–147.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and Myers, Andrew (2002). Adoption of e-commerce by SMEs in the UK: Towards a stage model. International Small Business Journal, 20(3) pp. 253–270.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Wilson, Hugh (2002). Adoption intentions and benefits realised: a study of e-commerce in UK SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(4) pp. 331–348.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, H. N. and Myers, A. (2001). An empirical investigation of the adoption of e-commerce by SMEs in the UK. In: Roberts, M.; Moulton, M.; Hand, Steven and Adams, C. eds. Information systems in the digital world: proceedings of the 6th UKAIS Conference. Manchester, UK: Zeus Press.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and Myers, Andrew (2001). Innovation in small and medium sized enterprises: the case of e-commerce adoption in the UK. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 4(1) p. 12.

Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh; McDonald, Malcolm and Ward, John (2001). Marketing strategy in the digital age: exploiting e-commerce in your business. Financial Times Management Briefings Series. London, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Tomkin, Neil (1999). Firm-level benefits of radical innovation. Journal of General Management, 24(4) pp. 38–52.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Klimis, George M. (1999). The impact of electronic commerce on market structure: an evaluation of the electronic market hypothesis. European Management Journal, 17(3) pp. 318–325.

Daniel, Elizabeth (1999). Provision of electronic banking in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(2) pp. 72–83.

Daniel, Elizabeth (1998). Online banking: winning the majority. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 2(3) pp. 259–270.

Daniel, Elizabeth (1998). Electronic Banking in Europe. International Business Intelligence Reports. London, UK: The Stationery Office Books.

Daniel, Elizabeth and Storey, Chris (1997). On-line banking: Strategic and management challenges. Long Range Planning, 30(6) pp. 890–898.

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Ngoasong, Michael; Kimbu, Albert and Daniel, Elizabeth (2018). Collaborative Learning Networks for Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in African Countries. In: Women’s Entrepreneurship and Culture, 31 Jul - 3 Aug, Bangkok, Thailand.

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Redondo, Eduardo; Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John (2009). Combining the rational and relational perspectives of electronic trading. European Journal of Information Systems, 18(1) pp. 79–97.

Redondo, E. and Daniel, E. (2004). The study of business-to-business relationships. In: Hunter, M. G. and Dhanda, K. K. eds. Information Systems: Exploring Applications in Business and Government. Washington, D.C: The Information Institute.

STo Top

Sharma, Seema and Daniel, Elizabeth M. (2013). Isomorphic processes in ERP adoption by Indian medium-sized firms. In: 18th UKAIS Conference on Information Systems, 2013: Social Information systems, 18-20 Mar 2013, Oxford, UK.

WTo Top

Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth (2013). How to deliver more business benefits from IT investments. The European Financial Review pp. 27–30.

Ward, John; Daniel, Elizabeth and Peppard, Joe (2008). Building Better Business Cases for IT Investments. MIS Quarterly Executive, 7(1) pp. 1–15.

Wilson, H.; Daniel, E. and Davies, I. (2008). The diffusion of e-commerce in UK SMEs. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(5-6) pp. 489–516.

White, Andrew; Daniel, Elizabeth; Ward, John and Wilson, Hugh (2007). The adoption of consortium B2B e-marketplaces: An exploratory study. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 16(1) pp. 71–103.

Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth (2005). Benefits Management: Delivering Value from IS & IT Investments. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.

White, A.; Daniel, E.M. and Mohdzain, M. (2005). The role of emergent information technologies and systems in enabling supply chain agility. International Journal of Information Management, 25(5) pp. 396–410.

Ward, John; Hemingway, Christopher and Daniel, Elizabeth (2005). A Framework for addressing the organisational issues of enterprise systems implementation. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 14(2) pp. 97–119.

White, Helen and Daniel, Elizabeth (2004). The future of on-line retailing in the UK: learning from experience. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 22(1) pp. 10–23.

White, A.; Daniel, E.M. and Wilkinson, M. (2004). The impact of e-marketplaces on buyer-supplier relationships: a cross industry perspective of the "move to the middle" hypothesis. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 3(2-4) pp. 127–140.

White, A. and Daniel, E.M. (2004). The impact of e-marketplaces on dyadic buyer-supplier relationships: evidence from the healthcare sector. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 17(6) pp. 441–453.

White, A. and Daniel, Elizabeth (2004). Electronic marketplaces: an empirical study in the UK healthcare sector. International Journal of Electronic Business, 2(6) pp. 603–624.

White, A. and Daniel, E.M. (2003). Electronic marketplace-to-marketplace alliances: emerging trends and strategic rationales. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pp. 248–258.

Wilson, Hugh; Daniel, Elizabeth and McDonald, Malcolm (2002). Factors for success in customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Journal of Marketing Management, 18(1) pp. 193–219.

Wilson, Hugh; Daniel, Elizabeth; McDonald, Malcolm; Ward, John and Sutherland, Frances (2001). Profiting from eCRM: Making the new marketing work. London, UK: Financial Times Prentice Hall.


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